
"Southern ginseng" where does American ginseng (American ginseng) come from? Where is it good? What's the difference between imported and imported ones?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, American ginseng, also known as American ginseng and American ginseng, is widely planted because of its effects of nourishing yin and tonifying qi, clearing heat and invigorating fluid, reducing fire and relieving summer summer. at present, it is relatively common in the market, and the price is close to the people. where does American ginseng (American ginseng) come from? Where is it good? And import

American ginseng, also known as American ginseng and American ginseng, is widely planted because of its effects of nourishing yin and tonifying qi, clearing heat and invigorating fluid, reducing fire and relieving summer summer. at present, it is relatively common in the market, and the price is close to the people. where does American ginseng (American ginseng) come from? Where is it good? What's the difference between imported and imported ones?

American ginseng producing area

American ginseng, also known as American ginseng, originates from the northern United States to southern Canada, mainly in Wisconsin. American ginseng, which is imported from Wisconsin, USA, has the highest ginsenoside content and long growth years, so it has the best efficacy and is the best among American ginseng. American ginseng has the dual effects of nourishing yin and tonifying qi, calming the mind, clearing heat and promoting fluid, reducing fire and relieving summer heat.

An area with good production:

Due to the influence of climate and growth environment, American ginseng has good taste, sufficient aroma and bitter glycol, especially the ginsenoside content of American ginseng from Wisconsin is the highest, so the quality is the best and the price is the most expensive. the disadvantage is that the slices are fragile. American ginseng imported from Canada takes the second place in efficacy, but the slices are beautiful and neat. The output of domestic American ginseng is the largest, but its efficacy is quite different from that of imported American ginseng. Therefore, the selection and purchase should be identified. Imported American ginseng has good taste, sufficient aroma, bitter sweet and mellow, and its effect is the best. imported American ginseng can only be bought by a few large brands such as Fulinmen American ginseng and Tongrentang, among which Tongrentang is the most expensive.

What's the difference between imported and imported ones:

The main results are as follows: 1. Imported American ginseng has white color, fine horizontal grain, light quality and less powder; the cross section is flat, slightly qualitative, with fine chrysanthemum texture; fragrant and strong, the taste is slightly sweet and bitter, the taste is refreshing, and the taste can stay in the mouth for a long time. The domestic appearance is rough, heavy and strong, powdery; the cross section is uneven, the inner layer of the slice is solid without chrysanthemum core texture, no special flavor, chewing bitter or light, light and astringent for a long time, sticky tongue. The imported ginseng has a yellowish appearance, grayish black and fine grain, yellow-white interior, light skin and fine skin; flat cross-section, slightly horny, fine chrysanthemum texture, air-specific, fragrant and strong, bitter and sweet taste, long-lasting taste.

2. Domestic ginseng root head transverse ring pattern is rare, longitudinal pattern is deep, strong, broken but not flat, solid, no chrysanthemum texture; slight, bitter and sweet light, chewing for a long time and astringent, slightly sticky tongue.

Identification methods of high-quality American ginseng:

1. Look at the color. High-quality American ginseng tablets have light yellow color, high density, smooth surface and clear lines (you can refer to Changhong American ginseng tablets); ordinary American ginseng tablets have light color, low density, rough surface and fuzzy lines.

2. Taste. High-quality American ginseng has a bitter and sweet taste, endless aftertaste, strong ginseng fragrance and pure ginseng flavor; ordinary American ginseng tablets have only bitter taste, little or no sweetness and cotton floss feeling after long chewing.

3. The processing technology of high-quality American ginseng buccal tablets is good, and the ginseng tablets are very thin, so it is easy to fully bubble out the efficacy of ginseng tablets; the next ginseng tablets are cut thicker, and it is not easy to fully bubble out the efficacy!

American ginseng is commonly used in daily health care, learn to distinguish between good and bad American ginseng, in order to achieve a good maintenance effect; however, the daily dosage of American ginseng tablets should not exceed 5 grams (basically 5-6 tablets).