
When do virgin fruits usually be sown and harvested? How long is the growth cycle? How do you plant it? Where is the origin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Virgin fruit, often called Little Tomato and officially called Cherry Tomato in Chinese, is an annual herb. So when does it usually sow and harvest? How long is the growth cycle? How do you plant it? Where is the origin? From Master Gao, a virgin fruit grower in Fujian.

Virgin fruit, often called Little Tomato and officially called Cherry Tomato in Chinese, is an annual herb. So when does it usually sow and harvest? How long is the growth cycle? How do you plant it? Where is the origin? It is learned from Master Gao, a grower of virgin fruit in Fujian, that the virgin fruit is usually sown in late April and harvested 40-60 days after planting in spring, and 90 days from sowing to harvest in autumn.

How long is the growth cycle of virgin fruit?

The growth cycle of virgin fruit ranges from 110 days to 170 days. The period from seed sowing, germination to seed ripening of the first ear is the growth and development cycle. It can be divided into four stages: germination stage, seedling stage, flowering and fruiting stage.

How to grow virgin fruit?

1. Nursery bed preparation: the nursery bed of virgin fruit should be sheltered from the wind and sunny, with good drainage. The field needs a nursery bed of 60.7 square meters per mu, and a transplanting seedbed of 35,40 square meters. The subsoil of the seedbed is 1500 kg of rotten human feces per mu, and its upper layer is 8 cm thick. Nutritive soil is half of fully mature organic fertilizer and half of fertile soil that has not been planted eggplant crops. Mix evenly and apply 5 kg calcium superphosphate 7 days before sowing. Spray carbendazim to disinfect the soil and pile it up.

2. Sowing time: Virgin fruit has strong adaptability. Through different sowing dates and different facilities, it can achieve four seasons production and annual supply. Usually spring sowing from April to June or autumn sowing from August to September in the north, spring sowing from February to June or autumn sowing from August to October in the south, and field planting from August to February of the following year.

3. Accelerating germination and sowing: the virgin fruit is soaked with 20 grams per mu, soaked in 1000 times potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, rinsed with clean water and soaked in warm water for 6 hours, washed the seeds, dried, moisturized with wet gauze, germinated at about 25 ℃, and sowed after whitening. Due to the high price of seeds, in order to ensure a high rate of adult plants, seeds are required to be seeded and covered with nutritious soil of 0.5 cm. Keep a high temperature before emergence, and ventilation should be paid attention to in order to prevent overgrowth after emergence.

4. Post-sowing management: during the two-leaf and one-heart period of seedlings, strong and disease-free seedlings were selected and pseudo-planting with fertilizer, medicine and soil was carried out in the sunny evening, and the pseudo-planting bed was in the same seedling bed, and the roots were watered after pseudo-planting. At the same time, ammonium copper complex or Luheng No. 2 can be used to control stunting disease and early blight, sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, and used continuously for 3 times.

Planting management of virgin fruit

1. Rational fertilization: the root system of virgin fruit is developed, the growth is exuberant, and the fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, combined with compound fertilizer, 2500 kg of manure per mu, or 2000 kg of human and animal manure or 100kg of vegetable cake, 30kg of compound fertilizer and 50kg of calcium superphosphate are used as base fertilizer, and the growth is adjusted by water management. when harvesting the fruit before harvest, each harvest of 2 to 3 canopy fruit, according to the growth strength, topdressing liquid fertilizer for 2 times. However, an appropriate amount of potash fertilizer should be applied.

2. Reasonable irrigation: the virgin fruit is a vegetable crop that blossoms and bears fruit continuously. After entering the flowering stage, the principle of seeing wet and dry should be grasped (refers to watering once thoroughly, and then watering the second time when the soil is almost dry. The function is to prevent excessive watering leading to rotten roots and diseases and insect pests caused by moisture), not more watering, nor drought, otherwise it will cause falling flowers and fruits and physiological cracking.

3. Pruning and pruning: varieties with limited growth of virgin fruit should promote its growth as far as possible, always leave two strong lateral branches in the upper part to make it grow upward, pay attention to the balance between the number of leaves and fruits, if the growth is too weak, some buds can be removed. The infinite growth type does not aim at prematurity, but can be pruned with double poles, because the seed price is higher, but the production is multi-line and single-stem pruning. In order to improve the quality, enhance the light, promote ventilation and prevent diseases, the old leaves below the ear can be removed.

4. Pest control: Spodoptera litura and cotton bollworm can be sprayed with trichlorfon and dichlorvos, and aphids can be sprayed with 1000 times of imidacloprid. There are four common diseases: quenching disease, early blight disease, bacterial wilt and virus disease. at the initial stage of the disease, 64% alum wettable powder 500 times or 70% Dysen zinc wettable powder 400 times 500 times, or 50% methyl topiramate 500 times, can be used for spray control.

5. Harvest and packaging: because of its high sugar content, virgin fruit can only be harvested when it is fully ripe to truly reflect the inherent flavor and quality. Keep the slices when harvesting and pick them by hand from the off-layer of the stalk. However, the yellow fruit can be harvested when medium well, but the flavor is good, because its pulp is easy to deteriorate after full maturity. It is appropriate to pack in cardboard boxes to avoid crushing, usually 500g in a small package, 5000 grams in a large carton or rigid plastic box, with vents on the box to prevent water droplets so as not to affect the transportation and storage time.

Where is the origin of virgin fruit?

Virgin fruit is a member of the tomato family, originating in the Andes of America, and there are a large number of wild species in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and other places. Tomato is divided into two complex populations: common tomato and Peruvian tomato. Common tomato is cultivated, Peruvian tomato is wild, and virgin fruit is the ancestor of cultivated tomato. Virgin fruit is mainly produced in Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places in China, and there are very large sales in northern cities.