
When do "southern fruit" litchi usually mature and go on the market? How to keep it fresh? Will it catch fire if you eat more?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Litchi disease-free family, litchi is an evergreen tree, together with banana, pineapple, longan known as the four major fruits in the south. So when does it usually mature and go on sale? How to keep it fresh? Will it catch fire if you eat more? It is reported that under normal circumstances, there are many varieties of litchi.

Litchi disease-free family, litchi is an evergreen tree, together with bananas, pineapples, longan known as the "four major fruits in the south". So when does it usually mature and go on sale? How to keep it fresh? Will it catch fire if you eat more? It is reported that, in general, there are many varieties of litchi, and the maturity time of different varieties of litchi is also different. Litchi will mature in March at the earliest and in July at the latest. So if you want to eat fresh lychees on the market, you have to look at them carefully.

Litchi maturity time on the market

1. March Red is named because it matures in the late March of the lunar calendar. It belongs to the earliest mature species. Mainly produces Xinhui in Guangdong, Zhongshan, Zengcheng, Lingshan in Guangxi and other counties.

2. Yuanzhi, also known as Shuidong or Shuidong black leaves. Distributed in the suburbs of Guangzhou and counties in the Pearl River Delta, mature in late May or early June.

3. Black leaves, maturing in mid-June. It is more resistant to storage.

4. Huaizhi is the most widely cultivated and most productive variety in Guangdong. Mature in the first ten days of July.

5. Guiwei is the best produced in the suburbs of Guangzhou and Lingshan County, Guangxi. Mature in the first ten days of July.

6. Nuomihu, mainly produces Luogang District on the outskirts of Guangzhou and Xintang Town of Zengcheng City, followed by Conghua, Dongfan and other counties. Mature in the first ten days of July.

7. Yuanhong, mainly produces Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Mature in mid-July.

8. Orchid bamboo, mainly produces Fujian Longhai, Nanjing, Zhangzhou and other counties and cities. Mature in mid-July.

9. Hang green, which is the treasure of litchi in Zengcheng, Guangdong, and matures from late June to early July.

Chen Zi is the most famous around Putian and Xianyou. Mature in late July.

How to keep litchi fresh?

1. Cut off the excessively long litchi stalks, then put the litchi into a plastic bag, fasten the mouth of the bag and place it in a cool place. If there are conditions, the plastic bags containing litchi can be immersed in water. In this way, the color, aroma and taste of litchi remain unchanged after a few days. It should be noted that when buying litchi, fresh ones should be selected to facilitate long-term preservation.

2. Pick out the litchi that you haven't eaten that day, throw away the bad ones, cut off the remaining healthy lychee branches, and leave only a small stalk. Don't pack too many lychees. 20-30 lychees will be OK. Of course, it would be better to add some fresh litchi leaves. After the newspaper is wrapped, put a plastic bag and put it into the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator (the layer where we usually put vegetables), and we are done. But remember to check the package in 2-3 days to make sure there are no broken lychees and keep the newspaper dry. This method can keep litchi fresh for about 10 days, which is very effective.

3. Heating and exhausting method is also a good preservation method. First of all, put the pulp into the jar, add sugar water, then put into the exhaust box for heating and exhaust, then seal the jar, and then boil in boiling water, cool to form canned syrup lychees. Bacteria cannot survive because of high temperature treatment. It provides a new method for litchi fresh-keeping.

4. Soak the fresh litchi in 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for about 2 minutes, pick up and drain the water to dry, put it into a carton and store it in a ventilated and dry place, which can be kept fresh for 7 days and 10 days.

5. Soak the fresh litchi in boiling water for a few seconds, then pick it up and soak it in 5% citric acid and 2% sodium chloride solution for about 2 minutes, pick up and drain the water, and store it in the freezer. It can also be protected from decay for 2 to 3 weeks.

6. pick the ripe litchi with the branches and leaves, remove the diseased fruit and small fruit, put it into a clean ceramic pot, and then take the right amount of litchi honey (honey made from litchi flowers collected by bees during the litchi flowering season. Litchi honey is sold in places rich in litchi in the south) after boiling and cooling, add it to the ceramic pot (it is suitable to immerse the litchi), finally cover it, and seal the jar with wax. Stored in a ventilated and dry place, it can be kept fresh until next year New Year's Day. During the Spring Festival, as a treat, litchi is still sweet and delicious.

Will it catch fire if you eat more litchi?

Litchi can be used as a food therapy to nourish the body. For people with weak heart and weak lungs, eating litchi has the effect of strengthening the heart and strengthening the lungs. In general, people with insufficient body temperature and anemia might as well use it as a nourishing tonic.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, litchi is sweet and warm, which has the effect of tonifying qi and nourishing essence, dispelling cold and running qi. People with Yin deficiency, especially those with chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, eating more litchi will aggravate the "deficiency fire", so if you eat too much litchi, you will get angry!

So, although litchi is delicious, don't covet too much! Be sure to pay attention to:

1. Eat the right amount of lychees and don't be gluttonous; it is best not to eat more than 10 lychees at a time

2. Remember not to eat lychees on an empty stomach. The best time to eat lychees is within half an hour after meals.

3. People with diabetes, people who are allergic to litchi and people with yin deficiency and fire should fast or eat litchi carefully.

4. People with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and constipation should try not to eat fresh litchi.

5. If you have a cold, sores, acne or acute inflammation, remember not to eat litchi.