
Is black peanut a genetically modified food? Where are the specialties? How much is it per jin in 2018?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Black peanut is a new variety of peanut, which is more nutritious than normal peanut, so it has higher market value, but because there are few areas planted in our country, the price of black peanut is very expensive, so black peanut is genetically modified food? Where are the specialties?

Black peanut is a new variety of peanut, which is more nutritious than normal peanut, so it has higher market value, but because there are few areas planted in our country, the price of black peanut is very expensive, so black peanut is genetically modified food? Where are the specialties? How much is it per jin in 2018?

Black peanut is not genetically modified food, it is actually the same variety as hybrid rice, it is also a hybrid variety. Black peanut is a peanut variety bred by hybrid method according to the heredity of peanut. The melanin of black peanuts is determined by the genes that control the pigment. Its nutrition is particularly high, which is rich in selenium, calcium, iron, zinc and other elements. Selenium and anthocyanins can prevent skin aging, as well as antioxidant effects to prevent cholesterol. Eating more usually is good for restoring brainpower and tonifying the brain.

Price of black peanuts in 2018

The price of black peanuts depends on the grade of black peanuts, the price range is about 10 yuan to 20 jin, you can still see a few more when buying.

Black peanuts are a specialty of Hebei. If you have a chance, you must buy them.

Planting methods of black peanuts:

I. Land selection

Black peanuts are not strict with the soil, and can be planted in plots that can grow common voices. It is advisable to choose the land with sufficient water source, convenient drainage and irrigation, plough depth of more than 30 cm and no pollution of sandy loam, the best raw land, Gramineae crops or non-leguminous vegetable crops in the previous crop, and peanuts are not suitable for continuous cropping and facing stubble.

II. Soil preparation and fertilization

The quality of soil preparation is directly related to the quality of plastic film mulching and the effect of sowing to protect the whole seedling. Due to the trouble of topdressing during the growth period, it is appropriate to apply sufficient basic fertilizer, 3000-4000 kg of high-quality mature farm manure per mu, 25-30 kg of compound fertilizer and 20 kg of superphosphate. Mechanical or artificial ridging, if the soil moisture is not good, can not do without soil moisture to cover the film, should be ridged after irrigation to make moisture, and then make the border. The border is better in the north-south direction, with a bottom width of 90-100 cm, a surface width of 60-70 cm and a height of 10-12 cm. When covering the film, the plastic film is loose and tight moderately, both sides are pressed and sealed with soil, and the border surface is pressed with a shovel of soil film every 3-4 meters to avoid strong winds. A large area of land can also be mechanized to make beds, use herbicides, sow seeds and cover with plastic film at one time.

Third, improve the sowing quality

1. Sprouting and sowing.

First of all, put 2 portions of cold water and 1 part of boiled water, then put the peeled seeds into the basket, soak them for 2-3 hours, take them out and put them into the basket, put them on the hot Kang with wet sacks or others around the basket, keep them at 25-30 ℃ at room temperature, keep them moist and properly ventilated. After 24-36 hours, you can pick up and sow the seeds, and the ungerminated seeds continue to germinate. If there is a wrinkle in the seed coat when soaking the seed, it can not be turned over so as not to lose the coat. It is appropriate to promote germination with "dew white". In case of rain after budding, the seeds should be spread out in a cool and ventilated place to inhibit the growth of buds, and sow in time after the rain.

2. If sprouting and sowing is adopted, the soil preparation should be more fine, the seeds should be selected carefully after shelling, it is found that the budding seeds should be removed, and the seeds should be mixed with 0.1% chlorothalonil or 0.03% carbendazim when sowing, which has a good effect on the prevention and control of stem rot and root rot, and ensures that the seedlings are strong and uniform.

Fourth, sowing seeds

When the ground temperature of 5 cm is stable at 12-16 ℃, the seeds can be sown. There are two sowing methods of film-mulched peanut: one is to cover the border with plastic film after sowing, no furrow, 2 seeds every 16 cm, spread out the border surface after covering soil, select herbicides such as Shitianbu and Acetochlor, spray evenly on the border surface, and then cover with plastic film. When the seedlings show 2-3 true leaves, pierce the hole and break the membrane in time to release the seedlings. The second is to cover the film first and then sow, straighten the bed one week before sowing, select herbicides such as Shi Tian Bu and Acetochlor, spray the border evenly, and then cover it with plastic film. When sowing, punch holes 3-5 cm deep in the border surface, sow 2 seeds in each hole, and then cover the eyes with wet soil in the ditch. Black peanuts covered with plastic film generally emerge from the top soil in about 15 days.

V. strengthening field management

In view of the characteristics of fear of waterlogging in the early and later stage and drought in the middle stage of peanut, it is necessary to clear the ditch and drain at the seedling stage, and irrigate in time at the flowering stage, especially in the full flowering stage and pod expansion period. When drought occurs in the full fruit maturity period, the soil should be irrigated immediately to protect roots and leaves, and improve the index of double kernel fruit and full fruit. About 25 days after flowering, the peanut fields with rising phenomenon can be sprayed with paclobutrazol 20-25 kg / mu with 60 kg water. If the peanuts producing green food, the growing points of the first and second pairs of side branches of peanuts are artificially removed to control the vegetative growth and increase the weight of 100 fruits. At the same time, increase the yield of peanut. Due to the covering of plastic film, peanuts grow and develop early, and the phenomenon of de-fertilizing and premature aging is easy to occur in the later stage; therefore, page topdressing can be carried out in combination with aphid prevention and disease prevention. Spraying leaves with fungicides such as 40% omethoate 100 times or aphid lice, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate or urea.

VI. Timely harvest

Black peanut pods have large water content, slow dehydration, short post-ripening period and dormant period, so they should be harvested in time to prevent sprouting and rotten fruit. When the upper leaves of peanut branches turn yellow, fall off, the reticulation of the shell is clear, and the kernel is black and shiny, it can be harvested. When receiving the goods, the plant can pull out the root pods toward the outside of both sides, form a bar stack along the north-south direction, and the lower part of the stomp is covered with a template to prevent rain from flooding the harvested peanuts. Peanuts should be dried at the height at which people can cover the tarp when it rains. When the peanuts are picked up and shaken, they can be picked when they are picked up and shaken, and then spread out to dry, knowing where they are completely dried. And the appearance quality of pods is good.