
Animal husbandry optimizes regional layout by seeking "three guarantees" with "three changes"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is estimated that China will consume at least 230 million kg of meat, 80 million kg of poultry eggs and 100 million kg of milk every day for a period of time. At the same time, with the rapid development of animal husbandry, some areas show the trend of increasing pollution and ecological deterioration.

It is estimated that China will consume at least 230 million kg of meat, 80 million kg of poultry eggs and 100 million kg of milk every day for a period of time. At the same time, with the rapid development of animal husbandry, some areas show the trend of increasing pollution and ecological deterioration. The fluctuation of livestock and poultry breeding increased due to the increase of production cost, the decline of comparative benefit, the risk of epidemic disease and market risk. In the face of a lot of pressure, animal husbandry needs to speed up the transformation of the mode of development and seek change in the course of development.

At present, the price of pigs in China continues to rise. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the price of live pigs in 480 markets across the country has risen for 20 weeks in a row. The stock of pigs in 4000 pig farming villages across the country has declined for 9 consecutive months, the lowest level since 2008. At present, the pressure of protecting supply, ecology and benefit of agriculture in our country is increasing, especially in animal husbandry. The challenges faced by the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry are becoming more and more complex, and there is an urgent need for continuous innovation to develop modern animal husbandry through measures such as optimizing regional layout, combining planting and breeding, and building the whole industry chain.

Ensuring supply and optimizing regional layout

From "eating meat and other festivals" to "meat plates" are extremely rich, which is the true feeling of the common people. From household sideline to becoming a major industry accounting for 1/3 of agriculture is a true response to the development of animal husbandry itself. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture, the annual output value of animal husbandry in China exceeds 2.9 trillion yuan, and the per capita amount of meat is nearly 64 kilograms. at present, the income directly engaged in livestock and poultry farming accounts for 1/6 of the cash income of family agricultural operation.

At present, China's per capita daily animal protein intake is 33 grams, which is higher than the world average, but it is still far lower than that of developed countries, and the demand for new meat will be more than 800000 tons a year in the future. China's per capita milk consumption is less than 1 pound 3 of the world average, less than half of the Asian average, while imported milk accounts for 1/3 of domestic consumption after being converted into fresh milk. The consumption demand for beef and mutton has increased rapidly, increasing by 60% in the past 12 years, but the production capacity is insufficient, and the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent. "Bull Devil King", "sheep concubine" and so on appear many times. It is estimated that China will consume at least 230 million kg of meat, 80 million kg of poultry eggs and 100 million kg of milk every day for some time to come.

In order to meet such a large consumption, the most fundamental thing is to maintain the stock of basic female livestock and protect the enthusiasm of farmers and herdsmen in raising female livestock. Since last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance have implemented subsidies for the expansion of basic female cattle of beef cattle, which have achieved good results. In order to speed up the improvement of animal husbandry production capacity, China is expanding and strengthening the breeding system of improved breeds, gradually reducing its dependence on imported livestock and poultry, making efforts to change the extensive mode of livestock and poultry breeding, popularizing and popularizing advanced and applicable feeding and management techniques, and striving to make major breakthroughs in independent innovation in livestock and poultry breeding industry, standardized feeding and management, and animal disease prevention and control.

"more importantly, animal husbandry should be based on local resource endowments and optimize regional layout." In the view of Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, the per capita land area in the north of our country is large, and there are conditions for the development of family pastures; in the south, there are many people and little land, so we should rely on leading enterprises to develop large farmers. Poultry and pigs have a high degree of industrialization, so it is necessary to promote intensive factory farming. If the production cycle of cattle and sheep is long, the processing enterprises can play a greater leading role through household breeding and centralized fattening mode.

In accordance with the relevant plans, the optimization of the regional layout of animal husbandry has progressed steadily. The northern pastoral area is an important ecological barrier. It is necessary to adhere to the basic principle of organic combination of production and ecology and give priority to ecology. By changing the mode of production and management, we can speed up the improvement of cattle and sheep breeds and improve production efficiency. In traditional agricultural areas, the popularity of aquaculture technology is high, but the breeding density in some areas is too high, so it is necessary to speed up the development of standardized scale aquaculture, promote the transformation of grain through the stomach on the spot, and realize the transformation of granaries into meat depots. In the agro-pastoral ecotone, there are not only abundant straw resources, but also certain grazing conditions, so it is necessary to reasonably adjust the planting structure, combine planting and breeding, promote livestock breeding in semi-pastoral areas and fattening cattle and sheep in agricultural areas, and promote the development of cattle and sheep industry.

Conservation of ecological energy, combination of planting and cultivation

With the rapid development of animal husbandry, some areas show the trend of increasing pollution and ecological deterioration. Some agricultural areas discharge manure at random, resulting in non-point source pollution; some pastoral areas are overloaded and overgrazed, resulting in grassland degradation, desertification and alkalization. According to statistics, the country produces 3 billion tons of livestock and poultry manure every year, but the effective treatment rate is less than 50 percent. The area of degraded, desertified and alkalized grasslands is nearly 2 billion mu.

