
Han Changfu: high-quality and safe Development and Revitalizing China's Dairy Industry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu spoke at the D20 Summit of China Dairy Industry on August 18, 2015. It is a great pleasure to attend the D20 Summit of China Dairy Industry. Dairy industry is not only a new industry in China, but also an industry highly concerned by the society. In recent years, China's dairy industry has accelerated its development and has become a modern farmer.


Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu delivered a speech at the D20 Summit of China Dairy Industry on August 18, 2015

It is a great pleasure to attend the China Dairy D20 Summit. Dairy industry is an emerging industry in China, and it is also an industry highly concerned by the society. In recent years, China's dairy industry has accelerated its development and has become one of the most dynamic and fastest growing industries in the development of modern agriculture and food industry.

First, production capacity has jumped to a new level. At present, China's dairy cattle stock has reached 14 million, milk production is stable at 35 million-38 million tons, ranking third in the world, per capita milk possession from less than 1 kg in 1978 to 33.8 kg in 2014. Now dairy products on the market are complete in variety and sufficient in supply, and have become people's daily consumer goods.

Second, new changes have been made in production methods. In 2014, the proportion of large-scale breeding of more than 100 dairy cows nationwide reached 45%, the mechanized milking rate reached 90%, 25 and 39 percentage points higher than that in 2008 respectively, and the annual output of high-yield dairy cows of more than 9 tons exceeded 1.3 million, thus reversing the situation of "small, scattered and low" breeding. The integrated operation of planting, breeding and processing has been accelerated. There are 13,000 dairy farmers 'professional cooperatives nationwide, and the proportion of self-built and joint-stock milk source bases of dairy enterprises exceeds 20%. Yili, Mengniu, Guangming and other enterprises took the lead in "going out" and began to lay out milk source bases in Oceania, Europe and America.

Third, quality and safety have been improved. The Ministry of Agriculture has implemented the fresh milk quality monitoring plan for 7 consecutive years. The qualified rate of melamine and other prohibited additives has been maintained at 100%. The milk protein and milk fat content of fresh milk in large-scale pastures are significantly higher than the national standards. In recent years, many dairy products of many dairy enterprises in China have won awards in international dairy product quality evaluation or passed the certification of international authoritative organizations. This fully demonstrates that we are fully capable of producing safe and high-quality dairy products.

Fourth, new progress has been made in the construction of laws and regulations. The State Council and relevant ministries and commissions have promulgated and implemented more than 20 rules and regulations, including the Outline of the Dairy Industry Rectification and Revitalization Plan and the Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Dairy Quality Safety, promulgated 66 new dairy quality standards, including the National Standard for Raw Milk, and issued six major policies, including the promotion of standardized scale dairy cattle breeding and the revitalization of dairy alfalfa development, initially establishing a policy system covering fodder, improved varieties and pasture construction.

While seeing the achievements in the development of China's dairy industry, we should also clearly realize that the current development of dairy industry is also facing many difficulties and challenges. The product quality of individual dairy enterprises is not high, consumers 'confidence in domestic dairy products is still insufficient, the price inversion of dairy products at home and abroad leads to increased import impact, and the constraints on resources and environment are tightening, etc. To overcome these difficulties and challenges, we must hold high the banner of "high-quality and safe development". We should not only have pressure, but also have responsibility. We are determined to raise the flag and shine the sword, revitalize China's dairy industry and rebuild the confidence of the Chinese people.

China's dairy industry must take the road of high-quality and safe development, adhere to the principle of production development on one hand, quality and safety supervision on the other hand, quality first and safety first. We should strengthen variety improvement, quality improvement and brand creation, promote scale, intensification, standardization and industrialization, and build an integrated development model for planting and breeding. Focusing on the development of modern dairy industry, we will focus on building five systems:

First, speed up the construction of a modern dairy quality supervision system. Quality is the lifeline of dairy industry. Adhere to the principle of "paying equal attention to production and management, giving priority to enterprises and linking departments", implement the first responsibility of dairy enterprises, and ensure that every drop of milk on the market is safe and assured. At the same time, the agricultural department will strengthen cooperation with food and medicine, industry and information technology, quality inspection and other departments, seamless connection, joint management, to form a strong joint force to ensure the quality and safety of dairy products.

