
Ministry of Agriculture: strengthening the top-level design and legal system construction of fishery development

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture on the 24th, on August 23, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national forum of fishery directors in Xining, Qinghai Province, to exchange information on the progress of the key work of fishery and fishery administration, and to study and discuss the draft revision of the Fisheries Law and the draft fishery development plan for the 13th five-year Plan. Agriculture

According to a report on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture on the 24th, on August 23, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national forum of fishery directors in Xining, Qinghai Province, to exchange information on the progress of the key work of fishery and fishery administration, and to study and discuss the draft revision of the Fisheries Law and the draft fishery development plan during the 13th five-year Plan. Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed that fishery development should adapt to the new normal, take the initiative to change the way, and actively adjust the structure.

Yu Kangzhen pointed out that positive progress has been made in cleaning up and rectifying "no-household nets", cracking down on fishing-related "three noes" vessels, adjusting fishery oil price subsidy policies, and building the rule of law in fisheries, and solid steps have been made in fishery restructuring and transformation and upgrading. new arrangements will be made for fishery safety production. From January to July, the national output of aquatic products was 29.8659 million tons, an increase of 3.12 percent over the same period last year. Fishery production maintained a stable development, quality and safety maintained a high level, and the export situation was stable.

Yu Kangzhen stressed: we should take the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan and the revision of the Fisheries Law as an opportunity to strengthen the top-level design of fishery development and the building of the fishery legal system. We will fully implement the policy of giving priority to ecology, constantly strengthen the conservation of aquatic biological resources and energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote green, circular and low-carbon development. Promote industrial transformation and upgrading through scientific and technological innovation, institutional innovation and management innovation. We will improve and improve the fishery legal system, administer according to law, strictly enforce the law, and strive to maintain the sustained and healthy development of the fishery.