
The full text of the "Technical guidance on Prevention and Control of Wheat Autumn sowing Diseases and insect pests" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technical guidance on prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of wheat sown in autumn can effectively reduce the number of diseases and insect pests and delay the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. The planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, organized relevant experts for this autumn.

Technical guidance on Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Wheat sown in Autumn

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in wheat seedling stage can effectively reduce the number of diseases and insect pests and delay the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. The planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, in conjunction with the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, organized relevant experts to sum up the experience in the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage in recent years in view of the trend of climate change this autumn, and formulated guidelines for the prevention and control of wheat autumn sowing diseases and insect pests this year.

I. overall requirements

Adhere to the principles of prevention first, comprehensive management, classified guidance, regional policy, saving cost and increasing efficiency, carry out in-depth action of zero growth in pesticide use, move forward the prevention and control gate, on the basis of rational distribution of disease-resistant varieties and optimization of agricultural prevention and control measures, focus on seed dressing or seed coating of wheat sowing in autumn to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of soil-borne and seed-borne diseases and pests such as sheath blight, cyst nematode and smut. Depress the occurrence base of migratory and epidemic diseases and insect pests such as wheat aphid, stripe rust and scab, delay and reduce the damage degree of wheat diseases and insect pests at seedling stage, and lay a good foundation for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the whole growth period of wheat.

II. Regional priorities

According to the characteristics of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in recent years, the key diseases and insect pests to be prevented and controlled should be determined in each wheat producing area. The main diseases in Huang-Huai-Hai wheat region are sheath blight, root rot, total erosion, smut, cyst nematode, yellow mosaic virus, underground pests and weeds, as well as seedling rust, powdery mildew, aphids and gray planthopper. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, sheath blight, smut and aphids, gray planthopper, powdery mildew and underground pests are also controlled. The southwest wheat region is mainly wheat stripe rust, taking into account the control of powdery mildew, wheat aphids, wheat spiders and underground pests, while in the northwest wheat region, wheat stripe rust, powdery mildew, fishy smut and underground pests are the main control targets. Xinjiang wheat area should pay attention to the prevention and control of snow rot leaf blight and so on.

III. Prevention and control technology

(1) to select resistant (tolerant) varieties. Mianmai 168, Mianmai 37, Mianmai 39, Mianmai 41, Mianmai 43, Mianmai 45, Chuanmai 42, Chuannong 18, Xikemai 2, Emai 18, Yunmai 2, Qianmai 15, Zhoumai 17 and Wanmai 53 can be selected in the southwest wheat region. Zhoumai 17, Yumai 34, Yumai 49, Yumai 69, Xinmai 19, Xinnong 979, Xiaoyan 6 and other rust-resistant varieties can be selected in the southern Huang-Huai wheat region. Xinong 9710, Xinong 668, Shanken 6, Tianxuan 54, Tianxuan 57, Tianxuan 58, Zhongliang 32, Zhongliang 34, Zhongliang 35, Ningchun 4, Ningchun 15, Ningchun 16, Yinong 18, Yinong 61 and Xinmai 2 can be selected in northwest wheat region. In the perennial winter and summer areas of stripe rust in southwest, southern Huang-Huai and northwest, high-quality, disease-resistant and high-yield varieties should be selected according to local conditions. In the frequent occurrence areas of scab in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jianghuai and the south of Huang-Huai, high-yield and high-quality varieties with certain resistance (tolerance) should be selected to avoid blind cross-regional introduction of high-yield and susceptible varieties. In the recurrent area of Huanghuai cyst nematode, varieties such as Taikong 6, Zhongyu 6 and Xinmai 11 can be selected, and Xinmai 208, Yumai 70-36, Panmai 5, Yumai 70 and Zhengmai 366 can be selected in the occurrence area of wheat yellow mosaic disease.

