
Does it make money to grow Chinese herbal medicine motherwort? How much is the seed price per jin? What are the planting methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Motherwort is also known as motherwort, motherwort, safflower moxa, Kun grass, wild Gastrodia elata, corngrass, lantern grass, hemp dried, Jing Wei, Jiuzhonglou, Sendi, can be used as medicine. Does that kind of motherwort make money? How much is the seed price per jin? The planting methods are

Motherwort is also known as motherwort, motherwort, safflower moxa, Kun grass, wild Gastrodia elata, corngrass, lantern grass, hemp dried, Jing Wei, Jiuzhonglou, Sendi, can be used as medicine. Does that kind of motherwort make money? How much is the seed price per jin? What are the planting methods? It is learned from Jiangxi seed Company that the price of motherwort seeds is about 400.60 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, producing area and market of the seeds.

Does it make money to grow Chinese herbal medicine motherwort?

Planting motherwort does not need too much technology and management, because its growth ability is relatively strong, there will be no pests, so the yield is relatively high, producing 2000 kilograms of dry goods motherwort per mu. At present, the purchase price on the market is 3.50 yuan per kilogram, that is, the income per mu is as high as 7000 yuan, excluding labor and cost, the profit per mu is more than 6000 yuan, planting more than 20 mu of land, the annual net profit is as high as more than one hundred thousand yuan!

What are the planting methods of motherwort?

I. selection of nursery sites

The quality of the soil directly determines how much motherwort is produced, such as the soil quality is particularly good, the growth environment is particularly good, then staff maintenance will be much easier, production will increase. Motherwort has few restrictions on soil, and it doesn't matter if it can be sand, yellow mud, clay, or soil with high sand content. Motherwort is cold-resistant and not afraid of drought and waterlogging. the restricted terrain of the medicine field is flat, the land should be easily drained, and the amount of water in the rainy season becomes more and more, and the stagnant water should be discharged immediately, otherwise it is easy for a large number of seedlings to die. The key point of the terrain is that it is conducive to the discharge of stagnant water, ordinary soil quality and sufficient light time.

II. Land preparation

1. Deep ploughing: motherwort responds very quickly to nutrition, and the soil is nutritious, so the growth can be exuberant oil green and the plant is strong. But the soil of very few medicine fields is some nutritious and ordinary terrain, so if you want to have a high yield of motherwort, you should make enough green manure before planting, spread it with 40.7 tons of cow dung and chicken manure per mu, turn the soil once and rake the soil once, so that the soil and fertilizer can be stirred together fully and evenly, so that there is no large piece of soil, which is conducive to planting to improve the germination rate.

2. Bedding: in order to facilitate the necessary maintenance of motherwort during the whole growth time, such as irrigation, pulling grass, topdressing and so on, Changjing Garden recommends that the land be made into a fixed 1.4m wide bed, 16m to 25m in length, and the actual situation is determined according to the land.

Third, sowing seeds

Leonurus seed size is average, seedling emergence level is very good, before planting can be moderate germination method, part of the process is actually very simple, use clear water for 1 day, and then take out the sour dry can be made, planting thickness is appropriate or shallow, cover the soil thickness will not exceed 5 cm. Generally sowing in strips and choosing a quiet wind environment, motherwort seeds are mixed in wet sand and sowed to the ground. After sowing, they can be covered with soil by hand or by machine, and watered once after covering the soil, which can increase the germination rate in about 8 ~ 11 days.

IV. Management at seedling stage

There is only one thing about the long-term maintenance of motherwort, it is basically disease-free, and the growth and development situation is good. The most important things are irrigation, pulling grass to control diseases and insect pests. During the peak growth and development period of motherwort, a large amount of water and fertilizer are needed. During this period, 35 kg of compound fertilizer can be used per mu of land. When motherwort grows and develops most rapidly, it is necessary to have enough water. At this time, we should refer to the weather conditions and decide whether we need watering.

Attached: the efficacy and function of motherwort

1. Promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, diuresis and detumescence. For irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, endless lochia, edema and urine; acute glomerulonephritis edema.

2. effect on uterus: motherwort decoction, ethanol extract and motherwort alkaloid have excitatory effect on isolated uterus of rabbits, cats and other animals.

3. Cardiovascular effect: motherwort on isolated guinea pig heart, myocardial ischemia model induced by isoproterenol could significantly increase coronary flow and slow down heart rate. Intravenous injection of motherwort significantly increased coronary flow, decreased coronary resistance, slowed down heart rate and reduced output and left ventricular work in anesthetized dogs.

4. Anti-platelet aggregation and anti-thrombosis: in vitro experiments showed that motherwort and its extract could antagonize ADP-induced platelet aggregation in normal animals. In vivo experiments also showed that motherwort could significantly reduce the total number of platelets in peripheral circulation and platelets and their aggregates in alveolar wall capillaries. Motherwort has a significant dissolving effect on red thrombus in rabbit pulmonary circulation. In addition, motherwort can also enhance the cellular immunity of the body.

5. Other effects: alkaline subcutaneous injection of motherwort has central inhibitory effect, and MLD is 0.4-0.6g/kg. After intravenous injection of motherwort 1mg/kg, the urine volume of rabbits increased significantly. Motherwort alkaloid can cause hemolysis in rabbit blood suspension at high concentration. The alkali extract of motherwort was diluted in vitro from 1:13 to 1:10 and had inhibitory effect on Trichoderma xuranense, Microsporum woolly, Trichophyton rubrum and Nocardia stellata. Motherwort decoction has inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli and Shigella dysenteriae by flat paper method.