
When will licorice be planted? How to grow high yield?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Licorice, also known as sweet licorice root, red licorice, powder licorice, Ural licorice, is a common Chinese herbal medicine, which is cultivated in most areas of our country, but if you want licorice to produce high yield, you must master planting skills. When will licorice be planted? How to grow high yield? Species

Licorice, also known as sweet licorice root, red licorice, powder licorice, Ural licorice, is a common Chinese herbal medicine, which is cultivated in most areas of our country, but if you want licorice to produce high yield, you must master planting skills. When will licorice be planted? How to grow high yield?

Planting time:

Licorice this traditional Chinese medicine, especially for cough treatment effect is more significant, at present, the wild is less, mainly artificial planting is more, its sowing time is more extensive, spring, summer and autumn can be sown in three seasons, but also more flexible.

Of course, not every place can be divided into three seasons for sowing. In general, because the climate is cold in the north, there are only two seasons for sowing in spring and autumn, while those in the south with better climatic conditions can sow seeds in three seasons.

Planting skills:

I. cultivation methods

1. Land selection and preparation: licorice grows mostly in dry calcareous soil, which is dry and cold-resistant, so it is suitable to be planted in loose sandy soil with low groundwater level and good drainage. The roots of this kind of landlords are easy to elongate downward, straight and silty. After the land is selected, apply rotten barnyard manure or compost as base manure, then turn it 60-100 cm deep, rake fine and level it, and beat it into a border 1-2 meters wide.

2. Reproduction: there are two kinds of seed propagation and rhizome propagation. Seed reproduction and spring sowing before and after Grain Rain, autumn sowing between the Beginning of Autumn and White Dew, but autumn sowing is better than spring sowing. Licorice seeds have a layer of colloid in the outer skin, so it is not easy to absorb water. Before sowing, soak in 40 ℃-50 ℃ warm water for about 3 days, and often change water to make the seeds fully absorb. Then according to the row spacing 20-30 cm deep ditch, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, cover the soil 3 cm, slightly compacted, watered, covered with grass curtain to keep moist, immediately removed after germination. Use about 2.5 kilograms of seeds per mu. Can the seed propagation of licorice achieve satisfactory results?

Before and after sowing, attention must be paid to: first, do a good job of deep ploughing and soil preparation, store water and preserve soil moisture, and expand the space for root activity. Second, timely early sowing, soil moisture sowing or early sowing and other rain, timely use of soil moisture, promote rooting and sprouting, and increase growth time. The third is to apply sufficient base fertilizer to accelerate the growth of seedlings in the future. The fourth is to strictly grasp the sowing depth in the specific operation. This is the key to seedling emergence and seedling protection. Rhizome propagation is to select plants that have grown for many years and have many adventitious buds, which are dug out in spring or autumn, thick roots are used as medicine, and fine rhizomes are cut into 15cm. There are 1-2 buds in each section, which are cut and planted at the same time. Open a ditch 15 cm deep according to the row spacing of 60-100 cm, lay the cut rhizome flat in the trench according to the plant spacing of 15 cm, and compact with soil cover.

II. Field management

After all the seedlings come out, the seedlings can be too dense. Throughout the growing period, attention should be paid to loosening the soil and weeding. Combined with ploughing and weeding, topdressing 1-2 times a year.

III. Pest control

1. Diseases: there are mainly powdery mildew and rust, which mostly occur from May to August, and can be sprayed with 0.3 Baumedu stone sulfur mixture.

2, insect pests: mainly red spiders, can be sprayed with 1 ∶ 2000 dimethoate emulsion, ground tiger can be killed with poison bait.

IV. Harvesting and processing

Licorice grows for a long time, and the harvest time can be determined according to local climatic conditions, growth and management. It is generally harvested with 3-4 years of seed propagation and 2-3 years of rhizome propagation. Harvesting is generally carried out in spring and autumn, and can be dug before Grain in Beard licorice seedlings are unearthed or after White Dew's aboveground stems and leaves withered. Due to the different mining time, there are also differences in quality, the quality of autumn mining is strong, body weight, silty foot, good quality. When digging, dig out all the roots, remove the sediment (avoid washing with water) and process it while it is fresh. First cut off the branch root and fibrous root from the main root, then scrape off the upper part of the pimple, and divide it into large, medium and small grades according to the length of the root strip. Protect yourself from rain when basking in the sun to avoid damp, mildew and deterioration. Bask in the sun until half dry, tie it into small handfuls, and continue to dry until fully dry.