
How much is the price of wild Bletilla striata per jin? Where did you grow up? What's the difference between farmed and farmed?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Bletilla striata is also known as Liancao, Ganggen, Baiji, Ruolan, Magnolia, Magnolia, Zihui, Baili, ground Screw, White Chicken, White Root, Sheep Horn Seven. It has extensive medicinal value and garden value. So how much is the wild price per jin on the market? Where do you grow up?

Bletilla striata is also known as Liancao, Ganggen, Baiji, Ruolan, Magnolia, Magnolia, Zihui, Baili, ground Screw, White Chicken, White Root, Sheep Horn Seven. It has extensive medicinal value and garden value. So how much is the wild price per jin on the market? Where did you grow up? What's the difference between farmed and farmed? It is learned from Bozhou traditional Chinese medicine market that the market price of fresh wild Bletilla striata is 50-80 yuan per jin, dry goods 150-250 per jin, its market price is related to quality, divided into upper, middle and lower, the better the price is higher. It is worth noting that Bletilla striata is divided into regular Bletilla striata and Bletilla striata, regular Bletilla striata is sticky, generally 2 legs, while Bletilla striata has little viscosity and no bifurcation, the price difference between the two is very large, usually Bletilla striata is about 40 yuan per jin.

Where does the wild Bletilla grow?

1. Bletilla striata prefers warm and humid environments, such as wild valleys under the forest. It is slightly hardy and can be cultivated in the open field in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Strong negative tolerance, avoid strong light, leaves are easy to wither and yellow when high temperature and drought in summer. It is suitable for sandy loam with good drainage and high humus content.

It often grows in wetter stone walls and moss layers, often combined with shrubs, or in forest margins, grass, mountain springs, and under evergreen broad-leaved forests, trees or coniferous forests at an altitude of 3200 meters above sea level. Cultivated in Beijing and Tianjin. The stones grown in Bletilla striata are sandstone, so that Bletilla striata can absorb capillary water and absorb it firmly on it.

2. Bletilla striata originated in China and is widely distributed in the provinces of the Yangtze River Basin. From southern Shaanxi, Lianyungang, Nantong, Nanjing, Jurong, Yixing, Liyang, Shanghai, southeastern Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Guizhou.

What is the difference between wild Bletilla striata and artificial breeding?

The efficacy of wild Bletilla striata is almost the same as that of artificial culture, and there is no obvious difference.

Bletilla striata is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine with the functions of tonifying the lung and stopping bleeding, detumescence and muscle formation. It mainly treats hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis of bronchiectasis, hematemesis of gastric ulcer, hematuria, hematochezia, etc., and external use for the treatment of traumatic bleeding, burn and scald, chapped hands and feet, etc. Now the glue membrane block made of Bletilla striata is used for liver and spleen surgery to stick to the knife edge, instead of blood forceps, the effect is especially good, it has the effect of rapid blood clotting, and can be used in surgery instead of plasma.