
Technical Opinions on Spring Wheat Management in Zibo City, Shandong Province in 2018

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to ensure smooth spring wheat field management and high yield and harvest of wheat, Shandong Zibo City Government issued a notice on technical opinions on spring wheat management of the whole city in 2018. Among them, the flag stage temperature is high, transpiration is strong, and it is most sensitive to water response.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of spring wheat field management and a bumper wheat harvest, the Shandong Zibo Municipal Government issued a notice on the technical opinions on wheat spring management in 2018. Among them, the flag stage has high temperature, strong transpiration and the most sensitive to water, which is the critical period of wheat water demand. All kinds of wheat fields should ensure an adequate water supply during the flag-raising period of wheat, and the flag water should be irrigated timely when the soil moisture is insufficient.

Notice on Printing and issuing Technical opinions on Spring Wheat Management of the whole City in 2018

Agricultural bureaus of all districts and counties, high-tech zones, economic development zones, and land affairs bureaus of Wenchang Lake District:

The "Technical opinions on Spring Management of Wheat in 2018" is now issued to you, please refer to the implementation.

Spring is not only an important link of wheat seedling transformation and growth and development, but also a key period of field management. All districts and counties should attach great importance to the field management of wheat in spring, organize agricultural technicians to seriously investigate and study as soon as possible, and formulate specific technical opinions on wheat field management in spring according to the characteristics of local wheat, such as seedling, soil moisture, disease, insect, grass, and so on. We should base ourselves on drought resistance, give prominence to classified guidance, strengthen the implementation of various key technical measures, ensure the smooth management of wheat fields in spring, and lay a solid foundation for a bumper wheat harvest.

Zibo Municipal Bureau of Agriculture

February 2, 2018

Technical opinions on Spring Management of Wheat in 2018

In the autumn of 2017, a total of 1.542 million mu of wheat were sown in the city, a decrease of 2000 mu over the previous year. The seedling condition of wheat before winter in the whole city was lower than that of the previous year, the population tiller was less, the ontogeny was weak, the area of first-class seedlings decreased, and the area of second-and third-class seedlings increased. According to the investigation of seedling situation before winter, the average number of stems per mu of wheat in the city was 685000, which was 28000 lower than that of the previous year, 3.9 tillers per plant, 0.4 less than the previous year, 5.4 leaves per plant, 0.2 less than the previous year, 2.4 tillers per plant above three leaves, 0.6 less than the previous year, and 5.1 secondary roots per plant, 0.4 less than the previous year. The area of first-class seedlings is 908000 mu, accounting for 58.8% of the total area, a decrease of 10.3% over the previous year. The area of second-class seedlings is 379000 mu, accounting for 24.6%, an increase of 11.6% over the previous year. The area of the three types of seedlings is 83000 mu, accounting for 5.4%, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year. The area of prosperous seedlings is 172000 mu, accounting for 11.2%, 1.8% less than that of the previous year.

At present, the main problem of wheat production is drought, which is heavier in mountain dry fields and wheat fields without overwintering water. According to data from the meteorological department, from September 1 last year to January 31 this year, the average precipitation 54.2mm in the city was 57.3% less than that in the same period of normal year (126.9mm) and 55.2% less than that in the same period last year (120.9mm). If there is no effective precipitation in the later stage, the drought will further expand, which poses a threat to the wheat production in our city. In view of the current wheat seedling situation and climate characteristics, the guiding ideology of wheat field management this spring is "prevention of root diseases and spring freezing, classified guidance, fertilizer and water regulation, scientific drought resistance and bumper harvest". Emphasis should be placed on the following technical measures:

I. do a good job of drought resistance and seedling protection as soon as possible

(1) make mobilization arrangements and fight drought scientifically

All districts and counties should, according to their needs, set up special working groups to do a good job in drought dynamic monitoring and technical investigation, join hands with water conservancy, agricultural machinery, and other relevant departments, prepare materials and personnel, and prepare equipment for suppression in early spring. Scientific drought resistance should be watered timely according to wheat field moisture and seedling conditions, not blindly early watering.

