
What season does Artemisia annua have? How much half a kilo? Can the leaves be eaten? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Artemisia annua is a common wild vegetable in late October, and the underground stem has high edible value. It can be used to invigorate the stomach, clear away heat and remove dampness, so many people like to eat it. What season does Artemisia annua have? How much half a kilo? Can the leaves be eaten?

Artemisia annua is a common wild vegetable in late October, and the underground stem has high edible value. It can be used to invigorate the stomach, clear away heat and remove dampness, so many people like to eat it. What season does Artemisia annua have? How much half a kilo? Can the leaves be eaten? What can't you eat with?

Artemisia annua is generally available in autumn and winter, harvested in late October to February of the following year, dig the underground stem, wash the soil of the rhizome can be listed on the market. After harvesting the underground stem, cover the surface of the box with film to facilitate the germination of new plants from the residual stem nodes. From March to mid-April, the aboveground stem is in full harvest. When the stem of Artemisia annua is 20 cm high, the handle is cut and sold with a sharp knife 3-4 cm above the ground. The external temperature is relatively low in spring, and the border surface after cutting the stem still needs to be covered with plastic film to keep warm, so it can be harvested 2 times and 3 times. After each harvest, 10 kg of urea was applied per mu. Generally, the underground stem can be harvested 1500kg to 2000kg per mu, and the aboveground stem is 800kg to 1200 kg.

After harvesting Artemisia annua at the end of April, one crop of hybrid medium rice can be planted. When the middle rice is harvested, the rice stump will be kept low, and then the box trench will be opened to keep the soil moist. The underground stem left in the field can slowly grow into the aboveground stem, and the stem can be fertilized 1 or 2 times after the stem grows, and the tender stem can be collected and sold in time.

Artemisia annua can be eaten from autumn and winter to the following spring.

Price of Artemisia annua L.

The market price of Artemisia annua is related to the time of listing, generally, the initial listing price is relatively expensive, a large number of listing prices will fall and tend to be stable.

Generally, it will be listed from October to March of the following year, and when the price is expensive, it will cost 780 yuan / jin.

Can the leaves be eaten?

It is better not to eat Artemisia annua leaves. Artemisia annua is a kind of wild vegetable, which is listed in large quantities every spring and March (of course, the emperor is gone). Artemisia annua has a unique fragrance and is often fried with bacon.

In addition, because Artemisia annua is a wild vegetable, the smell is sweet and non-toxic, so I have not heard of Artemisia annua and what Xiangke, at the same time, Artemisia annua mainly treats five distending evil qi, wind-cold and dampness spleen, tonifying and replenishing qi, long hair, long food and light body, smart ears and eyes, and anti-aging. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in addition to eating, it also has the functions of clearing heat, promoting dampness and killing insects. Jiangxi Province is rich, northwest Hunan Province, southwest Anhui Province, and some lakes and grassy beaches in southeastern Hubei Province.