
Can I eat the common dogtail grass on the side of the road? What is the effect of soaking water and drinking?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Everyone should be no stranger to dogtail grass, the roadside can be seen everywhere in the field, it feels furry, and I like to play when I was a child. Now there is not only such a question: can dog tail grass be eaten? The answer is, of course, yes! Although it is unremarkable, actually

Everyone should be familiar with dog tail grass, it can be seen everywhere on the roadside in the field. It is furry to the touch. I liked to play when I was a child. Now not only does this question arise: can dog tail grass be eaten? Of course the answer is yes! Don't look at it inconspicuous, in fact, it is still a valuable traditional Chinese medicine.

Dogtail grass, also known as light grass, is an annual herb, stem upright slender, tall eat more, slender leaves, the lower part of the sheath-like surrounding the stem. At a certain time, Setaria will also bloom, but its flowers are different from ordinary flowers, but also green, is a cylindrical flower, heading at the top of the stem, there are thorns, shaped like a dog tail, also has the name of dog tail grass.

Generally speaking, dogtail grass is a favorite plant for cattle, donkeys, horses and sheep. Old, tender, fresh or dry, it makes good livestock feed.

A talented netizen made dog tail grass into Japanese cuisine tempura (the general term for fried food in Japanese cuisine), which attracted many netizens to discuss. Later, due to the pain of being stabbed in the throat, the test-eating netizen gave up the last three. This incident reminded everyone that dogtail grass was indeed not suitable for eating.

Although it cannot be eaten directly, dog tail grass still has certain medicinal value. According to traditional Chinese medicine, dog tail grass Ganping has the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, clearing liver and improving eyesight, diuresis and detoxification. It can be used for the treatment of wind-heat cold, pain in urine, red eye pain, red eye swelling pain, conjunctivitis, vision loss, and dysuria.

usage and dosage

Oral: decoction, 2~4 money (fresh 1~2 liang).

External use: decocting and washing or pounding.

However, there is no scientific basis for drinking water with dog tail grass circulating on the Internet. It is best not to try blindly.