Second, speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry system. Strengthen planning guidance, optimize production layout, stabilize main production areas in the north, develop emerging production areas in the south, and promote rational distribution and coordinated development of milk sources and processing. Optimize and adjust the structure of dairy products, stabilize the production of high-temperature milk, vigorously develop local advantageous products such as pasteurized milk and yogurt, and develop high-value-added products such as cheese. Constantly innovate circulation methods and actively develop new marketing models such as "Internet +" to meet the convenient and fast consumption needs of dairy products.

Third, speed up the construction of a modern dairy production system. Actively promote improved varieties of dairy animals, high-quality forage grass, breeding facilities and standardized production, deeply implement the dairy cattle genetic improvement plan, continue to carry out the action of revitalizing the development of alfalfa in dairy industry, vigorously promote the production of silage corn and the pilot of grain-to-feed conversion, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of breeding communities. By 2020, the national output of high-quality alfalfa will reach 3 million tons, the number of high-yield dairy cows will exceed 3 million, and the proportion of large-scale breeding of more than 100 dairy cows will exceed 60%.

Fourth, speed up the construction of modern dairy management system. Vigorously improve the degree of organization of dairy industry, support the joint development of large-scale pastures, family pastures and dairy farmers 'cooperatives, encourage dairy enterprises to build their own, participate in shares, purchase, entrust pastures and breeding communities, and improve the interest linkage mechanism between dairy enterprises and dairy farmers from the aspects of raw milk pricing, profit sharing of production, addition and marketing, risk sharing, etc.

Fifth, speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry support and protection system. We will further improve dairy support policies, increase financial, financial and insurance support, and strive to cultivate large enterprises and brands. We will improve the early warning mechanism for production and consumption to prevent sharp fluctuations in production and prices. Widely carry out the popularization of "drinking milk is good for health", implement the liquid milk labeling system, and create a fair and orderly market environment.

Dairy enterprises are the cells for the development of dairy industry, the promoters and practitioners of the high-quality and safe development of dairy industry, especially the top 20 Chinese dairy enterprises participating in the summit, and the pacesetter and leader in driving the high-quality and safe development of dairy industry. The signing of the Beijing Declaration by these 20 enterprises is an important measure to strengthen industry self-discipline and a solemn commitment to revitalizing China's dairy industry. We are glad to see that enterprises have such ambition and responsibility. Taking this opportunity, three hopes are put forward for dairy enterprises:

First, we should resolutely ensure quality and safety and enhance competitiveness. Dairy enterprises should take ensuring the quality and safety of dairy products as the top priority for their survival, produce strictly according to standards, strengthen quality control, improve the level of enterprise management, produce high-quality safety products, and actively create first-class brands. to form a new comprehensive competitive advantage with technology, brand, quality and service as the core.

The second is to strengthen industry self-discipline and establish a harmonious dairy industry. Practice the industry development concept of "cooperation, harmony and win-win results", strengthen the construction of the industry self-discipline mechanism, further improve the industry rules and regulations, and strive to implement the joint declaration issued at this summit into concrete actions. consciously accept the supervision of the government, society and consumers.

Third, dare to assume social responsibility and lead the development of the industry. Practice the social responsibility of the service industry and repay consumers, improve the interest linkage mechanism, and drive dairy farmers to increase their income and become rich together. In particular, in view of the fact that it is difficult to sell milk in some places at present, it is hoped that dairy enterprises will guarantee their acquisitions in accordance with the contract, treat dairy farmers kindly, and that there will be no more incidents of enterprises refusing to accept fresh milk and dairy farmers pouring milk to kill cattle.

People gather firewood, the fire is high, unite to forge ahead with the prosperity of the dairy industry. Let us join hands to forge a consensus, strengthen confidence, forge ahead, promote the quality and safe development of the dairy industry, and make new and greater contributions to the revitalization of China's dairy industry.

This is the speech made by Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu at the D20 summit of China's dairy industry on August 18, 2015. )

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