
Keeping the ecological red line is the lifelong responsibility of cadres.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Only cadres who conscientiously perform their duties of ecological and resource protection and create a good production and living environment can leave lifelong political achievements. Recently, the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Office have issued the measures for the investigation of responsibility for Ecological Environmental damage of Party and Government leading cadres (for trial implementation). It clearly includes the local party.

Only cadres who conscientiously perform their duties of ecological and resource protection and create a good production and living environment can leave lifelong political achievements.

Recently, the CPC Central Committee Office and the State Council Office issued the "measures for investigating the responsibility of Party and Government leading cadres for Ecological Environmental damage (for trial implementation)," which clearly defines party and government cadres, including leading members of local party committees, as the object of responsibility. This decision is called "an institutional sword" and "an institutional barrier" to urge leading cadres to correctly perform their duties and use their rights in the field of ecological environment.

For a long time, because environmental protection work involves planning, punishment, publicity, energy and other issues, in the face of environmental pollution and ecological damage, environmental protection departments are often caught in the embarrassment of "responsibility but no right" and "mouth without teeth". The 18th CPC National Congress put the "construction of ecological civilization" into the "five-in-one" overall layout for the first time, which is to treat environmental protection as an overall cause. Without the real attention of party and government leaders at all levels, especially the responsibility of the "top leaders", it will be very difficult to make effective progress.

The target of this reform is that the party committee and the government share the responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, implement the principle of consistency of powers and responsibilities, and achieve full coverage of the responsible object. If the responsibility is clear, the solution will be smooth. The "measures" clearly stipulate the "joint responsibility of the party and the government" for ecological environmental damage, and specify 25 kinds of liability cases. It requires both "consequence responsibility" and "behavior responsibility", emphasizing both "party and government responsibility" and "lifelong responsibility", which will have a far-reaching impact on the environmental decision-making behavior of party committee leaders at all levels.

It is often said that it is not difficult for the boss to take action. After the promulgation of the stipulation of "joint responsibility of the party and the government", the party committee can no longer be "invisible" behind the scenes of government departments, but should stand on the stage and stand the test on environmental protection issues. In fact, the reason why the green waters and green mountains in many places give way to Jinshan and Yinshan is that some political leaders only focus on "economic interests" and ignore "ecological interests". Under the system of "decision-making of the party committee and implementation of the government", if the decision-makers are not held accountable, there will be no pressure for the party committee leaders to establish the concept of ecological civilization.

To formulate accountability methods for environmental protection specifically for "party and government leading cadres" and grasp the key "key minority" can be called a vital "top-level design", which provides a solid institutional guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization. Decisions can be more responsible only when decisions may be held accountable for life. At the same time, the party committee has made "responsible" environmental decisions, so that government functional departments can better follow up and implement them "responsibly", thus forming a virtuous circle conducive to environmental protection.

Of course, the real landing of the top-level design also requires the joint efforts of all parties. The liability situation is now more specific, but it is still possible to face resistance when starting the liability procedure. As the source of problems, although environmental protection and the judiciary have greater powers and responsibilities, they will also face the realistic pressure of "subordinates reporting their superiors." If you do not withstand this invisible pressure, there is no "transfer", "accountability" will be impossible to talk about.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has said several times that there is no turning back arrow when opening a bow. This is true of changing work style and promoting reform, and so is adhering to the "red line of ecological environment." The implementation of the "measures" is not only for the purpose of determining responsibility, but also reflects the firm determination of the central authorities and helps to brighten the eyes of the masses. Environmental protection is a public issue concerned by the whole people, so it is most likely to be pulled out of the water by public opinion and destroy those who have green waters and green mountains.

If the central government holds up the banner of "ecological responsibility", it will certainly give greater support and impetus to the cause of environmental protection. Party and government leaders at all levels should think twice before making ecological decisions. Adhering to the "ecological red line" is the lifelong responsibility of leading cadres. On the other hand, only cadres who conscientiously perform their duties of ecological and resource protection and create a good production and living environment can leave lifelong political achievements.