
When does the four seasons begonia blossom? How to make it bloom all the year round? How to maintain the best in winter?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Four Seasons Begonia, also known as four Seasons Begonia, is a plant of the genus Begonia of the Begonia family. Begonia is the most common and cultivated species of begonia. So when will the four seasons begonia blossom? How to make it bloom all the year round? How to maintain it best in winter?

Four Seasons Begonia, also known as four Seasons Begonia, is a plant of the genus Begonia of the Begonia family. Begonia is the most common and cultivated species of begonia. So when will the four seasons begonia blossom? How to make it bloom all the year round? How to maintain it best in winter? The details are as follows:

In which month does the four-season crabapple blossom

Florescence from December to May of the following year, mostly used for potted plants and flower beds decoration.

If you want crabapple New Year's Day to blossom, you should cut and raise seedlings in the first and middle of April, plant in mid-September after summer, and turn to open-field management and protection in mid-October; if you want to blossom in the Spring Festival, sow in mid-August (it takes 145 to 160 days from sowing to flowering), move into open field maintenance in mid-October, and plant in pot in mid-November; promote "May Day" flowering, sowing and seedling raising in mid-October. Cuttage seedlings (120 to 150 days from cutting to flowering) were protected in the first and middle of December and planted in late February, but to prevent cold and protect seedlings. The use of growth inhibitors can also promote flowers.

How to make four Seasons Begonia blossom all the year round

Four Seasons Begonia chooses suitable soil cultivation in Spring

The selection of culture soil is very important for four seasons crabapple. The culture soil of a long flowering four seasons crabapple should be made of rotten leaf soil, pastoral soil and a small amount of river sand. Of course, a small amount of bone meal can be added as cake fertilizer, which can make begonia grow more healthily.

Potted four-season begonia

Reasonable lighting and ventilation of four seasons begonia in spring

In early spring, the four seasons crabapple should be placed in the sunny position of the balcony, and always maintain and pay attention to ventilation. And multi-directional observation, a long time should be 180 °in place to change the fragrance of the flowerpot.

After the late frost, the four seasons crabapple should be transplanted to a position where there is only scattered sunlight. Watering should not be excessive, wetting is better, and thin liquid fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied every 1-2 weeks.

Potted crabapple should be ventilated

The humidity of begonia in summer is particularly important.

The warm and humid environment of the four seasons crabapple can not be changed. During its growing period, it should be placed in a cool, ventilated place with scattered light for maintenance.

In summer, watering should be controlled, fertilization should be stopped to prevent leaves from yellowing due to sunlight, and water should be sprayed to the page and the surrounding ground every day to ensure the surrounding humidity and cool down.

Four Seasons Begonia after watering

Proper fertilization of Begonia in Autumn

After the late autumn, put the four seasons crabapple in a half-light place, strengthen the management of water charges, keep the basin soil nutrients adequate, and apply mature N, P and K dilute liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days.

Maintenance of room temperature of four-season begonia in winter

Indoor potted crabapple

After entering winter, the indoor temperature should be kept above 15 ℃, and the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened to make begonia continue to blossom. At noon, it should be placed in a place with sufficient light on the balcony, which is beneficial to the indoor development in winter.

How to raise begonia in winter

Four seasons crabapple is not cold-resistant, if it can be nurtured indoors to survive the winter. then it is still lively and lively, full of spring. After late autumn, the temperature gradually dropped, and the growth of four seasons begonia was also inhibited. After entering the semi-dormant state, the new branches and leaves are not sent, and the flowers are rare. One or two temperatures are even colder, sometimes freezing continuously. If the family does not pay attention to keeping warm, it is possible to freeze to death. So put it before the frost.

The pot plant is moved to a sunny place in the room.

When the indoor temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the pot plants should be moved to several tables far away from the window at night to avoid freezing the leaves. The day moves to the sunny place on the windowsill, in order to make the plant grow symmetrically, you should often turn the flowerpot. If the indoor temperature drops to 0 ℃, you should take cold-proof measures. You can insert three or four thin bamboo sticks in the basin as a support, and then cover the basin with a transparent plastic film bag and seal the lower mouth. After the room temperature rises, there will be a lot of water droplets in the bag. Remove the plastic bag at this time to avoid causing leaf rot. Indoor heating, stove heating conditions, room temperature can be controlled at more than 15 ℃, the four seasons crabapple grows as usual, flowers continue to bloom, but do not put potted flowers too close to the stove, heating, so as not to burn.