
"Perennial herbs" aloe cultivation methods and precautions what? What's the effect? Blooming?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Aloe is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Aloe is a new star plant integrating edible, medicinal, cosmetic and ornamental. Aloe Vera likes sunshine, how to put it in the dark for a long time, its growth will be small and thin, aloe Vera can be suitable in the breeding process

Aloe is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Aloe is a new star of edible, medicinal, cosmetic and ornamental plants. Aloe likes the sun, how to put it in the dark for a long time, its growth will be small and thin, aloe can be properly fertilized in the breeding process to promote its exuberant growth. The following editor introduces the methods of aloe culture and matters needing attention.

1. Selection of flowerpots for aloe culture

(1) flowerpot requirements: muddy flowerpots, plastic pots, porcelain pots and pottery pots can be used.

(2) flowerpot size: aloe vera can be planted in pots with a diameter of 14ml and 20cm.

2. Preparation of basin soil for aloe culture.

Aloe likes fertile, well-drained sandy soil and is more resistant to salt and alkali. The following formula can be used for families: garden soil: rotten leaf soil: sand = 4RV 4VR 2; peat soil: rotten leaf soil: sand: perlite = 4Rd 3RV 2VR 1.

3. The watering method of aloe culture.

Because the stems and leaves of aloe are rich in water, the requirement of moisture is not high. Aloe likes dry soil, resistant to drought, avoid stagnant water, and like dry air environment. After the temperature rises in spring, aloe resumes growth, which can slightly increase water supply, and it is suitable for basin soil to be moist and dry. Keep the basin soil moist in summer, watering should be dry and wet, and because aloe likes dry air environment, it should be placed separately from other plants that like moist air.

Keep the basin soil dry in autumn, and the water supply should be reduced after the temperature is getting cooler in autumn, until it remains dry and not dry. When the temperature is low in winter and early spring (more than 5 ℃), it is not suitable for aloe to be watered in a semi-dormant state, and the basin soil should be dry but not dry.

4. Fertilization methods for aloe culture.

Aloe does not have a high demand for fertilizer, but the lack of fertilizer is not conducive to its growth.

In the peak growing season, it can be topdressing 20 times liquid fertilizer or 1000 times "Huaduoduo" general fertilizer for 5 times.

If a sufficient amount of base fertilizer is applied when planting, there is no need to apply fertilizer in the growing season. Base fertilizer can be used with mature bean cake fertilizer and other organic fertilizer. The application rate of base fertilizer is 1 / 10 of that of basin soil.

Every year spring warm growth season 3 to 4 times after liquid fertilizer, summer and autumn do not topdressing, otherwise the stem node is too long, leaves sparse, easy lodging.

5. Lighting requirements of aloe culture.

Aloe likes light, and its growth is strong if it receives direct sunlight in spring and autumn. It is more beneficial to its growth if it is placed in a well-ventilated semi-shade in summer. In the north, it should be moved into the indoor maintenance after autumn, placed in the sunny place of the windowsill, and placed in a place with good indoor light and room temperature of not less than 10 ℃ in winter.

6. Matters needing attention in aloe culture

The main results are as follows: (1) Aloe vera grows rapidly and the basin should be changed when it comes out of the room every spring. The basin soil can be mixed with 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 13 parts of garden, 4 parts of river sand or 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of river sand and 2 parts of perlite, and a small amount of fully mature organic fertilizer such as chicken manure, bone powder, oil residue and so on are applied as base fertilizer.

(2) if the cultivated soil is changed once a year, no topdressing or less topdressing can be applied during the growth period when the nutrients are sufficient. The growth is the fastest in summer and autumn, and rarefied liquid fertilizer can be applied every 15 to 20 days. Such as topdressing 10%-15% fully fermented cake fertilizer water or 0.1% urea fertilizer water plus 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer water and so on. There is no fertilizer in winter and spring.

(3) Summer is the peak growing season of aloe, so we should pay attention to the supply of water and fertilizer. When the sun is strong, you should block out the noon light properly. Aloe vera cannot be cultivated with wet plants. Don't let the soil dry too much during flowering.

(4) ensure sufficient light and proper watering in autumn. Aloe is not cold-resistant, after the temperature drops, people should be moved in time in the closed balcony or room with light, pay attention to water control, so that the basin soil is dry and not dry.

(5) Aloe vera needs sufficient sunlight to grow. it should be noted that newly planted aloe should not bask in the sun, it is best to see the sun only in the morning, and then gradually increase the light after 10 days. Family potted plants grow healthily if they are placed on the balcony or outdoor windowsill in spring and autumn to receive direct sunlight; move to a well-ventilated semi-shady place in summer; and put in a place with sufficient indoor light in winter at a room temperature of not less than 10 ℃.

(6) Aloe Vera requires adequate sunlight throughout the year. Had better move outdoors in spring, put on the balcony of the south, or put on the windowsill of the south window, but want to avoid rain. Although aloe does not like to get too wet, it needs plenty of water during the growth period, especially under strong light. If you want to promote the extension of the plant around, you can evenly cut off some of the leaves that are too dense in the center, so that the plant will not become moldy due to the excessive density of the leaves under strong light.

7. Breeding methods of aloe culture

Aloe can be propagated by ramet or cuttage.

