
What is the difference between wild shepherd's purse and chrysanthemum in the field? How do you eat it? Is it a hair product?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shepherd's purse is a plant of the genus Shepherd of Cruciferae, growing on hillsides, fields and roadsides, wild and occasionally cultivated. Do you know the difference between it and Artemisia annua? How do you usually eat it? Is it a hair product? It is reported that shepherd's purse is rich in nutrition, and people can do as they please.

Shepherd's purse is a plant of the genus Shepherd of Cruciferae, growing on hillsides, fields and roadsides, wild and occasionally cultivated. Do you know the difference between it and Artemisia annua? How do you usually eat it? Is it a hair product? It is reported that shepherd's purse is rich in nutrition, usually people can eat at will, but experts remind everyone that shepherd's purse is a standard hair product, which may promote the emergence of some diseases, so recommend those who are easily allergic or physically weak and often sick to be cautious.

What is the difference between shepherd's purse and chrysanthemum?

The main difference between shepherd's purse and chrysanthemum is that the leaves of chrysanthemum are more broken than those of shepherd's purse. In addition, the following characteristics should be distinguished:

1. Shepherd's purse is a plant of Cruciferae, Shepherd's purse, annual and biennial herbs. Also known as green grass, rice root grass, local vegetables, chicken grass, rice vegetables, water chestnut, Laver, etc., locally called Cardamine, white cauliflower, black cabbage in the north, Yao family called "stalk vegetables", called local vegetables in Henan, Hubei and other areas, is a favorite edible wild vegetable. There are a variety of edible methods, with high medicinal value, and the effects of spleen, diuresis, hemostasis and eyesight, and the nutritional value of shepherd's purse is very high. it is often used to treat postpartum hemorrhage, dysentery, edema, enteritis, gastric ulcer, cold, fever, eye swelling and pain.

2. Artemisia annua, also known as Artemisia, chrysanthemum cauliflower, Artemisia annua, Artemisia seed, Artemisia seed, cauliflower, Compositae annual or biennial herbs, leaves alternate, long pinnately divided, flowers yellow or white, very similar to wild chrysanthemum. Achene edge, two or three feet high, stems and leaves can be eaten when tender, can also be used in medicine. (also known as goose vegetables and Italian vegetables in Fujian and other places) Artemisia has a sweet, pungent, flat, non-toxic taste and has the effect of "reassuring qi, nourishing spleen and stomach, eliminating phlegm and drinking, benefiting intestines and stomach".

How to eat shepherd's purse?

1. The simplest and most commonly used way to eat Yum is: shepherd's purse dipping sauce. However, if you want to taste good, the noodle sauce still needs to be simply processed. Generally, add some sesame oil and the right amount of sugar to the noodle sauce, mix it well and dip it in it to make it taste better.

2. Scrambled eggs with shepherd's purse. Prepare a small amount of chopped onions and minced ginger, cut the shepherd's purse and pour the eggs into the minced shepherd's purse, stir evenly, add a small amount of salt, and pour the mixed shepherd's purse into the pan with spring onions and ginger, stir-fry for a while, wait for the eggs to solidify, and then come out of the pot.

3. Shepherd's purse is eaten with salt. This is also the simplest way to eat, sprinkle shepherd's purse with salt and a little monosodium glutamate, knead it like kneading Chinese toon, cover the utensils, wake up one night, and you can eat it the next day. This method of pickling and eating is generally no problem for three or five days in spring. when digging a lot of shepherd's purse at a time, it is indeed a good way to facilitate storage.

4. Shepherd's purse balls. Cut shepherd's purse into fines, stir well with salt, monosodium glutamate, Xiao Xu sesame oil, chopped onion and ginger, minced shepherd's purse and meat stuffing, boil the water into 70% boil (control the water temperature, prevent the water temperature from being too urgent, top the balls into pieces), put the balls into the pot, and put Xiao Xu's pepper in the soup to the pot according to your own taste. A bowl of delicious shepherd's purse balls can be eaten.

5. Shepherd's purse wonton. This practice is very simple, in fact, you can do the stuffing of shepherd's purse meatballs, nothing more than using wonton skin to wrap the stuffing, and then boil water, pot, cooked out of the pot, as simple as that.

6. Shepherd's purse cake. Cut shepherd's purse into fines, add chopped onions and ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, Xiao Xu sesame oil and noodles together, the thickness can flow. Oil the cake in a pan, heat it and pour the cake into the pan and spread it flat. After setting, turn the cake over with a shovel. Do not worry about the fire to prevent the cake from being burnt. After the cake is cooked, it should be properly ignited. Bake the cake surface with a yellowish color, and a delicious shepherd's purse cake will be ready.