
How to get out of the predicament of "simultaneous increase of three quantities of grain"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The strange phenomenon of the simultaneous increase of grain production, import, and inventory in China has not only caused the serious unsalability of domestic grain, but also caused the national grain inventory to remain high under the impact of cheap imported grain. In the short term, the flow of domestic grain will be blocked, and the pressure on financial expenditure will increase.

The strange phenomenon of "simultaneous increase in grain production, import, and inventory" in China has not only caused the serious unsalability of domestic grain, but also caused the national grain inventory to remain high under the impact of imported cheap grain. In the short term, the domestic grain circulation will be blocked, and the pressure on financial expenditure will be increased. In the long run, it will inevitably cause difficulties in grain purchase, inventory and financial burden, and eventually lead to shrinking grain production, damage to farmers' interests, and worries about agricultural production in the future. affect social and economic development and stability. To solve the dilemma of "simultaneous increase of three quantities" is a very important and urgent problem in front of us.

Take the road of modern production by changing the mode of agricultural production

The mode of agricultural production directly determines the level of agricultural modernization of a country.

The mode of agricultural production below the level of food and clothing mainly pursues the quantity of production. After decades of development since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China's agricultural production has entered a new stage of development. China, which has got rid of the level of food and clothing, is now in ample supply of major agricultural products, including grain. With the continuous improvement of people's income level, the demand for agricultural products has changed from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality.

The great changes in social changes determine that the mode of agricultural production should also change with it. Proceeding from the national conditions of our country, the mode of agricultural development in our country should change from quantitative to heavy-duty in terms of quantity, quality and efficiency. The supply of agricultural products has changed from quantitative growth to total balance, structural optimization, quality and safety.

At present, one of the outstanding problems in agriculture in China is that the efficiency is relatively low and the benefit is also relatively low. Since 2004, China's grain production has increased production and harvest for 11 consecutive years, and this year's summer grain has been rewarded with 12 consecutive harvests.

Although China's grain production has reached a record level, a careful analysis of the quality of agricultural products, including grain, is not high. Domestic high-quality wheat is in short supply and needs to be purchased from the international market every year; the proportion of high-quality rice is very small, and the market price of excessive ordinary rice is not only much higher than that in the international market, but also unpopular with consumers; oil oilseeds such as soybeans and rapeseed have not only greatly reduced their acreage in recent years, but also their imports have been on the rise because of their low oil yield and high market prices. China has now become the largest importer of soybeans in the world; once a corn exporter, China has become one of the few large net importers of corn.

Although China implements the policy of minimum purchase price for important agricultural products, such as wheat and rice. However, due to the low efficiency of farmers in growing food, the efficiency is also very low. On average, the income of planting one mu of grain in one year and two seasons is only about 1000 yuan. The average monthly wage of migrant workers in 2014 was less than half of that of 2864 yuan.

To improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural products in domestic and international markets and increase farmers' planting income, we should pay special attention to structural optimization while paying attention to total quantity balance and quality safety.

At present, China's major agricultural products, such as important grain varieties such as wheat and rice, will still implement the minimum purchase price for some time to come. In order to optimize the grain planting structure, it is necessary to adjust the policy of minimum grain purchase price. Change the current method of applying the same purchase price to the same grain variety, regardless of the advantages and disadvantages. According to the market demand, to achieve high quality and high price, low quality and low price. Guide farmers to adjust their planting structure and produce marketable grain varieties. It can not only meet the market demand, increase the income of grain farmers, but also reduce the financial burden of the state and reduce the waste of resources.

It is the basic national condition of our country that there are many people and little arable land. As a developing country, with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the area of cultivated land in China will still be decreasing, and it is extremely difficult to keep the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land. In this case, the mode of resource consumption of agricultural products in China must be changed as soon as possible. Agricultural development has changed from mainly relying on resource consumption to resource-saving and environment-friendly.

In the past, the production of agricultural products in China mainly depended on resources and consumption. In order to increase the production of agricultural products, more and more chemical fertilizers are used in our country. As the largest country in chemical fertilizer production and use in the world, China produced 70.37 million tons of chemical fertilizer and 59.12 million tons of agricultural fertilizer in 2013. At present, the main problems of chemical fertilizer application in China are as follows: the average application amount per mu is 21.9 kg per mu, which is much higher than the world average (8 kg per mu), 2.6 times that of the United States and 2.5 times that of the European Union. Excessive fertilization of economic horticultural crops with high added value such as vegetables and fruit trees is common in the eastern economically developed areas, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and urban suburbs, and the utilization rate of organic fertilizer resources is low. At present, the total nutrients of organic fertilizer resources in China are more than 70 million tons, and the actual utilization is less than 40%. Traditional artificial fertilization is still dominant, the phenomenon of chemical fertilizer application and surface application is relatively common, and mechanical fertilization only accounts for about 30% of the planting area of major crops. Excessive fertilization and blind fertilization not only increase the cost of agricultural production and waste of resources, but also lead to cultivated land consolidation and soil acidification.

