
How to raise jasmine "climbing bush"? Culture methods and matters needing attention, when to prune

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jasmine leaves are emerald green, do not wither all the year round, blossom continuously in summer and autumn, its color is like jade, its fragrance is rich, can give people a cool and comfortable feeling. The aroma is known as the first fragrance in the world, and it has excellent ornamental value, so how to raise jasmine? Let's take a look.

Jasmine leaves are emerald green, do not wither all the year round, blossom continuously in summer and autumn, its color is like jade, its fragrance is rich, can give people a cool and comfortable feeling. Aroma is known as "the first fragrance in the world", which has excellent ornamental value, so how should jasmine be cultivated? Let's take a look at the culture methods and precautions of jasmine.

Jasmine first came from India and Pakistan, and was introduced and widely planted in China. Jasmine is a kind of evergreen shrub, which is full of fragrance when it blossoms and has many uses. At the same time, its flower language also symbolizes friendship and love.

Methods and matters needing attention in jasmine culture

1. Pot soil selection and pot method of jasmine culture.

The culture soil of jasmine potted culture should be rich in organic matter, and have good water retention, permeability and aeration properties. 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of river sand, 1 part of cake fertilizer or livestock and poultry manure can be mixed into culture soil, or 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of sandy loam and 1 part of cake fertilizer should be mixed, and bone powder should be put at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer.

The upper basin should be carried out before the new shoots germinate from March to April. After putting on the basin, put it in a shady place to avoid blind sunlight. After returning to normal growth, you should give sufficient light.

Potted jasmine should be changed every 1-2 years and replaced with new culture soil. Generally do not go to the root when changing the basin, but should pour water thoroughly, put shade place to restore growth, and pay attention to loosen the soil.

2. Watering method of jasmine culture

Watering is the key to the growth of potted jasmine. If you water too much, the leaves will suddenly turn yellow; the basin soil will be too wet for a long time, resulting in poor soil ventilation, resulting in rotten roots, leaves yellowing and shedding, resulting in plant death.

If the rotten root is caused by too much watering, the flowerpot can be moved to a cool place, and stop fertilization, control watering, and often loosen the soil, so that the basin soil is well ventilated and promote the plant to germinate new roots.

Watering should be determined according to season and temperature.

From April to May in spring, branches and long leaves begin to grow, and the water consumption is small. It can be watered once every 2-3 days, preferably around noon. June is the spring blossom period. Watering can be slightly more and should be watered once a day.

The high temperature period from July to August in summer is also the full blooming period of jasmine, which requires watering once in the morning and once in the evening, spraying water on the leaves once or twice a day, and sprinkling water around the flowerpot to increase air humidity.

The amount of water is gradually reduced in autumn, and can be watered once every two days from September to October.

In winter, the amount of watering should be strictly controlled to keep the basin soil slightly moist, usually watering once every 5-7 days. If the humidity of the potted soil is too high, the roots are easy to blacken and rot, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

When it is found that the leaves have just turned yellow, pay attention to stop watering, work for a few more days, and then gradually water them properly to restore their normal growth.

Jasmine likes slightly acidic soil, such as alkaline soil, the leaves will turn yellow. 0.2% ferrous sulfate should be irrigated every 10 to 15 days during the growth period to keep the basin soil acidic.

3. Fertilization methods for jasmine culture.

Jasmine has a long flowering period and needs more fertilizer, so the potted soil should have sufficient fertility. It is necessary to grasp the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, especially in the period of flower bud formation. But fertilizing too much, too thick, easy to cause rotten roots.

It is better to apply fertilizer in the evening, loosen the basin soil before application, and be careful not to apply fertilizer when the basin soil is too dry or too wet, and the effect is the best when the basin soil is half moisture.

Jasmine likes acid soil, so "alum fertilizer water" can be used as topdressing. From sprouting in spring to late September, mature thin cake fertilizer and water should be applied every 7 to 10 days with a concentration of 15% to 20%.

During the period of pregnant bud flowering, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, about once every 5-7 days, with a concentration of 10%-15%. When applying fertilizer, we should apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and 0.1%-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.5% superphosphate solution can be added to the cake fertilizer solution to promote flower bud differentiation.

If the long-term application of too much nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is small, it is easy to make the plant grow, affect the formation of flower buds, resulting in no flowering or few flowering.

Fertilization should be stopped from October to improve the maturity of branches and be beneficial to overwintering.

Flowering maintenance of Jasmine Flower

Jasmine likes fertilizer very much, and potted jasmine can blossom three times a year as long as it is properly maintained. If there is not enough fertilizer and nutrients, after blooming once, it will no longer blossom. If the management is in place, it can be opened continuously from the end of May to the beginning of November. The key is the mastery of pruning, sunshine, and water.

Jasmine has blossomed one after another since early summer. If properly managed, there can be three periods of blooming.

In early June, jasmine blossoms one after another, and the method of picking flowers is to pick the twigs with leaves to promote the re-emergence of new branches and luxuriant branches and leaves. At this time, apply light fertilizer and water twice a week, and keep the basin soil moist.

