
What kind of fertilizer is better for planting fruit trees in rural areas? At least how many times a year? Do you need to be grafted? What's the advantage?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The countryside is vast in land and abundant in resources. Besides raising livestock and poultry, we can also plant fruit trees and crops. Today, the editor introduces to you what kind of fertilizer is better for planting fruit trees in rural areas. At least how many times a year? Do you need to be grafted? What's the advantage? I. what should be given to planting fruit trees in rural areas

The countryside is vast in land and abundant in resources. Besides raising livestock and poultry, we can also plant fruit trees and crops. Today, the editor introduces to you what kind of fertilizer is better for planting fruit trees in rural areas. At least how many times a year? Do you need to be grafted? What's the advantage?

What kind of fertilizer is better for planting fruit trees in rural areas?

There are many varieties of fruit trees, which can be divided into five periods: young tree stage, early fruiting stage, fruiting peak period, late fruiting stage and aging period. The requirements for nutrient elements are different in different stages. in the young tree stage, due to the exuberant growth of roots and aboveground parts, a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus supply is needed; in the fruiting stage, due to the need of a large number of fruits, a large amount of nitrogen and potassium supply is also needed, especially in the full fruit stage; nutrients need to be weakened in the aging period, but in order to promote regeneration and rejuvenation and maintain the tree potential, the nitrogen supply should not be too small.

Generally speaking, the type of fertilization should be determined according to the characteristics of fertilizer demand of fruit trees, the type of fertilizer and other factors. Fruit trees need not only a large number of element fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also trace element fertilizers such as boron, iron, zinc and copper. These nutrient elements come from farm manure, crop straw, cake fertilizer, chicken manure and other organic fertilizers. It also comes from urea, diammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate, various compound fertilizers and other chemical fertilizers. The combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer and a large number of element fertilizer and trace element fertilizer can meet the growth and development needs of different fruit trees in different periods. Overcome the practice of attaching importance to nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, neglecting potash fertilizer and neglecting organic fertilizer and micro-fertilizer in production. The combination of underground fertilization and aboveground fertilization.

At least how many times a year should you apply fertilizer?

Fertilize at least four times a year:

The first topdressing should be before flowering: fruit trees sprout and blossom consume a lot of nutrients, at this time, if the nutrient supply is not available, it will lead to longer flowering period and lower fruit setting rate, so it is necessary to apply an appropriate amount of available fertilizer.

The second time is topdressing fertilizer: this topdressing should be carried out immediately after falling flowers, in order to reduce physiological fruit drop, promote new shoot growth and expand leaf area. The first and second topdressing should be closely combined, mainly with the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, 1 kg urea per adult tree, and spraying foliar fertilizer to improve the effective fruit setting rate.

The third time is topdressing during the period of fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation: at this time, the fruit expands rapidly, the flower bud begins to differentiate, and the contradiction between reproductive growth and vegetative growth is acute. Timely application of appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and various trace elements calcium, magnesium, silicon, etc., can improve the photosynthetic effect of leaves, promote nutrient accumulation, and meet the nutritional needs of fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation.

The fourth time is topdressing during the stop growing period of autumn shoot: the main function is to improve the photosynthetic function of leaves, increase the accumulation of nutrients in the later stage, and promote the continued differentiation and fullness of flower buds. For the third and fourth times of topdressing, 50 kg of human feces and urine, 1 kg of calcium superphosphate and 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate were applied to mature trees. The fourth fertilization time: early-maturing and middle-maturing varieties can be carried out after harvest, and late-maturing varieties can be carried out before harvest.

Do fruit trees need to be grafted? What's the advantage?

In the planting of fruit trees, the vast majority of fruit trees need to be grafted. Grafting has the following advantages:

1. The seeds of many fruit trees are heterozygotes, and sowing with seeds can not maintain the excellent characteristics of woody plants.

2. Grafting can shorten the fruiting years, because the branches are generally collected from adult mother trees, and the branches already have the ability to blossom.

3. Grafting is a strong combination, which can better show the character of scion.