In our country, the consumption of water resources is increasing, the groundwater is overexploited, and the wells are drilling deeper and deeper. China is a country with serious drought and water shortage. China's total freshwater resources are 2.8 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 6% of the world's water resources, ranking fourth in the world after Brazil, Russia and Canada. However, the amount of water resources per capita in China is only 2300 cubic meters, which is only 1 / 4 of the world average, and is one of the countries with the poorest per capita water resources in the world. However, China is the country that uses the most water in the world. The country's total water consumption in 2013 was 618.34 billion cubic meters. Among them, domestic water accounted for 12.1%; industrial water accounted for 22.8%; agricultural water accounted for 63.4%; eco-environmental water supply (including only urban environmental water supplied by man-made measures and water supply for some rivers, lakes and wetlands) accounted for 1.7%.

The predatory management mode of cultivated land makes the quality of cultivated land worse and worse. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, the area of cultivated land degradation caused by soil erosion, impoverishment, secondary salinization and acidification has accounted for more than 40% of the total area. Soil testing and formula fertilization data from the Ministry of Agriculture show that the proportion of soil PH value less than 6.5 in 14 southern provinces (autonomous regions and cities) has increased to 65% from 52% 30 years ago, the proportion of soil PH value less than 5.5 has increased from 20% to 40%, and the proportion of soil PH value less than 4.5 has increased from 1% to 4%. The salinized area of cultivated land in Northwest China is 300 million mu, accounting for 60% of the whole country. Among them, the secondary salinization area of cultivated land is 21 million mu, accounting for 70% of the whole country. According to relevant agricultural experts, 70% of the grain output in Europe and the United States depends on basic land capacity, and 20% of it depends on water and fertilizer input. However, the contribution rate of cultivated land basic soil capacity to grain output in China is only 50%, which is 20% lower than that of developed countries in Europe and the United States. 30 percentage points lower.

Heavy metals, air and other pollution, so that a considerable number of agricultural products can not be eaten, people are more and more threatened by food safety. Data from the environment department show that at present, more than 10% of the arable land in the country is polluted by heavy metals to varying degrees. Among them, there are 30 million mu of arable land polluted by mining areas, 75 million mu of arable land polluted by oil, 750000 mu of solid waste, nearly 150 million mu of "industrial waste" and nearly 50 million mu of farmland irrigated by sewage.

A survey shows that nearly 40% of the farmland and vegetable soils in the Pearl River Delta are polluted by heavy metals, and 10% of them seriously exceed the standard. The "white pollution" of farmland has also gradually intensified. Every year, 500000 tons of agricultural film remains in the cultivated land, and an impervious and airtight refractory layer is formed in the soil layer of 15,000cm, which poses a great threat to the quality of cultivated land.

To change the current situation of "spelling" in the production of agricultural products in China, we should start from the following aspects:

Develop organic agriculture and reduce the input of chemical fertilizer. It is an effective way to change the excessive input of chemical fertilizer and develop organic agriculture. According to the current situation of excessive input of chemical fertilizer in China, the action of "zero growth" in the use of chemical fertilizer should be resolutely implemented. From 2015 to 2019, we will gradually control the annual growth rate of chemical fertilizer use to less than 1%, and strive to achieve zero growth in chemical fertilizer use of major crops by 2020. The action of "zero growth" in the use of chemical fertilizer is not only a major measure to promote agricultural "transformation of mode and structure", but also a realistic need to promote cost-saving, efficiency, energy saving and emission reduction. it is of great significance to ensure national food security, agricultural product quality security and agricultural ecological security. At the same time, we should attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers. In addition to vigorously encouraging farmers to apply farm manure, special attention should be paid to the comprehensive utilization of crop straw with a wide range of resources.

Develop water-saving agriculture and reduce the waste of water resources. The distribution of fresh water resources in China is extremely uneven, which has greatly affected the development of agricultural production. To reduce the waste of water resources, we should not only develop water-saving agricultural products, but also adapt measures to local conditions, develop dry agricultural products in areas where water resources are scarce, and vigorously develop new irrigation techniques such as sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation.

Develop circular agriculture and protect cultivated land resources. Season after season, year after year of production, is bound to cause cultivated land resources "fatigue." It is undoubtedly a good choice to change the "predatory" mode of production of cultivated land resources and develop circular agriculture.

In the current circular agricultural production technology, the technology of "symbiosis and symbiosis" is worth popularizing. "co-culture of rice and shrimp", "co-culture of rice and fish" and "co-culture of rice and soft-shelled turtle" represented by Hubei Jianghan Plain not only improve soil fertility, do not apply chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but also find a new way for farmers to increase production and income.