
How much is the price of herb spinach seeds a catty? How much per mu? How long does it take to sow and harvest? What are the planting methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Spinach is also known as Persian cabbage, red root cabbage, spinach, cabbage, parrot cabbage, red root cabbage, dragon cabbage, etc., originating in Iran, widely cultivated in China, one of the most common vegetables. How much does the seed cost? How much per mu? How long to sow and harvest

Spinach, also known as Persian vegetables, red root vegetables, spinach, parrot vegetables, red root vegetables, dragon vegetables, etc., originated in Iran, widely cultivated in China, is one of the most common vegetables. So how much is the price of its seeds per jin? How much is one mu of land? How long does it take to sow and harvest? What are the planting methods? According to the nursery stock base in Shuyang, Jiangsu Province, the price of spinach seeds is now about 10 yuan / jin, and about 3-3.5 jin of seeds are needed per mu of land.

How long does spinach sow and harvest?

According to the different planting time, spinach can be divided into four types: autumn spinach, overwintering spinach, spring spinach and summer spinach, and because of different varieties, the sensitivity to sunshine length is also different. after the completion of plant stage development, it can bolt and blossom and complete its reproductive growth.

1. Autumn spinach

Autumn spinach is sown from August to September and can be harvested in batches 30-50 days after sowing. It is appropriate to choose early-maturing varieties with high heat tolerance and fast growth, such as Lutougu, Huacheng No. 1, Guangdong round leaves, spring and autumn leaves and so on.

2. Overwintering spinach

Overwintering spinach is usually sown from mid-October to early November and harvested in batches before and after the Spring Festival. it is appropriate to select middle and late maturing varieties with strong winter, late bolting and strong cold tolerance, such as Yuanye No.1, Huaye No. 1, Liaoning Yuanye and so on.

3. Spring spinach

Sowing can begin when the temperature rises above 5 °C after the beginning of spring. March is the suitable time for sowing and harvested 30-50 days after sowing. Varieties should choose late round leaves with late bolting and hypertrophic leaves, large leaves in spring and autumn, round leaves in Shenyang, round leaves in Liaoning and so on.

4. Summer spinach

Summer spinach is often sown in stages from May to July and harvested one after another from late June to mid-September. Huabo No. 1 with strong heat resistance, rapid growth and not easy bolting should be selected, such as Huabo No. 1, big leaves in spring and autumn, Guangdong round leaves and so on.

What are the methods of growing spinach?

1. Land preparation and border formation

Choose loose and fertile, water and fertilizer conservation, good drainage and irrigation conditions, slightly acidic loam is better, PH value 5.5-7. When preparing the soil, 4000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 40 kg of superphosphate should be applied per mu, which should be high in winter and spring and flat in summer and autumn, with a width of 1.2-1.5m.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Spinach fields are generally sown. Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours one week before sowing in summer and autumn, then put them in a well or in a refrigerator or freezer at about 4 °C for 24 hours, then sprout at 20-25 °C, germinate after 3-5 days and sow seeds. Dry or wet seeds can be sowed in winter and spring. Sow 3-3.5 kg per mu.

After pouring the bottom water on the border, sow the seeds, gently rake the topsoil with a tooth rake, sow the seeds into the soil, and cover the border with a layer of plant ash.

After sowing in summer and autumn, it is necessary to cover with straw or use a small arch shed to cover the sunshade net to prevent high temperature and rainstorm erosion. Often keep the soil warm and moist, 6-7 days can be full of seedlings, winter sowing temperature is on the low side, then cover the border with plastic film or sunshade net to promote seedling emergence, and remove after emergence.

3. Field management

Autumn spinach poured clear dung water once after producing true leaves; after 2 true leaves, combined with seedlings, weeding, topdressing first light and then concentrated, early application of rotten manure; topdressing 2-3 times in peak growth period, 5-10 kg urea per mu.

The soil remains moist after winter spinach sowing. When 3-4 true leaves, properly control the water to facilitate overwintering. When there are 2-3 true leaves, the seedling spacing is 3-4 cm. According to the situation of seedlings and weather, water and fertilizer were applied, mainly feces and urine of mature people. Frost and ice and snow weather should be covered with plastic film and sunshade net insulation, can be covered by a small arch shed. After the beginning of spring, choose sunny days to apply rotten light dung water to prevent early bolting.

The early stage of spring spinach should be covered with plastic film for heat preservation, which can be directly covered on the border surface. After emergence, the film can be removed or changed to a small arch shed. The small arch shed will cover the day and night cover and the rain cover, so that the seedlings can see more light, refine more seedlings, and time seedlings. Topdressing fertilizer and water should be applied lightly and frequently with mature human and animal manure in the early stage, and quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in the later stage, especially 15 days before harvest.

After the emergence of summer spinach, it is still necessary to cover the sunshade net, clear cover overcast, cover sooner or later, in order to cool down and keep warm. Watering at seedling stage should be carried out frequently with small water in the morning or evening. After 2-3 true leaves, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer was applied twice. Water should be poured after each fertilization to promote growth.