
How much do you know about the efficacy, function and taboo of vervain (pure dew, tea)?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to vervain, many people may only know that it has ornamental value, but few people know its medicinal value. In fact, verbena is a perennial herb, generally wild, mainly growing on the edge of the forest or wild grassland, native to Europe, in

When it comes to vervain, many people may only know that it has ornamental value, but few people know its medicinal value. In fact, verbena is a perennial herb, which is generally wild, mainly grows in the edge of the forest or wild grassland, originated in Europe, and is widely distributed and planted in East China, South China and Southwest China. Although vervain is a grass, it is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with high medicinal value. What are the effects, functions and taboos of vervain and vervain pure dew and verbena tea made from verbena?

I. the efficacy, function and taboo of vervain

Verbena contains verbena glycoside, cardiotonic glycoside, tannin and volatile oil. Stachyose in the rhizome. Leaves contain adenosine and β-carotene. Its effects and functions are mainly as follows:

1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

Both water and alcohol extracts have anti-inflammatory effects on inflammation caused by instillation of mustard oil into rabbit conjunctival sac, and the anti-inflammatory effect of the latter is better than that of the former. The water-soluble part of the latter is better than the water-insoluble part. The water extract had analgesic effect on the pain caused by electrical stimulation of rabbit tooth pulp, which began at 1 h and disappeared at 3 h, while the analgesic effect of alcohol extract disappeared completely after 6 h, and the water-soluble part had more analgesic effect, while the water-insoluble part had no analgesic effect.

2. Detoxification and antitussive effect

Verbena decoction has the effect of detoxification, can reduce swelling and diuresis, and has a certain antitussive and antitussive effect on cough caused by various causes. In ancient China, it was often used to treat cold and heat caused by malaria. The effective antitussive components are β-sitosterol and verbena glycoside.

3. Effect on uterus

Verbena at the concentration of 1.6 × 10-2g/ml has a certain excitatory effect on rat uterine muscle strips and non-pregnant human uterine muscle strips. In the rat uterine muscle strips, the specimens in estrus were the most sensitive to vervain, and the addition of vervain often caused both tension and contraction amplitude to increase at the same time, while the specimens in other stages often only increased the contraction amplitude. The response of human uterine muscle strips to vervain is weak, generally only catatonic changes take place. In the experiment of uterine muscle strips in rats, verbena and PGE2 could enhance each other, but only had an additive effect with PGF2a. When the concentration of verbena was enough to stimulate uterine smooth muscle, it had no significant effect on jejunal smooth muscle, nor could it enhance the effect of PGE2 on jejunal smooth muscle.

Vervain has many effects and functions, such as 10 jin of verbena and sage, boiling with water to remove dregs, making balls, and taking two to three pills a day to treat abdominal distension and abdominal pain. Vervain can also treat bulging, irritation and thirst. In addition, vervain can also excite the sympathetic nerve and promote milk secretion.

Verbena function: clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis, promoting diuresis and detumescence. Treatment of exogenous fever, damp-heat jaundice, edema, dysentery, malaria, diphtheria, throat arthralgia, gonorrhea, amenorrhea, carbuncle, sore poison, dental chancre.

The taboo of vervain: pregnant women should take it carefully.

① "Classic of Materia Medica": "although the patient has the syndrome of damp-heat and blood-heat, do not take it if the spleen is yin deficiency and stomach qi is weak."

② "Materia Medica from the new": "sore syndrome for a long time and deficiency, consider using it."

Side effects of vervain:

If the mouth is dry and the tongue is dry and the thighs are slightly feverish or sour after taking it, it is a normal reaction. Drink more water to replenish water. Drinking this tea will not cause diarrhea, but it can be used as water. It is best to drink enough 2000cc every day.

Second, the efficacy and function of verbena pure dew.

Pure dew is the product of essential oil distillation process, the composition is the molecular structure of the plant itself, there is no other addition. The main ingredients include: pinene, camphor, verbenone, bornyl acetate, camphene, chrysanthemol, myrcene, eucalyptol. Its effects and functions are mainly as follows:

Skin efficacy: vervain is a ketone molecule that does not need to worry. It is very useful and safe for people of all ages. And verbenone rosemary is one of the most popular pure dew used by beauticians. Because she can act on the dermis of the skin, it can calm skin irritation, acne blisters, lumps, and even rough skin from the inside out.

Using verbenone rosemary lotion with steamed face or hot compress can help the skin bring dirt to the surface, dredge clogged pores, deeply clean, and make the skin firm and increase the fineness of the skin.