At the same time, it should also be noted that wheat consumes the most water from jointing to heading, in which the flag stage has high temperature, strong transpiration and the most sensitive response to water, which is the critical period of wheat water demand. All kinds of wheat fields should ensure an adequate water supply during the flag-raising period of wheat, and the flag water should be irrigated timely when the soil moisture is insufficient.

(2) suppressing the hoe during the returning stage of the soil, raising temperature and preserving soil moisture

The suppression of wheat fields in early spring is an important agronomic measure to control prosperity, increase soil moisture and save water. For the dry wheat field, the suppression of wheat field after soil thawing in early spring can promote the upward movement of soil moisture and play the role of increasing soil moisture, preserving soil moisture and resisting drought. Wheat fields with prosperous growth and extensive and bumpy soil preparation should also be suppressed in time after soil thawing in early spring. The suppression can be carried out after 10:00 in the morning when there is no frost and no dew drops in the leaves after soil thawing in early spring. Pay attention to frost wheat fields do not press, so as not to damage wheat seedlings; saline-alkali waterlogged lowlands do not press wheat fields to prevent salt return; do not press the soil over-wet wheat fields to prevent soil consolidation; jointing wheat fields do not press, so as not to break internodes, resulting in insufficient number of ears. Repression should be combined with ploughing and hoeing, and generally, it should be pressed first and then hoed in order to achieve the function of loosening the upper and lower fruit, increasing the soil moisture, preserving the soil moisture and increasing the temperature.

Paddling hoe is an effective measure to preserve soil moisture, increase temperature and promote early onset. In order to maintain soil moisture, raise surface temperature and eliminate overwintering weeds, all kinds of wheat fields were hoed when the surface soil was thawed 2 cm in early spring. Especially for the wheat fields where the soil is dry and the population is small and the individual is weak, the hoe should be taken as the first measure of wheat field management in early spring. In addition, when the surface moisture is suitable after watering or rain and snow, it is necessary to hoe in time, break the consolidation, loosen the soil, preserve soil moisture and increase temperature, and promote the growth of roots and tillers. When paddling and hoeing, it is necessary to delimit fine, evenly, evenly and thoroughly, leaving no bumps, no pressure on wheat seedlings, and no leakage of weeds, so as to improve the effect of paddling.

(3) pouring "seedling protection water" as soon as possible.

For the plots that seriously affect the normal growth of wheat due to drought, when the daily average temperature is more than 3 ℃ and can seep quickly after watering during the day, it is necessary to water the seedlings as soon as possible, and the earlier the better. When watering, we should pay attention to the following three points: first, irrigation with small water to avoid flooding and stagnant water on the surface, to prevent freezing at night; second, to grasp the watering time, it should be chosen at noon on a sunny day, that is, from 10:00 to 3 p.m., it ends before 4 p.m. At the latest; third, according to the principle that the drought is serious first and then light, we should irrigate the "seedling protection water" according to local conditions, that is, we should first water the wheat fields with severe drought, and then water the wheat fields with lighter drought.

(4) appropriate amount of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer

For drought-frozen yellow seedlings, dead seedlings or de-fertilized wheat fields, it is necessary to apply about 10 kg urea per mu combined with watering. In addition, proper amount of diammonium phosphate was applied to promote secondary rooting and tiller formation in spring, and increase the panicle rate of tillers.

(5) measures to resist drought and protect seedlings in dryland wheat fields

For dryland wheat fields without irrigation conditions, spring management should focus on suppressing and hoeing to preserve soil moisture, and early topdressing of soil moisture after rain, topdressing 5-10 kg urea per mu has an outstanding effect on increasing the number of spikes and grains per mu, grain weight and yield. At the same time, 5kg / mu topdressing potash fertilizer can effectively enhance the drought resistance of wheat. In addition, urea 1-1.5 kg per mu plus 100-150 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate or water-soluble fertilizer, mixed with water 50 kg foliar spraying, can play a role in promoting strength and drought resistance.

