
What is the effect of silicon fertilizer on rice? How much is it per mu? What are the precautions?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Silicon is called the fourth nutrient element. with the continuous increase of rice yield, especially in the areas where the soil available silicon content is not rich, the application of silicon fertilizer has been an effective measure for stable and high yield. So what is the effect of silicon fertilizer on rice? How much is it per mu? What do you have?

Silicon is called the fourth nutrient element. with the continuous increase of rice yield, especially in the areas where the soil available silicon content is not rich, the application of silicon fertilizer has been an effective measure for stable and high yield. So what is the effect of silicon fertilizer on rice? How much is it per mu? What are the precautions? Next, let's learn about it together.

What is the effect of silicon fertilizer on rice?

1. Silicon fertilizer can increase rice yield and improve rice quality.

Most of the paddy soils in the north are white serous soil and meadow soil, and the old paddy fields absorb a large amount of silicon from the soil every year, resulting in serious lack of silicon in paddy fields, poor growth of rice, slender and weak stems, and leaves changing from erect type to weeping willow leaves. empty chaff grains, 1000-grain weight decreased, easy to lodge, prone to rice blast, rice stem borer and other diseases and insects.

two。 Silicon fertilizer is beneficial to improve photosynthesis of rice.

After absorbing silicon, rice forms silicified cells, enhances the strength of cell wall, and makes plant mechanical tissue developed, plant type tall and straight, stems and leaves erect. The angle between rice stems and leaves decreased by 25.4 degrees, which was beneficial to ventilation, light transmission and close planting, photosynthesis of rice leaves, and accumulation of organic matter, thus increasing rice yield.

3. Silicon fertilizer can enhance the resistance of rice to diseases and insect pests.

The formation of silicified cells thickens the surface cell wall and increases the quality of the cuticle of rice, thus enhancing the resistance to diseases and insect pests, especially rice blast, rice sheath blight, rice leaf spot and so on.

4. Silicon fertilizer can improve the lodging resistance and oxidation ability of rice roots.

Silicon can enhance the straw strength at the base of the plant, enhance the rigidity of rice ducts, improve the internal ventilation of rice, enhance the oxidation ability of roots, and prevent premature senescence and decay of roots. Developed roots in turn enhance the lodging resistance of rice.

5. Silicon fertilizer can enhance the cold resistance and low temperature resistance of rice.

Silicified cells in rice plants can effectively regulate foliar stomatal opening and closing and water transpiration. After the application of silicon fertilizer, the ability of drought resistance, cold resistance and low temperature resistance of rice was enhanced.

6. Silicon can activate phosphorus in soil and improve the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer in rice.

Silicon can reduce the fixation of phosphate fertilizer in soil, activate phosphorus in soil, and promote the movement of phosphorus in rice, so as to improve the utilization efficiency of phosphate fertilizer and the seed setting rate of rice.

7. Silicon fertilizer has the function of improving soil.

Silicon fertilizer can prevent the pollution and toxicity of heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide and methane. Silicon fertilizer can promote the decomposition of organic fertilizer and inhibit the occurrence of soil diseases and insect pests.

How much is it per mu?

1. The application amount of silicon fertilizer should be determined according to the content of available silicon in soil and the content of water-soluble silicon in silicon fertilizer. The soil with severe silicon deficiency can be applied more appropriately, while the soil with mild silicon deficiency should be applied less. Water-soluble silicon fertilizer with 50-60% available silicon content can be applied 6-10 kg per mu; steel slag silicon fertilizer with 30-40% available silicon content can be applied 30-50 kg per mu; and 50-100 kg per mu can be applied if the available silicon content is less than 30%.

two。 Usage time: used when arranging fields. Topdressing can also be applied, because it is insoluble in water, it will be attached to the soil surface and may be taken away by water when it is released during the rainy season.

What are the points for attention in the application of silicon fertilizer?

1. Must be matched with other fertilizers. Silicon fertilizer can not replace nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, silicon fertilizer scientific application, in order to obtain good results.

two。 Silicon fertilizer cannot be mixed with ammonium bicarbonate or applied at the same time. Silicon fertilizer will volatilize ammonia in ammonium bicarbonate, reduce the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, and cause unnecessary waste.

3. Silicon fertilizer can improve the soil, the price is cheap, it is best to apply it continuously every season.