
Where does Euryale grow? How much half a kilo? How to choose and buy?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Euryale seed, the name of traditional Chinese medicine, is the dry mature seed kernel of Euryale Euryale, which has the effect of tonifying kidney and essence, tonifying spleen and stopping diarrhea, removing dampness and stopping belt. So, where does Euryale grow? How much half a kilo? Can pregnant women eat it? 1. Where does Euryale grow?

Euryale seed, the name of traditional Chinese medicine, is the dry mature seed kernel of Euryale Euryale, which has the effect of tonifying kidney and essence, tonifying spleen and stopping diarrhea, removing dampness and stopping belt. So, where does Euryale grow? How much half a kilo? Can pregnant women eat it?

1. Where does Euryale grow?

Euryale is produced in the north and south provinces of China, from Heilongjiang to Yunnan and Guangdong, in ponds and lakes.

Second, how much is the Euryale seed per jin?

Fresh Euryale seeds are also divided into different grades according to their size and degree of tenderness, with a price of 20 to 60 yuan per jin. The price of dried Euryale fruit also fluctuates greatly, the ordinary one is about 50 yuan per jin, and the expensive one is more than 100 yuan per jin. The price of dried Euryale seeds is usually higher as a whole, while half a seed is relatively cheaper. At the same time, according to the way of shelling, it is divided into machine shelling and manual shelling, manual shelling will certainly be more expensive, because artificial shelled Euryale seeds are generally whole, and the effect will be better.

Third, how to buy Euryale seeds?

1, color: Euryale fruit color white and bright texture is generally waxy, the appearance of white but lack of gloss texture stem, the color with yellow may be old goods.

2. Shape: the shape of Euryale seeds should be round and uniform.

3, bite: Euryale fruit to choose dry, otherwise easy to mildew, with mouth bite to firm, teeth bite crisp and fragile dry, slightly tough tide.

4. Nose smell: if there is a peculiar smell of Euryale fruit, if there is a sulfur smell, it may be processed after being eaten by worms.