
When does the fresh gray jujube mature? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grey jujube is a kind of jujube, its surface looks like a layer of frost, so it is called gray jujube, generally mature in late September, but in Ruoqiang, it is generally picked uniformly, when is the fresh gray jujube ripe? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

Grey jujube is a kind of jujube, its surface looks like a layer of frost, so it is called gray jujube, generally mature in late September, but in Ruoqiang, it is generally picked uniformly, when is the fresh gray jujube ripe? When will it go on sale? When will it be picked?

Time to market

Grey dates are on the market in late September, when the dates are crisp, sweet and juicy. The dried jujube will not mature until after the frost on October 20, when the jujube has a good color and high sugar content.

When will gray jujube be picked

The picking time of Ruoqiang gray jujube is uniformly stipulated by the government, and farmers can not harvest it in advance. The government generally sets the harvest time of red dates in the middle and late October of the Gregorian calendar.

It is reported that the annual picking time of Ruoqiang red jujube is a little later than that of other places, and the natural dried Ruoqiang red jujube, sugar, trace elements and other elements can be fully accumulated to achieve the best state and ensure the quality of red jujube.

However, due to different varieties, the picking time is also different, usually starting in mid-September. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe in autumn. Pick up the impurities and dry them. Or bake until the skin is soft and then dry. Or boil it in water first, so that the pulp is soft and the skin is not wrinkled, pick it up and dry it.

Attached picking method:

Preparation materials: umbrellas, bamboo poles, plastic paper.

Have you thought of the method of picking? it's interesting.

Bamboo pole requirements: slender, light weight, thin head but not easy to break.

Try to wait until a dry and good day to pick dates, the weather should not be too hot.

Umbrella requirements: the more the quantity, the better, the bigger the umbrella, the better.

Sunny days are also chosen to keep umbrellas from getting dirty.

Plastic paper requirements: the larger the area, the better.

He is mainly responsible for the work laid out on the floor.

Start picking: spread the huge plastic paper on the ground and try to keep a proper distance from the trunk. The dates are falling outside.

Then pick up all the umbrellas upside down on the ground.

However, the purpose of beating with a bamboo pole is to let the dates fall into the umbrella.