In early spring, the withered leaves of wheat fields should be sorted out in time, and the continuous operation of dryland wheat fields dominated by suppression should be promoted. In the weak seedling wheat field, about 10 kg of urea per mu should be applied after the return of the soil, so as to increase the number of spikes and grains per mu, grain weight and yield, and the application of 10-15 kg wheat formula fertilizer per mu if there is no basic fertilizer. Other dryland wheat fields should use moisture per mu to recover 10-15 kg of urea from rising to jointing stage. For the prosperous and long wheat fields in dry land, the soil should be suppressed and hoed in time after soil thawing in early spring in order to increase and preserve soil moisture. During the period from wheat getting up to jointing, the soil moisture is used to fertilize, generally 10-15 kg urea per mu.

Second, give prominence to classified guidance and do a good job in fertilizer and water management in all kinds of wheat fields.

Fertilizer and water management in spring should be guided according to local conditions. If the population is insufficient before winter, it is necessary to increase the tiller before jointing through the management of fertilizer and water from turning green to the starting stage, and the population that is too large should be controlled by hoe, suppression, spraying chemical control agents and so on.

(1) flourishing seedling wheat field

The number of stems per mu in prosperous seedling wheat fields is generally more than 800000 before the year ago. Because of the large population and slender leaves in this kind of wheat field, it is easy to cause field depression and poor light, resulting in lodging after jointing stage. Therefore, the spring management should take the measures of giving priority to control and combining control with promotion.

1. Hold McGrady as soon as possible. For the over-prosperous wheat fields with more withered leaves of wheat, after the soil was thawed in early spring, rake was used to pull out the withered leaves with a rake combined with hoeing.

2. Timely suppression. During the period from wheat turning green to starting stage, it was suppressed and became strong.

3. Spraying chemical control agent. In excessively prosperous wheat field, spraying chemical control agents such as "Zhuangfengan" and "Maijujin" before and after wheat emergence stage can inhibit basal Internode elongation, control plant overgrowth, promote root rooting and prevent lodging in the later growth stage. General dosage of 30ml per mu, 30kg of water, foliar spray.

4. The time of topdressing and watering in spring is determined because of the seedlings.

The main results are as follows: (1) for the wheat fields with excessive vegetative growth, excessive soil fertility consumption and "de-fertilization" before the year, if the population is small and the number of stems per mu in early spring is less than 800000, it can be fertilized and watered according to the seedling condition. If the population is too large, it can be fertilized and watered after getting up, and the general mu of urea is 7kg / mu to prevent the prosperous seedlings from turning into weak seedlings.

(2) for the excessively prosperous wheat fields without de-fertilization, we should not rush to fertilize and water in early spring, but should pay attention to the proper squatting control measures such as suppression, hoeing and spraying chemical control agents, so as to avoid excessive tillering in spring. Generally speaking, it should be fertilized and watered in the later stage of jointing, and the amount of fertilizer application is about 15 kg per mu of urea.

(3) for the prosperous and long wheat fields suffering from freezing injury, on the basis of hoeing and cuddling wheat in early spring, about 7 kg of urea per mu should be applied at the wheat rising stage, and then about 10 kg of urea should be applied at the jointing stage combined with watering.

(2) Class I wheat fields

The population of the first kind of wheat field is generally 60 ~ 800000 per mu, and most of them belong to strong seedlings. In terms of management measures, attention should be paid to the rational operation of fertilizer and water, so as to increase the rate of tillers and ears, and promote larger panicles and more grains.

The management of water and fertilizer in this kind of wheat field should highlight the backward shift of nitrogen fertilizer. For a kind of wheat field with high soil fertility level, suitable sowing time and population of 70 ~ 800000, it is necessary to topdressing 10 ~ 15kg urea per mu in the middle and later stage of wheat jointing in order to obtain higher yield. For a class of wheat fields with a general level of soil fertility and a population of 60 ~ 700000, about 15 kg of urea should be applied in the early stage of wheat jointing combined with watering.

(3) Class II wheat fields

The population of the second kind of wheat field is generally 45 ~ 600000 per mu, which belongs to the transitional type between weak seedlings and strong seedlings. The focus of spring field management is to promote the occurrence of tillers in spring and improve the panicle rate of tillers.

For the second-class wheat field with high soil fertility level and 55-600000 population, 15-20 kg urea per mu combined with watering after wheat getting up and before jointing, and 15-20 kg urea per mu combined with watering during wheat starting period for the second-class wheat field with average soil fertility level and 45-550000 population.

