
Does Schisandra really have five flavors? When will it be harvested?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Coincidentally, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, there is indeed a traditional Chinese medicine blindly named after five flavors, which is the Schisandra chinensis we introduce today. Although it is small, but its efficacy can not be underestimated, "Shennong Materia Medica" lists the medicine as top grade!

Coincidentally, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, there is indeed a traditional Chinese medicine blindly named after five flavors, which is the Schisandra chinensis we introduce today. Although it is small, but its efficacy can not be underestimated, "Shennong Materia Medica" lists the medicine as top grade! When is the best time to harvest Schisandra chinensis? The details are as follows.

1. Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis, also known as Schisandra chinensis. It is a perennial deciduous woody vine of Magnoliaceae. Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces are the main producing areas of Schisandra chinensis. In addition, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Shanxi and other provinces and regions also produce Schisandra chinensis. However, Jilin and Liaoning have the best production quality and enjoy the reputation of "Liao five flavors".

The legend of Schisandra chinensis

Once upon a time, in a village at the foot of Changbai Mountain, there was a young man named Kuwa. His parents died when he was young, and he lived by herding cattle and doing chores for a man surnamed Diao. Diao members do not treat the bitter child as a human being at all, and the slightest negligence is a beating. Over the past few years, the bitter baby has been sick and skinny. Diao turned a deaf ear to the bitter child's illness, not only did not treat the bitter child, but also forced him to work every day. The bitter child's physical condition was getting worse and worse. when he thought of his deceased relatives in the dead of night, he could not help crying bitterly and silently asked Guanyin Bodhisattva to bless him.

One day, Diao's illness became more and more serious, and he didn't even have the strength to walk, so he sent someone to throw him on the grass on the edge of the woods. The exhausted and dying child fell into a drowsy sleep. At this time, a magpie flew in from afar and sowed some seeds in its mouth on the grass beside the bitter baby. When the bitter child woke up, she saw a small tree growing around her. The vines of the small trees were connected and luxuriant, and the branches were covered with red and black fruits.

The bitter child was so hungry that she was overjoyed to see the fruit, so she picked a bunch and stuffed it into her mouth. She only felt sweet, sour, bitter, salty and refreshing. After eating, he felt refreshed and relieved, and he didn't feel sick at all. The bitter child's illness was unexpectedly cured by these wild fruits. Because this kind of fruit has five kinds of flavor, the bitter child named it "Schisandra".


Third, the living habits of Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra likes fertile, moist, loose, deep soil layer, rich in humus, good drainage dark brown soil, water-resistant wetlands, drought, poor, limp and sticky soil, therefore, Schisandra chinensis natural plants are mostly distributed on the edge of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, forest glades and cutting sites on both sides of the stream.

It requires moist air and shade tolerance, but in a small environment with good light conditions, it is conducive to the formation of flower buds and a significant increase in the number of female flowers. Therefore, artificial cultivation of Schisandra chinensis should pay attention to the two key factors of air humidity and light at the same time.

Schisandra chinensis is very hardy, can still survive the winter normally in cold areas, and bear fruit normally the following year. Therefore, Schisandra chinensis is suitable for planting in the north.

IV. Application of efficacy

The main functions of Schisandra chinensis are astringent astringency, invigorating qi and promoting fluid, tonifying the kidney and calming the heart. Schisandra chinensis is often used for chronic cough and asthma, dream slippery semen, frequent enuresis, persistent diarrhea, spontaneous sweats, night sweats, fluid injury and thirst, short qi deficiency, internal heat to eliminate thirst, palpitation and insomnia. The ancient medical books call it "Xuan", "Xuanhe" and "Huihe". It was first listed in the top-grade traditional Chinese medicine of Shennong Materia Medica, which can nourish the strong power, has high medicinal value and has the effect of strengthening the body.

5. Reproduction of Schisandra chinensis

1. Seed selection

The seeds of Schisandra chinensis can be selected during the autumn harvest, and the ears with large full grains and uniform size can be reserved for seed, dried and kept separately. When drying, it can be dried in a ventilated and dry place or dried in the shade, and must not be dried by other heating methods with the help of fire.

2. Seed treatment

(1) Outdoor treatment

The selected seeds should be soaked in clean water before winter, until the pulp expands, and then the pulp is removed.

(2) Indoor treatment

It is mixed with sand into a wooden box for the purpose of sand storage treatment. the basic condition is that the temperature is kept between 5 ℃ and 15 ℃, and the seeds can be sown in the next spring.

VI. Field management of Schisandra chinensis

1. Fertilization and irrigation
