
Under the new normal, agricultural development should deal with new challenges, traditional and modern co-exist.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, As China's economic development has entered a new normal, reform has entered a deep water area, and economic and social development has entered a new stage, new changes have taken place in the environment, conditions, tasks and requirements of China's agricultural development. Understand the new normal, adapt to the new normal, lead the new normal

As China's economic development has entered a new normal, reform has entered a deep water area, and economic and social development has entered a new stage, new changes have taken place in the environment, conditions, tasks and requirements of China's agricultural development. To understand the new normal, adapt to the new normal, and lead the new normal, new ideas, new ideas and new measures are necessary for the development of modern agriculture.

Full of challenges

In recent years, the pace of China's agricultural modernization has been accelerated, but various risks and structural contradictions are also accumulating and gathering. First, the constraints of tight agricultural resources and the deterioration of the agricultural environment have become increasingly prominent. The endowment of agricultural resources in China is congenitally deficient, and the per capita cultivated land and fresh water resources are only 1max 3 and 1max 4 of the world average, respectively; the ecological environment is seriously damaged, the carrying capacity is getting closer and closer to the limit, the intensity of resource development and utilization is too strong, and the strings are getting tighter and tighter. Especially after the problem of food and clothing is solved, people's demand for diversified agricultural products and food quality and safety is getting higher and higher. Second, the challenge of the change in the employment structure of the rural labor force has become increasingly prominent. With the massive transfer and employment of rural labor force, the quality of agricultural labor force has declined structurally, and the problems of concurrent agriculture, aging farmers and rural hollowing out are prominent. Third, the problem of structural imbalance in agricultural production has become increasingly prominent. The regional layout and resource endowment conditions do not match, the transportation of grain from the north to the south and the south-to-north water transfer coexist; the structure of grain economy and feeding is not reasonable; the increase in the inventory of some agricultural products coexists with the increase in the import of some agricultural products; and the combination of farming and aquaculture is not close enough. the decline of soil fertility and the ineffective utilization of manure in aquaculture co-exist. Fourth, the contradiction between the low comparative efficiency of agriculture and the inverted prices of agricultural products at home and abroad has become increasingly prominent. On the one hand, the cost of domestic agricultural production continues to rise, and the prices of agricultural products are low, resulting in a continuous decline in agricultural comparative efficiency; on the other hand, the prices of major agricultural products in the international market are generally lower than those of similar domestic products, leading to a continuous increase in imports. In order to solve the above contradictions and problems, we must speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

Traditional and modern coexist

In recent years, although China's agriculture has maintained a good momentum of increasing grain income, the contradictions between quantity and quality, total quantity and structure, input and output, cost and benefit, production and environment, current and long-term have become increasingly prominent. Generally speaking, the way of agricultural development in China is still the coexistence of traditional and modern. First, although the equipment conditions of agricultural technical facilities in our country have been gradually improved, however, the problems of underdeveloped capillaries in irrigation and water conservancy canal system, inadequate "last kilometer" of agricultural science and technology extension, and low utilization rate of agricultural inputs have not been fundamentally solved; second, although the new agricultural management main body develops rapidly, agricultural small-scale operation still accounts for the majority, which limits the improvement of agricultural labor productivity in our country. Third, although the market system of agricultural products has initially taken shape, farmers in many places are still cultivated according to habit, feeling and imitation, so it is difficult to get out of the cycle of "more, less"; fourth, although China is a large country in the farming and aquaculture industry, however, the comparative advantages of agricultural regions have not been brought into full play, agricultural production, processing, circulation, consumption and other industrial chains are out of touch, and the competitiveness of the agricultural market is not strong. Only by speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, can China's agriculture become a promising, attractive and competitive industry.

The time is ripe

First, at present, there is an adequate supply of major agricultural products in China, which provides a guarantee for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. After years of bumper harvests in China, the inventory of major agricultural products is abundant, some products have reached the highest point in history, and the economic growth rate has slowed down, which has weakened the growth of demand for the export, consumption and processing of agricultural products. the pressure on ensuring quantity in agricultural production has been alleviated, which has opened a time window to promote agricultural development from mainly pursuing output and quantity to paying equal attention to quantity, quality, efficiency, ecology and safety. Second, the full implementation of the new national food security strategy has left room for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of food rations is the basic goal of the national food security strategy under the new situation. Agricultural production has changed from protecting all and ownership in the past to protecting key points and food rations, providing a more relaxed policy environment and resource space for further promoting agricultural structural adjustment. Third, the transformation and upgrading of residents' consumption structure of agricultural products has added impetus to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. At present, China has entered the stage of accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the food consumption structure, and people should not only eat well, but also eat safely, nutritionally and healthily, providing a broad market space for the production of high-quality, safe and ecological agricultural products. it provides a strong driving force for improving the quality of agricultural products and the level of food safety. Fourth, there is an adequate supply of international agricultural products, which provides conditions for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. At present, the overall supply and demand situation of the global grain market is greater than demand, and the stock-to-consumption ratio of major agricultural products is at the highest level in history, which provides a realistic possibility and operational space for our country to make better use of two kinds of resources and markets at home and abroad.

It is under the above background and conditions that the General Office of the State Council issued the opinions on speeding up the Transformation of the Mode of Agricultural Development. The "opinions" clearly put forward that the transformation of the mode of agricultural development should be regarded as the fundamental way to accelerate agricultural modernization. The "opinions" clearly defines the basic ideas and overall requirements for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and puts forward the key tasks and main measures for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Changing the mode of agricultural development is not only a long-term strategic task of China's modern agricultural construction, but also a policy and operational work. It is necessary to implement local responsibilities and improve the working mechanism; strengthen departmental cooperation and introduce supporting policies; strengthen organizational leadership, overall planning and coordination, and earnestly implement various tasks and measures.