(4) three types of wheat fields

The population of the three kinds of wheat fields is generally less than 450000 per mu, and most of them belong to late sowing weak seedlings. Spring field management should give priority to promotion.

As long as the soil moisture of late stubble wheat is OK, watering in early spring should be avoided as far as possible, so as not to reduce the soil temperature, affect the air permeability of soil and delay the growth and development of wheat seedlings. Multiple hoes should be used to promote the increase of soil temperature, promote tillering in spring, consolidate tillering before winter and increase the number of ears per mu. Under the condition of better soil moisture, topdressing in spring should be divided into two times: the first time, when the soil temperature is about 5 cm and 5 ℃ per mu, combined with the application of urea 7-10 kg per mu and appropriate amount of diammonium phosphate (5-10 kg) to promote tiller and root growth and increase the panicle rate of tillers; the second time, topdressing urea 7-10 kg per mu after jointing to promote wheat development and increase the number of grains per ear.

Third, do a good job in forecasting and comprehensive prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds

Spring is the season where all kinds of diseases, insect pests and weeds occur frequently. All districts and counties must do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, prepare chemicals and equipment as soon as possible, and carry out comprehensive prevention and control.

(1) Chemical weeding

If there is no chemical weeding or the effect of chemical weeding is not good before winter, chemical weeding should be carried out in time in spring when the wheat turns green to the best control period before getting up. The wheat fields dominated by broad-leaved weeds were sprayed with 1 gram of 75% benzosulfuron-methyl wettable powder or 15% thiosulfuron-methyl wettable powder 10 grams plus water spray, and the resistant dicotyledonous weeds could be controlled with 20% chlorofluoropioxy acetic acid EC 50 ml and 60 ml per mu. 70% fluazosulfuron water dispersible granule 3 g or 3% methyl disulfuron oil suspension 25 g 30 ml spray for gramineous weeds. The mixture can be mixed with the above agents.

Herbicides should be used in strict accordance with the concentration and technical operating procedures, so as to avoid drug damage. Choose sunny and warm weather spray, the highest temperature in the daytime should be more than 10 ℃, the lowest should not be less than 3 ℃, the application of pesticide is prohibited in windy days. For weeds that are old or have poor chemical control effect, they should be pulled out by hand combined with hoe. Wheat is very sensitive to chemicals after jointing, and the use of chemical herbicides is absolutely prohibited to prevent drug damage.

(2) to strengthen the integrated control of diseases and insect pests focusing on root disease control

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in spring should be based on the plant protection policy of giving priority to prevention and comprehensive control, and vigorously popularize the techniques of phased management and mixed application of pesticides to treat a variety of diseases and insect pests. The period from turning green to jointing stage is the peak of infection and expansion of root diseases such as sheath blight, total erosion disease and root rot, and it is also the peak period of wheat spiders and underground pests, which is one of the key links of integrated control of wheat. Wheat spiders can be sprayed with 0.9% avermectin 3000 times solution. In order to control underground pests, 50% phoxim EC 250ml / mu can be used to control underground pests in the green period, combined with irrigation. If the above diseases and pests occur together, the above-mentioned road chemicals can be sprayed once to control them.

The prevention and control of root diseases in spring is the key link to ensure smooth filling, increase grain weight and ensure quality in the later stage. To control sheath blight, 5% Jinggangmycin can be used to control wheat stem base with 150,200ml Jinggangmycin per mu and 75kg 100kg water, and then spray again at intervals of 10 to 15 days, or with carbendazim glue suspension or methyl topiramate. Fungicides such as Rust, diniconazole and trimethoprim can be used to control root rot. The demonstration film for high yield can be established with reference to the comprehensive control method of root disease in Huantai County. The experimental demonstration of root disease control was carried out: in the first ten days of March, the poisonous soil was mixed with 500 grams of 30% phenylmethyl propiconazole EC. From the middle of March to the middle of April, the mixed solution containing 25% tebuconazole and 30% benzopropiconazole was sprayed 2 times per mu. Attention should be paid to the period of control and the dosage of pesticides in the process of prevention and control.