(2) strengthen agricultural control measures. Implement agronomic measures such as fine soil preparation, appropriate sowing at the right time, suppression after sowing and timely irrigation, and strive to sow whole seedlings and strengthen seedlings so as to enhance plant resistance to diseases and insect pests. In the areas with frequent occurrence of scab in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jianghuai and the south of Huang-Huai, straw crushing and deep turning back to the field should be carried out to avoid corn, rice and other crops straw exposed on the soil surface as far as possible, so as to reduce the pressure of prevention and control at heading and flowering stage. in the over-summer area of stripe rust in northwest China, before sowing or before sowing, herbicides should be manually eradicated or sprayed to remove authigenic wheat seedlings and weeds on the edge of the ground, so as to reduce the probability of infection of autumn seedlings. In the overwintering areas of stripe rust, such as southwest and southern Huang-Huai, late sowing should be carried out in order to shorten the infection time in autumn and reduce the source of initial infection bacteria; in the areas with heavy incidence of sheath blight, such as Jianghuai and Huang-Huai, early sowing should be avoided and sowing amount should be appropriately reduced. timely removal of field weeds and timely drainage after rain. In the reoccurrence area of Huang-Huai cyst nematode, we should focus on popularizing the two suppression measures after sowing and autumn seedling stage.

(3) vigorously popularize seed dressing with autumn sowing chemicals. In the areas where soil-borne diseases occur again, tebuconazole, difenoconazole, trimethoprim, trimethoprim, trimethoprim and trimethoprim are used to control root rot, sheath blight and total erosion, as well as seedling smut. In the reoccurrence area of underground pests, seed dressing with phoxim, chlorpyrifos or imidacloprid suspension seed coating agent was used to control underground pests such as golden needles, grubs, mole crickets, cyst nematodes, seedling aphids, wheat spiders and so on. In the summer and winter areas of stripe rust, triadimefon and tebuconazole were applied to coat or mix seeds to prevent stripe rust and powdery mildew in seedling stage and to treat smut in the later stage. The total erosion disease area was coated with difenoconazole suspension seed coating agent and silothiazide (total erosion net) suspension. In addition, in the mixed occurrence area of many kinds of diseases and pests, according to the main local diseases and insect pests, the corresponding fungicides and insecticides can be used for coating or seed dressing, and the effective components of each single agent in the compound should be about the same as when used alone.

IV. Prevention and control measures

(1) early deployment arrangements. All winter wheat areas should fully understand the role and significance of doing a good job in the prevention and control of wheat autumn sowing diseases and insect pests, make arrangements for the prevention and control of wheat autumn sowing diseases and insect pests as soon as possible, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, increase policy support, scientifically formulate plans, and refine work measures. to achieve unified mobilization, unified organization, unified implementation, to ensure that all work is carried out in a strong and orderly manner.

(2) accurate guidance service. Agricultural departments at all levels should organize experts to formulate technical plans, comprehensively analyze the occurrence of local soil-borne, seed-borne and seedling-borne diseases and pests, determine the key prevention and control objects of wheat during the sowing period, and do a good job in the adjustment of chemicals, seed mixing equipment, and prevention and control machinery to guide farmers in scientific prevention and control. During the critical period of autumn sowing of winter wheat, we will send capable forces to go deep into the production line, take the form of squatting, packing slices, entering the village and entering the home, and carry out technical training and guidance services "face-to-face" and "hand in hand" to ensure that the technical measures of prevention and control are implemented in the field.

(3) promoting the rule of unified defense. All localities should give full play to the positive role of specialized crop pest control service organizations, vigorously promote the "five-unified" prevention and control of unified organization mobilization, unified technical plan, unified chemical supply, unified pesticide application time, and unified prevention and control actions. effectively improve the degree of organization of prevention and control, and comprehensively improve the effect, efficiency and efficiency of prevention and control.

(4) strengthen propaganda and guidance. Make full use of the publicity media such as television, radio, newspapers and periodicals to vigorously publicize the significance and effect of seed dressing for wheat autumn sowing to prevent and control diseases and insect pests, popularize prevention and control techniques, sum up and publicize good experiences, good practices, and good models, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, the progress of autumn sowing and the submission of information related to seed dressing should be strengthened to promote the smooth development of wheat pest control in autumn and winter.