
How to raise "Christmas cactus" crab claw orchid? How to maintain and water in the flower bract stage? Attached: culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Crab claw orchid is named as crab claw orchid because of the joint shape of crab claw orchid. In Christian western countries, it is also called Christmas cactus because it blossoms at Christmas. How to raise the crab claw orchid? How to maintain and water in the flower bract stage? Culture of crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid is named as crab claw orchid because of the joint shape of crab claw orchid. In the western countries that believe in Christianity, it is also called "Christmas cactus" because it is suitable for "Christmas" to bloom. How to raise the crab claw orchid? How to maintain and water in the flower bract stage?

Culture method of crab claw orchid

1, flowerpot selection: crab claw orchid flowerpots can use muddy flowerpots, plastic pots, porcelain pots and pottery pots, but muddy flowerpots are better. In order to coordinate with family decoration, they can be cultivated in plastic flowerpots with different colors. It is advisable to choose a pot with a crown diameter of 2pm and a pot diameter of 3 pots.

2. Soil configuration: crab claw orchid likes fertile and loose soil. Families can use 3 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of sand or 4 parts of peat soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of sand, 2 parts of perlite (or volcanic rock). It is best to disinfect the soil after high temperature disinfection, or it can also be sterilized in the sun.

3. Reasonable watering: crab claw orchid is an epiphytic cactus, which is often attached to trees or wet valleys in the natural environment, so the cultivation environment requires semi-shade and moist, but the basin soil should not be too wet and adhere to the principle of "dry and thoroughly watered". Water once every 2 to 3 days in high temperature season, and avoid watering at noon. The temperature is low in winter, can be watered once a week, avoid watering in the evening.

4. Timely fertilization: crab claw orchid likes fertilizer, and there are many branches and flowers when the fertilizer is sufficient. After the sprouting of leaf buds, topdressing can be started. In the growing season, 10 times of rotten liquid fertilizer mixed with 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 1000 times of "Huaduoduo" general fertilizer can be applied once every 15 to 20 days. The times of fertilization should be reduced at the end of autumn and should be stopped when the temperature is below 10 ℃. No fertilization is applied when the summer temperature is high and the winter temperature is low.

5, light control: crab claw orchid is afraid of hot and high temperature, avoid exposure and rain, so it should be placed in indoor ventilation or shady balcony in summer. Crab claw orchid gradually returned to growth after the Beginning of Autumn, should be placed in 50% of the light, such as shade shed or sunny window, in order to receive light and promote flower bud differentiation. As the weather turns cooler and gradually increases the light, sufficient light should be given from late autumn to winter.

6. florescence control: crab claw orchid is a short-day plant, which can be controlled by adjusting the light time. To promote flowering, start short-day treatment according to the desired flowering time of 60 to 70 days in advance, natural light time of 8 hours per day, and shading treatment for the rest of the time. Continue to shade, can not be interrupted, generally can see buds after 20 days.

Matters needing attention in the culture of crab claw orchid

1. After the autumn is cool, the crab claw orchid should be placed in a sunny place indoors. If the buds formed by not getting enough sunlight in autumn and winter will fall off and blossom will decrease or not.

2. when the crab claw orchid plant grows big, it is easy to be top-heavy and light, and it needs to be tied up, which can be supported by iron wire and other things. After flower failure, the residual flowers should be cut off together with the flowering stem nodes at the end, and pay attention to water control, and water can be watered to keep the basin soil moist after the new buds grow.

3. The upper basin soil of grafted seedlings of crab claw orchid can use 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 3 parts of river sand, plus a small amount of organic fertilizer or bone powder as base fertilizer. The basin is usually changed every 1-2 years. The change of pots should be carried out after the flowers bloom and fail in spring.

4. After the early spring flower fade, the crab claw orchid has a dormant period of about 40 days. Watering should be controlled at this time, but attention should be paid to loosening the soil and keeping the basin soil dry. When the top begins to sprout new buds, start watering to keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water in the basin, so as not to cause rotten roots.

5. Crab claw orchid will be dormant or semi-dormant when entering the summer high temperature season, so it should be watered less to keep the basin soil semi-wet and avoid rain.