Pay close attention to weather changes to prevent frost damage in spring

Spring frost injury (late spring cold) is a frequent disaster in wheat production in our city. We should pay close attention to the weather change and take scientific measures to prevent it according to the seedling and soil moisture. Conditionally, it can be watered before the arrival of the cold current, which can increase the water vapor in the air near the stratum, release latent heat when condensation occurs, in order to reduce the variation of surface temperature, and has a good effect on preventing frost damage in spring.

Wheat is a crop with tillering characteristics and has strong self-regulation ability. Wheat fields that suffer from frost injury in spring can still get a certain harvest as long as the management is strengthened. Therefore, in the event of frost injury, the management should be strengthened in time to remedy. The main remedial measures: first, topdressing and watering in time. Topdressing and watering can increase the panicle rate of high tillers. Generally combined with watering about 10 kg of urea per mu. Second, ploughing to preserve soil moisture and improve soil temperature. Timely ploughing, storing water and raising temperature can effectively promote tillering and make up for the loss of main stem. Third, foliar spraying plant growth regulators. After wheat was frozen, timely foliar spraying of plant growth regulators could promote the rapid growth of medium and small tillers and the rapid development of latent buds, significantly increase the spike number and 1000-grain weight of wheat, and increase the yield of wheat. Fourth, do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and weeds. Frozen wheat fields are more vulnerable to disease and cordyceps, so attention should be paid to timely prevention and control.

V. actively carry out the experiment and demonstration of the green model of increasing production.

In view of the outstanding problems of some farmers in wheat production in our city, such as large sowing amount, large amount of water and fertilizer input, and poor quality of land preparation, all districts and counties should take changing the mode of agricultural development as the main line, and firmly establish the concept of "green, yield increase, and benefit". Focus on the development of green production-increasing model. The following technical measures can be demonstrated and implemented:

(1) Water-saving techniques for measuring soil moisture and irrigation

The water-saving cultivation technique of measuring soil moisture, supplementary irrigation and water saving of wheat is to set the target soil relative water content in the key growth period according to the water demand characteristics of the key growth period, and according to the target soil relative water content and the measured soil relative water content. calculate the amount of irrigation that needs to be replenished. It not only ensures the grain yield, but also saves water resources. According to the relevant research of the wheat cultivation laboratory of Shandong Agricultural University, compared with the conventional irrigation technology, the wheat yield per mu can reach 600kg, the irrigation amount can be reduced by 15% to 20%, and the water use efficiency can be increased by more than 10%. Irrigation equipment can use drip irrigation, micro-sprinkler irrigation, self-propelled sprinkler irrigation and so on.

(2) Mechanical suppression technology

All districts and counties (especially in the southern mountainous areas) should strengthen propaganda and guide wheat suppression techniques in early spring, which can crush dead leaves, crush soil clods, compact border surfaces, close soil seams, help to conserve water, and delay watering time and times after years. It can control up and down, make wheat root firm, promote early tillering and root development of low leaf position, and make wheat seedling grow healthily. Repression methods now recommend the use of wheat-specific suppression machinery, compared with traditional suppression methods can improve operational efficiency and suppression effect, more in line with the needs of the development of modern agriculture.

(3) Water and fertilizer integration technology

All districts and counties should, in the light of local conditions, formulate work plans for vigorously popularizing the technology of integration of water and fertilizer in grain production, and carry out technical experiments, demonstration, training, guidance, and effect monitoring of the integration of water and fertilizer. efforts should be made to improve the effect, efficiency and benefit of water and fertilizer integration technology promotion.

(4) Green prevention and control technology

Vigorously promote the application of biological pesticides, high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides to replace high-toxic and high-residue pesticides. Select drug-saving and synergistic auxiliaries, popularize insecticidal lamps and other measures to kill pests, reduce the use of pesticides and improve the quality of agricultural products. Popularize the technology of constant application of self-propelled spraying machinery and low-dose application of UAV to improve the efficiency and effect of prevention and control. Comprehensive use of agricultural control, biological control, physical control, ecological control and other technologies to expand the integration of wheat green prevention and control and professional unified control, and constantly improve the level of green prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests.