
How to strengthen the Agricultural "National team"

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, In the new period, the cause of land reclamation can only be strengthened, not weakened. Land reclamation was established to undertake the national mission under specific historical conditions. In essence, land reclamation is based on state-owned land and agricultural production and management, which is economical, social and regional.

Land reclamation in the new period can only be strengthened, not weakened

"Land reclamation is established under specific historical conditions to undertake the national mission. In essence, agricultural reclamation is a state-owned enterprise based on state-owned land, mainly agricultural production and management, with economic, social and regional characteristics as one. After more than 60 years of hard work and hard work, agricultural reclamation has made great contributions to ensuring national food security, supporting national construction and maintaining border stability." Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said.

According to introduction, at present, the cultivated land area is nearly 100 million mu, the total grain output is 72 billion jin, and the commodity rate is as high as 90%. The output of natural rubber, cotton, milk and sugar respectively accounts for 45.9%, 27.3%, 11.6% and 6.3% of the country. Agricultural reclamation has a high degree of scale, marketization and organization, which is a reliable guarantee for national food security and the supply of important agricultural products. It is estimated that the per capita cultivated land of agricultural cultivation employees in China is about 2 hectares, far higher than the average level in rural areas. In recent years, large-scale agricultural enterprise groups have risen rapidly in competition, and there have been 3 reclamation groups with annual total operating income exceeding 100 billion yuan.

"Despite the remarkable achievements, there are still some problems such as inflexible management mechanism, heavy social burden, imperfect policy system and difficulties in production and operation of some state-owned farms. It is necessary to carry out top-level design for the reform and development of agricultural reclamation from the central level." Han Changfu said that after years of reform and development, as the backbone and representative of the state-owned agricultural economy, agricultural reclamation has already had the foundation and conditions to undertake more important historical missions.

Han Changfu said that the success or failure of the agricultural reclamation reform is not only related to the success or failure of the reform of state-owned agricultural enterprises, but also to the national food security and the development of modern agriculture. It is also related to whether we can build a force to compete with international multinational companies and gain competitive advantages. It is also related to whether we can grasp the initiative in the development of China's agricultural and rural economy and consolidate the ruling foundation of the Party. It can be said that agricultural reclamation has a special position and an important role in the overall situation of China's agricultural modernization and economic and social development. Its position is indispensable and its role cannot be replaced. In the new period, agricultural reclamation can only be strengthened and cannot be weakened.

Land reclamation reform has the dual characteristics of state-owned enterprises and agricultural and rural reform

Agricultural reclamation has its particularity. Han Changfu said that agricultural reclamation reform has the dual characteristics of state-owned enterprises and agricultural and rural reform. It must be steadily promoted in accordance with the principles of overall consideration, treatment of both symptoms and root causes, linkage between upper and lower levels, and combination of points and areas. Specifically, it is to "adhere to one direction, grasp two key points, hold three bottom lines, and define four orientations."

Adhering to one direction means adhering to the direction of socialist market economy reform, innovating system and mechanism, promoting more efficient, fairer and sustainable development of agricultural reclamation economy, and building agricultural reclamation into a modern agricultural enterprise group with international competitiveness through reform.

Grasping the two key points is to focus on ensuring national food security and effective supply of important agricultural products in development, and to promote the reform of farm enterprises and reclamation areas as the main line in reform.

To keep the three bottom lines is to always adhere to agriculture-oriented, strive to develop moderate scale operation, ensure the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned capital, enlarge the function of state-owned capital, strictly prevent the loss of state-owned resources and assets, and never change the state-owned economy, weaken agriculture or reduce the scale.

To clarify the four orientations is to strive to build agricultural reclamation into a national team to ensure national food security and effective supply of important agricultural products, a demonstration area for new agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, a pacesetter for agricultural foreign cooperation, and a stabilizer for stabilizing borders and strengthening Xinjiang.

The path of agricultural reclamation reform is determined. Collectivization of reclamation areas and industrialization of farms are the main directions.