She also has an outstanding skin brightening effect, partly due to its deep cleansing effect, and partly because she has very good antioxidant properties, compared with other kinds of rosemary pure dew. Verbenone rosemary pure dew has more obvious free radical scavenging properties.

Spiritual efficacy: invigorates the spirit and helps to concentrate.

Efficacy of internal administration: it tastes sweet and cool, and it can deal with respiratory system, nasal congestion and mucous membrane problems according to 21-day intensive treatment. It has the effect of clearing dust and mucus in the lungs, and can promote liver function and help digestion.

Palate aroma: there is no exciting taste of rosemary, sweet and soft notes, with a hint of bluish hair, followed by a classic sharp taste, but very light.

How to use it:

1. Facial application and scalp nursing

Strong contraction, firm and loose skin, has a good effect on acne, especially closed acne; at the same time, it can improve dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Can be shampoo, directly massage the scalp, reduce scalp oil and dredge blocked scalp hair follicles, fat removal can be used, the effect is quite obvious.

2. Human body energy replenishment

After listening to some excellent teachers' opinions on the energy of the human body, I firmly believe that the power of nature has a healing effect. When people feel tired, pressure, low energy, you can warm the pure dew and slowly pour it into the hair along the forehead, which can be adjusted to replenish the body energy. Let the body and mind calm and relax.

3. Detoxification by oral administration

One of the best pure lotions for nourishing the liver and protecting the liver, I think it has a more obvious effect on clearing the respiratory system and mucous membrane. The diluted aroma has a hint of grass. The verbenone contained in this kind of rosemary has a good ability to detoxify the liver and can also help promote wound healing, so verbenone rosemary is often used for liver maintenance.

Add 15ML to 1L of cold water and drink it slowly throughout the day. It can improve the unclearness of the respiratory tract, promote liver function and protect the liver, which often stays up late. The stability of verbenone rosemary dew is general. The average life span is between 14 and 16 months. It is recommended to keep it in cold storage.

Third, the efficacy and function of verbena tea.

1. It has a sedative effect and has a good therapeutic effect on dyspepsia and bronchitis.

2. It has the effect of losing weight. Drinking verbena tea before going to bed for a long time can recuperate the gastrointestinal system and lose weight.

3. It can treat migraine (Department of Neurology) and has the effect of detoxification and nourishing liver qi.

Production method: wash vervain, cut it into medium length, put it in a stew cup, then add water and use

Bring to a boil, simmer for 25 minutes, remove the dregs and stir well with sugar.

Vervain tea can still be made like this:

1. Rosemary verbena tea

Required materials: 10 grams of rosemary, 10 grams of verbena, 6 grams of mint, 6 grams of Tieguanyin.


(1) Rosemary, verbena, mint and Tieguanyin are wrapped in cotton cloth and filtered with water.

(2) all materials can be taken after soaking in boiling water of 70 °C ~ 80 °C for about 15 minutes.

How to drink: this prescription is a daily dose, once every 3 days, 10 times as a cycle.

2. Chamomile verbena tea

Required materials: 7 grams of rosemary, 10 grams of chamomile, 10 grams of verbena, 7 grams of Luoshenhua, a little honey.


(1) filter all incense: grass with water.

(2) after brewing all the herbs with 450 ml of hot water for 10 minutes and 20 minutes, pour out the soup and filter it and then drink it.

(3) according to your own taste, you can add a little honey.

3. Lemon verbena tea

Preparation materials: 1 slice of lemon, 5g verbena, 2 rosemary, 1 tablespoon of honey.


(1) rinse rosemary with cold water, drain and set aside. Put verbena into tea bags.

(2) put vervain tea bags and rosemary in a pot and soak in boiling hot water for 5 minutes.

(3) when the water temperature is below 80 °C, add lemon slices and honey to drink.

Suitable crowd for verbena tea:

1. Female friends who are overnourished and do not like sports but want to keep a perfect curve.

2. Sedentary office workers.

3. People who are getting fat in middle age.

The taboo crowd of verbena tea:

1. Pregnant women are prohibited.

2. People with hot blood fever and spleen deficiency should not be taken.

Two major misunderstandings of verbena tea:

1. Brew verbena tea in an insulated cup

Ceramic pots and cups should be used to make tea, not insulation cups. Because the tea is soaked in an insulation cup, the tea must be kept at high temperature for a long time, so that the aroma is reduced; too much tannic acid and theophylline are leached, and there is also a bitter taste, thus losing some nutrients.

2. Brew tea in boiling water

Making tea with boiling water will destroy a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the water temperature of making tea should be controlled at 70 ℃-80 ℃.