The first flowering period is from late June to early July, when it is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, apply thin fertilizer frequently, fertilize once every 2 days, and apply fully mature organic liquid fertilizer, the ratio of fertilizer to water is 1:4. Watering should be adequate, usually once a day. Usually watering should be carried out in the morning, while fertilization should be carried out in the evening. This lasts until late July, because there is plenty of fertilizer and water, which can make the flowers bloom bigger and more.

In the first ten days of August, the second stage of flower formation, at this time fertilization should be slightly thicker than before, generally with half fertilizer and half water. In order to make jasmine blossom better, calcium superphosphate solution can also be sprayed on the leaf surface. In late August, fertilization was gradually reduced and applied once every 6-7 days, but watering was still needed and kept once every 2 days.

From early September to early October, the third stage of flower formation, at this time should stop fertilization, watering should also gradually reduce, because the weather has gradually turned cool, will affect the formation of bud, so the number of these flowers is less, to the end of flowering after the middle of October, just keep the pot soil slightly wet.

When will the jasmine be trimmed

The pruning of jasmine is mainly concentrated in two periods, one is the growing period, that is, from spring to autumn, including two pruning, the first before the Qingming Festival, before the jasmine sprouts, and the second after the flower fade, August or September. The second is the dormant period, that is, before spring, cut off the withered branches, disease and insect branches and let jasmine recuperate.

How to trim jasmine flowers

Pruning during growing period

The first pruning during the growing period should be combined with turning the basin. First, dig up the whole jasmine plant with a small stick, remove the persistent soil from part of the root system, and cut off the overgrown fibrous roots.

After re-potting, cut off or shorten the branches that are too long and too dense, so that the branches are evenly distributed.

After the flower fade, the second pruning was carried out to remove part of the leaves to reduce the loss of nutrients on the premise of ensuring the beautiful plant shape of jasmine. Each branch retains 3-5 nodes, and the top tip is cut off to promote the germination of new branches. Jasmine will not grow a new bud on the original branch after flowering. If it is not cut off, it will not produce a small one. )

Dormant pruning

Before sprouting in spring, cut off disease and insect branches, thin branches and only growing branches. Don't be soft, just cut it.

Truncate the tip of one-year-old branches, keeping the lower branches about 10-15 cm.

Remove all the leaves. Although after pruning, you look a little bald, but you are not ruthless, it is not long ~ after pruning, it is good for jasmine to be sturdy and beautiful.

Cut at any time

Only those who are diligent and not impatient can raise flowers well, which is better reflected in the pruning of jasmine. Industrious people will regularly observe the growth of jasmine and make timely adjustments; rigid people will only take care of it step by step. Then this is cut at any time, it appears to be very casual, but it is very helpful to the growth of jasmine!

For blind branches (non-flowering branches), only grow branches, disease and insect branches, cut as you see, improve the ventilation and light transmittance of the plant.

(the jasmine usually blossoms three times) the stalk should be cut off to promote the next flowering.

Points for attention in pruning jasmine

Pruning skills of newly bought jasmine flowers

Newly bought jasmine back into the pot, be sure to cut off all the flower buds and buds, otherwise it is difficult to feed. In the process of breeding, the withered branches and leaves should be cut off in time. For the newly bought jasmine, no matter how ugly the plant is, your first task is to feed it and don't rush to plastic surgery.

Only when you have a house can you get it.

Many flower friends cultivate jasmine, often pay attention to water and fertilizer, ignore pruning, and even the withered branches and leaves after winter are reluctant to be cut off, resulting in lean branches and narrow leaves, which is not worth the loss. In fact, pruning is very simple, the key lies in your heart to be ruthless.

In addition, since the pruning has been cut, it is necessary to leave no marks to avoid rough incisions, and the retained axillary buds are too long, which will affect the growth of new buds.

The cut branches can be cut.

The branches of the pruned jasmine can be cut, and each branch retains two leaves. It is required that the buds in the middle of the leaves grow well and cut off half of each leaf so that the cuttings can be cut.

Culture methods of jasmine in winter

The maintenance of jasmine in autumn and winter is the key, whether the maintenance in autumn and winter is proper or not has a great impact on the growth and flowering of jasmine in the coming year, if during this period, improper maintenance may even lead to the death of jasmine.

1. It is forbidden to give fertilizer

After White Dew, the root activity of jasmine weakens a lot, which can not be absorbed after being fertilized, so it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, and finally rot the root because of fertilizer.

2. Don't rush into the room

Do not rush to enter the house because of a drop in temperature, so that jasmine can slowly adapt to temperature changes, so that when winter comes, at least there will be a process of adapting to low temperatures.

3. Control the watering

The root activity is weak, and the sun is not as strong as in summer, so the watering time should be extended slowly and properly, dry maintenance, and the new semi-lignified branches can form Lignification as soon as possible before the cold comes, which can greatly improve the frost resistance.

4. Do not prune

During autumn and winter, jasmine is a dormant period, when the absorption of nutrients is limited, only nutrients are also stored in the branches, so do not cut too many branches, this is not conducive to the winter.