
When does the legume bauhinia plant sow and blossom? How much is the seed price per jin? How do you plant it? What are the places of origin?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Bauhinia, also known as bare-branch trees, purple beads, legume bauhinia, deciduous trees or shrubs. It originated in China. Sex likes light and has a certain degree of cold resistance. So when will it sow and blossom? How much is the seed price per jin? How do you plant it? What are the places of origin? From the hostel

Bauhinia, also known as bare-branch trees, purple beads, legume bauhinia, deciduous trees or shrubs. It originated in China. Sex likes light and has a certain degree of cold resistance. So when will it sow and blossom? How much is the seed price per jin? How do you plant it? What are the places of origin? It is learned from Suqian Flower and Tree Base that the price of seeds is about 36 yuan / jin, and the sowing amount per mu is about 12Mui 15 jin.

When will bauhinia sow and blossom?

Sowing: Bauhinia can be sowed in spring, summer and autumn, among which the best sowing of Canadian Bauhinia seeds is from February to May and September to November every year, and the Canadian Bauhinia seeds sown at these two times have the highest germination rate and grow best.

Flowering: the dark purple bauhinia blossoms from November to March every year. Pink, white or yellow Bauhinia blossoms from February to May.

How do you grow bauhinia?

I. selection of nursery sites

Bauhinia adapts to a variety of soils, whether it is black soil, loess, sandy soil, or clay laterite. Bauhinia seed sowing has no problem. The nursery land to be planted should have sufficient light, sufficient fertility, loose soil, high terrain, easy drainage and watering. Mountains, terraces, beaches, plains can be.

II. Land preparation

1. Deep ploughing: without fertility, the seedlings will be weak and thin. Therefore, no matter what kind of fields you plant, you should know how the fertility of these fields is. If you have not used agricultural fertilizer for a long time, but have been using chemical fertilizer, the soil structure will certainly not work. For such land, to carry out transformation, we can sprinkle 680 tons of chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, horse manure and other animal fertilizer per mu before cultivated land. Then plough the ground 30 cm deep and break it into pieces on the target level.

2. Make a bed:

In order to facilitate the management of the seedling stage, planting is not as simple as sowing seeds. It is necessary to make the targeted land into a bed 1.5 meters wide, or 1.2 meters wide. Don't you understand what a bed is? Let's go to Baidu.

Third, sowing seeds

Bauhinia seeds need to accelerate germination, although its own germination rate is good, but in order to improve the uniformity of seedling emergence and further improve the germination rate, the necessary germination is an indispensable step. Soak the bauhinia seeds in clean water for one day, fish them out and prepare for sowing. Bauhinia is generally sown according to the line, and it can grow more than 1 meter high that year, and this growth also feels that the row spacing of the sown plant has changed. Row spacing is 40 cm, plant spacing is 20 cm, about 12000 seedlings per mu, sowing can not be too deep, seeds can be buried 1-2 cm, spring also need to cover moisturizing straw or plastic film.

IV. Management at seedling stage

The bauhinia tree grows fast, and after about 60 days, the space in the seedling field will be closed, and the weeds will not regenerate at this time, but more than two weeds will be carried out during this period. Because the seedlings are small, weeds must be removed manually and herbicides cannot be used. If you want to cultivate single-pole bauhinia, it can be transplanted in the second year, and the pole height should be 1.8 meters according to the regional market demand.

What are the producing areas of bauhinia?

Bauhinia prefers fertile, well-drained soil and is not resistant to flooding. Strong sprouting and resistant to pruning. Skin, fruit, wood and flowers can be used as medicine, and their seeds are poisonous. It is a symbol of family and beauty and deep love of flesh and blood. Produced in southeastern China, as far as Hebei in the north, Guangdong and Guangxi in the south, Yunnan and Sichuan in the west, Shaanxi in the northwest and Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces in the east. It is a common cultivated plant, mostly planted in gardens, houses and temple streets, and a few are born in dense forests or limestone areas. The type specimens were collected from Beijing (cultivated plants).