In the face of the growing reality of non-point source pollution in the aquaculture industry, the relevant laws and regulations have also been formulated and revised quickly. In January 2014, China's first administrative regulation on agricultural and rural environmental protection, the regulations on the Prevention and Control of pollution from large-scale breeding of Livestock and Poultry, came into effect. In October of the same year, the State Office issued the opinions on the establishment of a harmless treatment mechanism for sick and dead livestock and poultry. In 2015, the newly revised Environmental Protection Law came into effect. All these have raised the entry threshold for the livestock and poultry industry, and people realize that the previous extensive approach of production and pollution is no longer feasible.

"it is necessary to vigorously promote circular agriculture with the combination of planting and breeding, open up the channels for the coordinated development of the planting and breeding industry, promote recycling and turn waste into treasure, so as to solve not only the feed problem of livestock and poultry, but also the problem of excrement and urine." Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: in accordance with the principle of the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and the balance of planting and breeding, we should adhere to the scientific layout of livestock and poultry breeding, reduce what should be reduced, resolutely ban the ban, do not exceed the limit, and strive to match the capacity of livestock and poultry with the environmental capacity. Promote clean aquaculture, promote large-scale breeding farms to speed up the improvement of fecal sewage treatment and utilization facilities, promote clean production technology and precision feed formulation technology, and minimize fecal production.

Wang Yanliang, director of the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection General Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that on the one hand, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the environmental carrying capacity and the requirements for the prevention and control of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, promote the return of organic manure to the field, promote the circular development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and study and adopt support policies. enterprises are encouraged to invest in organic fertilizer production. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote standardized large-scale breeding, support the construction of livestock and poultry manure treatment facilities in large-scale farms (areas), do a good job in the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure, and build centralized treatment centers in areas with high planting density. to explore the third-party treatment and comprehensive utilization mechanism of manure from large-scale farming.

Ensure benefits and build the whole industry chain

China's per capita arable land area is small, and the cultivation industry is obviously limited by the scale of operation. Relatively speaking, animal husbandry is more capital-intensive, has more obvious advantages in technology intensification, and is easier to break through in business scale. Experts believe that most of the problems existing in animal husbandry at present should be solved by promoting the transformation from decentralized breeding to large-scale breeding.

Take dairy industry as an example, in recent years, China's dairy industry appears milk shortage, milk surplus alternating phenomenon. When milk supply was tight in 2013, some dairy enterprises competed for milk supply and raised milk prices. In 2014, when the milk source was surplus, the price was lowered and the price was rejected and limited. The industry believes that dairy farming and dairy processing in our country are disconnected, dairy enterprises only process, control the purchase right and pricing right of fresh milk, dairy farmers only raise cattle, in a weak position. The imperfect benefit linkage mechanism between dairy processing enterprises and dairy farmers is an important factor causing the above fluctuations.

The animal husbandry industry chain is long, involving many links such as planting and marketing. To build modern animal husbandry, efforts should be made in the aspects of extension, circulation and processing, socialized service, etc. We should improve the interest linkage mechanism and encourage enterprises to develop in depth into breeding, planting and processing through various ways such as leading enterprises driving, merger, joint venture and joint venture. "Milk is fresh and perishable, and the dairy industry should be integrated. All localities should vigorously cultivate new dairy business entities, improve the interest linkage mechanism between dairy enterprises and dairy farmers, and continuously improve the degree of organization." Agriculture Minister Han Changfu said.

Forage accounts for 70% of farming costs and is upstream of livestock farming. Without high-quality forage, the breeding level of cattle and sheep will not go up, the production cost will not be reduced, and the industry will not develop well. In the past, our country paid insufficient attention to forage industry. From now on, we should develop natural grassland and artificial grass as a whole for the whole land resources. Ma Youxiang, director of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that natural pasture is the most economical source of feed. To protect the grassland ecology, we should use grass to determine livestock. At the same time, we should also do a good job of artificial planting grass. In recent years, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other places have planted oatgrass, alfalfa, etc. on natural grasslands, effectively increasing forage. This year, the central government has allocated 720 million yuan to support qualified provinces to build a number of standardized pasture production bases.

The rich, not the hairy. "Li Shouyuan, senior animal husbandry officer of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of Shandong Province, said that animal husbandry is the main channel for increasing employment income of herdsmen, but due to the rise of production cost, decline of comparative benefit, epidemic disease risk and market risk, the fluctuation of livestock and poultry breeding increases." Data show that since 2009, the cost of animal husbandry has increased by nearly 40%, and many farmers have increased production without increasing income. The H7N9 outbreak in 2013 hit the poultry industry hard, losing more than 100 billion yuan. Pig prices have been depressed for three consecutive years, with a loss of 110 yuan per pig in 2014.

At present, animal husbandry insurance coverage is not enough, animal husbandry market regulation methods are also limited. How to minimize the market risk of livestock breeding under the new situation? Wang Zhicai, chief animal husbandry officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that we should learn from the experience of developed countries, formulate control plans to prevent large fluctuations in production and prices for major livestock products such as pigs and cows, and improve market regulation measures such as temporary collection and storage. Carry out the pilot of pig target price insurance, and strive to promote and implement it as soon as possible in large pig counties. On the basis of implementing policy insurance for live pigs and dairy cows, we will gradually carry out policy insurance pilot projects for beef and mutton sheep.