Ramet propagation can be combined with changing pots in early spring. The method is to knock the plant out of the basin, remove the old plant, select the seedlings with meristem at the base and put them on the pot separately; plant the seedlings in a warm and humid place with the degree of stable seedlings, less watering, and spray water on the leaf surface and basin soil surface after 4 days and 15 days, and then water thoroughly after 10 days.

Cutting can be carried out from April to May. Cut leaves about 8 cm long from the top of the old plant as cuttings, smear plant ash on the incision, air for 1-2 days, wait for the incision to dry and shrink, and then insert into the plain sand to keep the basin soil moist and take root for about 20-30 days.

Efficacy and function of aloe

1. Sterilization. Aloe tincture is a strong antibacterial substance, which can kill fungi, molds, bacteria, viruses and other bacteria, inhibit and eliminate the development and reproduction of pathogens.

2. Anti-inflammation. The combination of bradykinin of aloe and vascular tension can resist inflammation. In particular, the polysaccharides of aloe can enhance the body's resistance to disease.

3. Beauty. Aloe polysaccharides and vitamins have good nutrition, moisturizing and whitening effect on human skin. Especially the most troublesome acne of young girls, aloe has a good effect on eliminating acne.

4. Detoxification. Aloe can eliminate metabolic waste because it can inhibit excessive immune reaction and enhance the phagocytic function of phagocytes.

5. Invigorate the stomach and discharge. Effective ingredients such as aloe-emodin and aloe-emodin in aloe play a role in promoting appetite and relieving diarrhea in the large intestine.

6. Invigorate the heart and activate blood. Calcium isocitrate in aloe vera can strengthen heart, promote blood circulation, soften hardened arteries, reduce cholesterol content, dilate capillaries, smooth blood circulation, reduce cholesterol value, lighten heart burden, keep blood pressure normal and remove toxins from the blood.

7. Immune regeneration. Aloin A, trauma hormone and polysaccharide peptide manna (Ke-2) have the functions of anti-viral infection, promoting wound healing, anti-inflammation and sterilization, clearing heat and detumescence, softening skin and maintaining cell viability. Gel polysaccharides combined with guaiac also have wound healing activity.

8. Immune anti-tumor. The viscous polysaccharides in aloe can improve immunity and inhibit and destroy the growth of abnormal cells, so as to achieve the purpose of anti-cancer.

9. Sunscreen. Aloe total anthraquinone can absorb UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays to prevent skin from sunburn and sunburn.

10. Anti-aging. Rich in monosaccharides and polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals, it has obvious therapeutic effect on cell aging and reduces the production of wrinkles.

Is aloe blooming a good sign?

The blooming of aloe vera in the folk is indeed a good sign, just like the flowering of an iron tree. In fact, aloe flowering is still very rare, because aloe is not like roses or peonies and other plants and flowers, so flowering is a very rare thing, which can only be realized in the right place at the right time and in the right place with people and people. So people who see aloe blossom imply that there is a good omen, that is, a good omen, implying that the wish of those who see it will come true, and people can also have good luck and everything goes well.

When does aloe blossom?

Aloe vera, which has been planted for more than 3 years, can produce beautiful yellow or red flowers. Aloe usually blossoms around May. Aloe scape 60-90 cm high, unbranched or sometimes slightly branched, racemes with dozens of flowers. Bracts sublanceolate, apex acute. Flowers drooping, sparsely arranged, yellowish with erythema. Perianth ca. 2.5 cm, apex of lobes slightly curved. Stamens and perianth nearly equal or slightly longer, style protruding from perianth.

How to raise aloe to blossom?

1. Soil: aloe does not have strict requirements on soil, but the soil with poor drainage and permeability will cause root respiration obstruction and root necrosis, while excessive sandy soil often causes the loss of water and nutrients, resulting in poor growth of aloe.

2, selection of pots: aloe potted plants had better use mud pots, not porcelain pots and plastic pots, because of poor air permeability and easy to rot roots. It should be soaked with water before using the new basin, otherwise it is not easy to infiltrate the basin after watering, and the semi-dry and semi-wet basin wall will hurt the new roots.

Temperature: aloe vera is afraid of cold because it originally grew in a frost-free desert environment for a long time. Aloe stops growing at 5 degrees at room temperature, and obstacles will occur in the life process at zero degrees. The most suitable growth temperature for aloe culture is 15 ℃, and the humidity should be 450.5%.

4. Watering: aloe vera is called an "immortal plant". No watering has little effect, but if there is water in the soil, it will lead to root rot and drowning. In winter, water can be watered once every 15 to 20 days, and foliar spraying can be increased appropriately, watering as little as possible to keep the basin soil dry.

5. Illumination: aloe vera needs sufficient sunlight to grow. In addition to the newly planted aloe vera, which is not suitable for exposure to the sun (breeding for half a month or so), you can only see the sun in the morning. The more you bask in the sun, the better you will grow.

6, fertilizer: aloe can use nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace element fertilizer, and in order to ensure that aloe is a green natural plant, fermented organic fertilizer can be used as far as possible, such as cake fertilizer, chicken manure, compost and so on.

7. Overwintering: the lowest safety line of aloe overwintering is 5 ℃, and some corresponding measures should be taken when the temperature is above 5 ℃. In winter, try to water less or even no watering, you can properly carry out foliar spray, and try to make potted aloe see more sunshine.

8. Change the pot: the pot of aloe should be changed once every two years, and it is better to change the basin every spring from April to May and from September to October in autumn. Keep the intact soil mass when changing the basin and try not to hurt the root system.