
When do kapok trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kapok is also known as Red Cotton, Hero Tree, Panzhihua, Banzhi Cotton, Panzhi Tree, Panzhihua. The flowers are orange-red, enter the flowering stage after the leaves fall in February-March, blossom in March-April, blossom first and then grow leaves, and bear fruit in summer. Kapok tree has the beauty of masculinity. Kapok

Kapok is also known as Red Cotton, Hero Tree, Panzhihua, Banzhi Cotton, Panzhi Tree, Panzhihua. The flowers are orange-red, enter the flowering stage after the leaves fall in February-March, blossom in March-April, blossom first and then grow leaves, and bear fruit in summer. Kapok tree has the beauty of masculinity. Kapok flowers are large and beautiful, the tree posture is towering, can be planted as garden ornamental trees, street trees.

Since ancient times, the Dai people in Xishuangbanna have made ingenious and full use of kapok: Dai tapestry has been mentioned many times in ancient Chinese books, which is based on the fruit catkins of kapok, called "Tongjin", which is famous in the Central Plains; it is very soft and comfortable to use kapok catkins or fibers as pillows and mattresses; dishes cooked with kapok petals also appear from time to time on the dinner table. In addition, in Dai love songs, young girls often boast their beloved young man as a tall kapok tree.

Before the Yuan Dynasty, the kapok referred to in ancient China was all cotton, and the famous Zen token "kapok cassock" was actually cotton cloth cassock, compiled by Si Nong of the Yuan Dynasty. The first draft was completed in the Collection of Agricultural Mulberry in the decade of the Yuan Dynasty (1273), which detailed cotton planting techniques, in which it was recorded: "since recent years, Ramie has been produced in Henan, and kapok has been planted in Shaanxi right, thriving and thriving, just like the local people. Deep Dutch interest. As a result, the effect of the trial has been tried and the plant has been planted. "

Kapok first appeared as a kapok tree in the Xijing Miscellaneous Records of Gehong in Jin Dynasty: in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhao Tuo, king of Nanyue, paid tribute to the Han emperor. In 1959, Guangzhou Mayor Zhu Guangzhuang wrote 50 pieces of "looking forward to the South of the Yangtze River and Guangzhou is good", including "good Guangzhou, humane kapok male." The fallen leaves blossom and fly with fiery Phoenix, holding up the sky and dancing the dragon. The sentence "March is the spring breeze".

Guangzhou designated kapok as the city flower as early as the 1930s and re-selected it as the city flower in 1982. Because kapok blossoms, it is also called red cotton locally. "Red Cotton Pavilion" can be seen everywhere in Guangzhou. Guangzhou people use bright red flowers to describe the hero's spirit of striving for progress, so the kapok tree is also known as the "hero tree", the kapok tree has become the "hero flower", and the section where the kapok is used as the street tree is called "Hero Road". Even the stands of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium are designed to look like petals and together like a blooming kapok, and the station emblem of the municipal government's website is also kapok. The famous Garden Hotel in Guangzhou, Southern Airlines and South China University of Technology are all marked with kapok.

Panzhihua City is located in the southwest border of Sichuan Province, at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, the urban area is full of tall and straight Panzhihua trees, hence the name of Panzhihua City, and Panzhihua is kapok.