
Supermarket fresh red lotus seed and white lotus seed sell how much money a catty commonly? With eating methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Modern people pay more and more attention to diet and health. Lotus seeds, as a healthy and nutritious food, are also favored by more and more people. At present, the common lotus seeds on the market have red lotus seeds and white lotus seeds, etc., so, how much does the supermarket sell fresh red lotus seeds and white lotus seeds?

Modern people pay more and more attention to diet and health. As a healthy and nutritious food, lotus seed is favored by more and more people. At present, the common lotus seeds on the market are red lotus seeds and white lotus seeds, so how much are the fresh red lotus seeds and white lotus seeds in the supermarket?

Red lotus seed

The variety of red lotus seed is named because its fruit is red, and its effect is similar to that of white lotus seed. It can be used for food and medicine, but it has more seed coat than white lotus seed. It is an Eurasian species and was first produced in China. A red lotus seed weighs about 5g, which is slightly more expensive than white lotus seed, about 40 yuan per jin.

White lotus seed

Now the most common on the market is the white lotus seed, the survival rate of this variety is relatively high, bear more fruit, basically street stalls will be sold, the price is definitely different, but in the supermarket is generally about 30 yuan a jin, generally divided into heart-free and not heart-free, the general price will be much cheaper.

White lotus seed heart can be used to make tea, the price is generally about 50 yuan per jin, is the germ in the center of the lotus seed, brewing tea, can clear heat and detoxification, peace of mind and so on. White lotus has high medicinal value. In the past, it was often used to make porridge to achieve the purpose of health care and nourishment. If it coughs, it can effectively relieve cough.

Attached: edible method of fresh lotus seed

Eat the lotus seed raw; if you have a skin, peel off the skin first, leaving only the flesh inside, that is, the white part. Clean, soak in clean water for about 20 minutes, will become Microsoft, such as bad teeth can soak for a while. The core of the lotus seed is very bitter. Remember to remove the core when you eat it. The lotus seed core has the effect of removing fire and can be soaked in water to drink.

Lotus seed can nourish the heart and calm the mind. Lotus seed is very good for the heart, often eating can make people angry, become smiling and cheerful. Lotus seed core tea can remove anger, treat upset and other symptoms, and even relieve depression caused by lovelorn. It is a very useful tonic food.