4. After autumn, the crab claw orchid people gradually return to growth as the weather turns cool, and begin to water normally to keep the basin soil moist. In the bud stage, we should often spray water, keep abnormal stems and buds moist, and watering to keep the soil moist. Watering should be controlled after flowering to prolong the flowering period.

When do crab claw orchids blossom?

According to the morning and evening of flowering, crab claw orchid can be divided into early species, mesophytic species and late species, the flowering period is from September to April of the following year, the flower is single on the top of the branch, rose red, and it will be different according to the region, but because of the way of culture, some crab claw orchids are regulated to bloom in October. Crab claw orchid has been produced on a large scale in Japan, Germany, the United States and other countries, and has become one of the main indoor potted flowers in winter.

How to adjust the florescence of crab claw orchid?

If the crab claw orchid wants to blossom early, it must be exposed to 8-10 hours of sunshine every day, the rest of the time is completely dark, and the water is properly controlled. It can blossom in 60-70 days after taking the above measures. If it is required to blossom on National Day, the crab claw orchid can be shaded with an opaque black cloth cover or black plastic cover in mid-late July. The crab claw orchid is shaded for only 8 hours a day, and the rest of the time is covered with a black cloth cover, so that it can blossom in late September. Water once a day during shading treatment, keep the basin soil slightly moist, and pay attention to ventilation. In order to prolong the flowering period of crab claw orchid, it should be placed at about 15 ℃ after flowering. To delay flowering, the pot plants can be maintained at a low temperature of 5: 8 ℃ or the light can be extended to more than 14 hours a day.

Maintenance of crab claw orchid at flowering stage

1. Secrets of flowering period

Crab claw orchid flowering period to maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees, proper control of watering, of course, every day there are about 3 hours of scattered light, the temperature is easy to drop buds.

In October, when flowers are pregnant, crab claw orchids can be placed in a cool room of about 10-12 degrees, which is more conducive to the breeding of flowers. (restore 20 degrees if there is a bud in November)

2. Stay in the dark at night

Autumn crab claw orchid has 3-5 hours of scattered light during the day, if there are 12 hours of dark environment at night is the best, the maintenance place should not turn on the lights all night.

Keep it for 6 or 8 weeks, and you can see the bud. Don't be surprised. It's all a trick. At this time, you need to reduce watering. Only when the soil is dry, can you supply water. Don't water thoroughly to avoid losing more leaves and buds.

3. Increase the light and humidity after growing the bud

When your plant spends 6-8 weeks on a "dark night" and has a bud, you should appropriately increase the humidity, light and temperature, that is, pebbles and water on the tray and crab claw orchid on top.

If you do not want the bud to form too early, you can also cool down to prevent flowering, raising the temperature can give birth to the bud. The temperature is reduced to 12 degrees, and the temperature rise is naturally suitable for 20 degrees.

Post-anthesis treatment and propagation

1. Pruning one month after the flower fades

Flowers can be pruned after a month, crab claw orchids sometimes grow very messy, pruning can grow more beautiful, more flowers.

Some people wait for 3 months after flowering before pruning, but it is also possible to stop watering a month after flowering, and the watering can be resumed after pruning and sprouting.

2. Propagation of pruned stems

The cut stem can be used to propagate new plants, each 7 cm long, of course, the cut stem should be strong, dry in the ventilated shaded place after cutting for 1 day, and then cut in the micro-tide sandy soil, dry and then watered.

3. Change the basin every 2-3 years.

Unless the root system of crab claw orchid is rotten or sick, the pot is changed every 2-3 years, which can be combined with pruning, usually after spring warmth.

New soil is needed at this time, flowerpots can be used after cleaning and disinfection, the best time to change pots is from March to May, the temperature in each place is different, the time to change pots is sooner or later (about 15 degrees), do a good job every three years, do not use too large pots, easy to accumulate water and rot roots.

Special precautions

Sudden changes in flowering temperature, light and watering are easy to drop buds and leaves, so don't move crab claw orchids at will.

Many flower friends report that the crab claw orchid at home sometimes grows leaves but does not blossom, and sometimes there are rotten roots. Indeed, this happens to many crab claw orchids raised by flower friends. The reason for these problems is the problem of watering.

If you want crab claw orchid to grow vigorously, it is necessary to master these key periods of watering crab claw orchid.