Han Changfu introduced that the Opinions comprehensively expounded the ideas, principles, objectives and measures of the agricultural reclamation reform, mainly systematically deployed the agricultural reclamation reform from seven aspects such as the collectivization reform of reclamation areas, focusing on answering major questions such as how to reform reclamation areas, how to reform farms, and how to deal with personnel, assets and land management systems and mechanisms.

The Opinions clearly point out that collectivization is the leading direction of reclamation area reform. It is necessary to promote reclamation area innovation management system and mechanism, gradually establish parent-subsidiary company management system linked by capital, and build large-scale modern agricultural enterprise groups.

"We will make every effort to promote the reform of farm enterprises and strive to build modern agricultural enterprise groups. This reform path not only conforms to the actual situation of reclamation area development, but also is a strategic choice considering the international and domestic situation." Han Changfu said,"At present, there is an urgent need to strengthen the agglomeration and integration of superior resources through the collectivization of reclamation areas and the reform of farm enterprises, and build a group of modern agricultural enterprise groups with market competitiveness, industrial control and social influence around agricultural strategic industries."

Promoting the effective allocation of resource elements is also an important part of this agricultural reclamation reform. "Promoting the reorganization of resource elements is the key to improving the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of agricultural reclamation. Land reclamation must unswervingly promote market-oriented reform and promote the rational allocation and efficient use of personnel, assets, land and other resource elements." Han Changfu said.

According to introduction, according to the "Opinions," agricultural reclamation will build a new labor employment system, at the same time promote the establishment of a modern enterprise system, establish a state-owned assets supervision system that conforms to the characteristics of agricultural reclamation and focuses on capital management, build a whole agricultural industrial chain with capital as the link, steadily carry out pilot reform of mixed ownership of agricultural reclamation enterprises, and increase the financing strength of enterprises listed on the market.

It is proposed to steadily promote the capitalization and capitalization of land resources for land reclamation, which is a bright spot of the "opinion". Land is the most important means of production for land reclamation, but the assets and capital value of land reclamation resources have not been fully realized. To promote the reform and development of land reclamation, we must make a fuss on the land, manage, protect and make good use of the state-owned land for land reclamation. The "opinion" clearly stipulates that the wholly state-owned enterprises, wholly state-owned companies and other agricultural reclamation enterprises authorized by the governments at or above the provincial level to operate state-owned assets may, upon approval, be disposed of in the form of capital contribution (shareholding) and authorized operation. At the same time, the "opinion" proposes to carry out pilot projects of mortgage and guarantee of the right to the use of state-owned agricultural land for land reclamation in an orderly manner. This is one of the highlights of land reclamation reform and innovation.

Innovate the operation of state-owned capital and the investment mode of financial funds

There are many problems and heavy burdens left over from the history of land reclamation. What key policies have been issued in this document to support and promote the reform and development of land reclamation?

Han Changfu said that promoting the reform and development of land reclamation is a complex systematic project, the task is heavy and difficult, and relying solely on the strength of the land reclamation department is far from enough. The "opinion" makes it clear that when formulating plans for economic and social development, urban and rural planning, overall land use planning, new urbanization development planning, and public service system in accordance with the law, all localities should include land reclamation and organize and implement it at the same time. In accordance with the management system of land reclamation and the needs of reform and development, finance at all levels should steadily increase capital investment and fully bring land reclamation into the coverage of the national policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and improving people's livelihood. Han Changfu explained that land reclamation is a special enterprise, and not only the policies that support the reform of state-owned enterprises are applicable to agricultural reclamation, but also various policies that benefit farmers and people's livelihood should also cover them.

In addition, the "opinion" also proposes to innovate the operation of state-owned capital and the investment of financial funds. According to the spirit of the opinions and the guiding opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the Reform of State-owned Enterprises, land reclamation state-owned enterprises should further promote the reform of mixed ownership and carry out pilot projects to reorganize and set up state-owned capital investment and operation companies. we will promote the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets, enlarge the function of state-owned capital, and improve the operational efficiency and efficiency of state-owned capital. Take financial funds as the forerunner to set up an equity fund for the development of China's land reclamation industry, guide social capital to invest in the construction of reclamation areas, form a multi-channel investment mechanism based on government investment, and strive to improve the effect of financial investment and the operational efficiency of capital allocation.