
When does bitter chrysanthemum usually come on the market? What can't you eat with? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bitter chrysanthemum is a more common vegetable food in life, proper consumption can bring a lot of benefits to the human body, which season does bitter chrysanthemum generally appear on the market? What can't you eat with? How do you cook it? Bitter chrysanthemum is a kind of chrysanthemum distributed in southern Europe and Nanjing, China.

Bitter chrysanthemum is a more common vegetable food in life, proper consumption can bring a lot of benefits to the human body, which season does bitter chrysanthemum generally appear on the market? What can't you eat with? How do you cook it? Bitter chrysanthemum is a kind of annual or biennial herb of Compositae and chicory distributed in southern Europe and Nanjing, China. It likes cool climate, has flowering stems and edible young leaves in early summer, so it can eat bitter chrysanthemum in summer.

Bitter chrysanthemum taste slightly bitter, the color is green, can be fried or cold, is a good food to clear heat and fire, but also has antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, eyesight and other functions. Because it has the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, it has been widely praised.

Growing environment of bitter chrysanthemum

Bitter chrysanthemum is a mesophytic positive plant, born on hillsides or valleys on forest margins, under forests or flat fields, open places or near water, at an altitude of 170m to 3200 m. Several times around the world. Like water, be fond of fertilizer, do not bear drought. Like wet, fertile and loose soil, it can grow from sandy soil to clay and PH4.5-8.9, but it grows best on slightly acidic to neutral sandy heap soil. It is difficult to adapt to the environment such as drought, soil consolidation and barren, dense native grass or woodland with a degree of depression greater than 0.4. Kuding vegetables are more resistant to cold. In the temperate zone, the seedlings with well-developed roots can grow in autumn, and the underground part of the seedlings can survive the winter smoothly; in the south of the subtropics, the seedlings can survive the winter with green leaves. The seedlings can grow slowly when the temperature reaches 5 ℃, and the seedlings can remain green even if they encounter a short-term low temperature of-10 ℃, while in the south of the subtropics, they can still grow and even blossom and bear fruit in winter.

Bitter chrysanthemum can't eat with anything.

(1) Onion

Bitter chrysanthemum is not suitable to eat together with onions, a large number of consumption will affect the absorption of various nutrients in food, serious cases may also lead to indigestion, diarrhea and so on.

(2) Honey

Bitter chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin C, which will be destroyed after the reaction between bitter chrysanthemum and copper and iron ions in honey. at the same time, honey has a laxative effect, and there is a lot of dietary fiber in bitter chrysanthemum. if the two are eaten seriously together, diarrhea may occur.

(3) White shrimp

Bitter chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin C, while white shrimp contains a lot of arsenic, a large number of eating two kinds of food will have a chemical reaction to produce arsenic pentoxide, seriously leading to arsenic poisoning. Therefore, bitter chrysanthemum can not be eaten with white shrimp, bitter wine had better not be eaten with seafood.

What do you eat with bitter chrysanthemum?

(1) bitter chrysanthemum + jellyfish skin

The salad can also dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, clear heat and resolve phlegm, and is good for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

(2) bitter chrysanthemum + peanut

Peanuts contain oil and special aroma. The combination of bitter chrysanthemum and peanuts can synthesize peanut oil, enhance the aroma of cold dishes, improve appetite, resolve phlegm and moisten the lungs, clear heat and detoxification, cool blood and stop bleeding.

Who is not suitable for eating bitter chrysanthemum?

Because of bitter chrysanthemum cold, people with weak spleen and stomach had better not eat, so as not to aggravate the body deficiency cold; bitter chrysanthemum can promote digestion and defecation, diarrhea people are not suitable to eat to avoid aggravation of diarrhea symptoms, patients with high blood viscosity can not eat bitter chrysanthemum.

How much bitter chrysanthemum should be eaten every day?

Bitter chrysanthemum although high nutritional value, but also should not eat more, the average normal person eats 80-100 grams at a time. Eating more bitter chrysanthemum may lead to deficiency of spleen and stomach, affecting health; bitter chrysanthemum eat more cold salad, without high-temperature sterilization or other treatment, there may be pesticide residues or pathogenic bacteria and other problems, so bitter chrysanthemum should not eat more.

The value and efficacy of bitter chrysanthemum

1. Prevention and treatment of anemia, summer heat care

Bitter chrysanthemum is rich in carotene, vitamin C, potassium salt, calcium salt and so on, which plays a good role in preventing and treating anemia, maintaining normal physiological activities, promoting growth and development and relieving summer heat.

two。 Heat-clearing and detoxification, sterilization and anti-inflammation

Bitter chrysanthemum contains dandelion sterol, choline and other components, which has a strong bactericidal effect on drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococci, and also has a certain killing effect on pneumococci, meningococci, diphtheria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dysentery, etc., so it has a certain curative effect on icteric hepatitis, pharyngitis, bacillary dysentery, cold and fever, chronic tracheitis, tonsillitis and so on.

3. Prevention and treatment of cancer

Bitter chrysanthemum decoction has obvious inhibitory effect on blood cell deoxygenase in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute and chronic myeloid leukemia, and can also be used for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, rectal cancer and anal cancer.

The practice of bitter chrysanthemum

Bitter chrysanthemum in cold sauce

Raw materials: bitter chrysanthemum, red pepper, salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, a little sesame


1. After washing the bitter chrysanthemum, blanch it in hot water and lift it out. Control and dry the water and set aside.

2. Mix salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, sesame oil and black sesame seeds into bitter chrysanthemum and mix well.

Features: crisp and delicious, appetizer and spleen.

Bitter chrysanthemum Tremella salad

Raw materials: Tremella, bitter chrysanthemum, virgin fruit, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, black pepper, sugar, white vinegar


1, Tremella bubble hair, pick and wash clean, small tomato wash and cut four pieces; bitter chrysanthemum to the root, rinse clean, control water set aside.

2. Boil the water in the pot, blanch the water with Tremella after boiling, remove it and cool it in cold water. Put sugar in a small bowl.

Add white vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and salt and stir well.

4. Add chopped black pepper, put Tremella, cherry tomato and bitter chrysanthemum in a bowl, add the seasoning and mix well.

Features: sour and sweet, can invigorate the stomach, beauty and anti-aging.

Scrambled eggs with bitter chrysanthemum

Raw materials: bitter chrysanthemum, eggs, peanut oil, refined salt


1. Wash the bitter chrysanthemum and cut it into sections. Set aside 2 eggs.

2. Put oil in the pan and stir-fry the eggs.

3. Add the bitter chrysanthemum and continue to stir-fry until softened, add the seasoning and stir well and serve.

Features: delicious nutrition, can nourish blood and prevent cancer.

Bitter chrysanthemum oil crisp peanut

Raw materials: bitter chrysanthemum, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil, white sugar, red pepper


1. Deep-fry peanut kernels and set aside, wash bitter chrysanthemum and red pepper, soak with pure water and a small amount of salt.

2. Shred red pepper into a bowl and season with salt, chicken essence, sugar, sesame oil, chilli sauce, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar.

3. Mix the shredded red pepper evenly, cut off the bitter chrysanthemum by hand and put it into a bowl for seasoning. add fried peanut kernels and mix evenly on a plate.

Features: sour and spicy with a little bitterness, can relieve summer heat and prevent cancer.