
What is the efficacy and effect of Chinese traditional medicine Lysimachia christinae and contraindication? What are the eating methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lysimachia christinae is a kind of herbal medicine that we often use at ordinary times. It is the dried whole grass of Primulaceae plant Lysimachia christinae, etc., which are distributed in all provinces of Jiangnan. Well, you know how Lysimachia works.

Artemisia angustifolia is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that we often use. It is a dry whole herb of Primulaceae. It is distributed in all provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. So, do you know the efficacy and function of Artemisia angustifolia and what are its contraindications? Does it have any side effects? What are the ways to eat it?

The efficacy of Artemisia paniculata

Clear dampness and heat, relieve diarrhea and detumescence. For heat, sand, astringent pain in urine, jaundice, red urine, carbuncle, furuncle, venomous snake bite; hepatolithiasis, urinary calculi. For hot gonorrhea, especially good at the treatment of stone gonorrhea, can be a single strong decoction instead of tea drinking, or with sea gold sand, chicken gold and other common use. For damp-heat jaundice, can be used with wormwood and gardenia. Modern treatment of cholelithiasis is compatible with wormwood, Scutellaria baicalensis and Radix Aucklandiae. For ulcers, snakebite, scald and other diseases, you can use fresh herb juice to drink, external application with dregs.

The function of Herba Euphorbiae

1. For hepatobiliary and urinary calculi, pyretic, jaundice. Herba Euphorbiae has a good effect of relieving dampness and relieving jaundice and treating hepatolithiasis and jaundice. This product can be used alone to replace tea, or mixed with Yinchen, Yujin, rhubarb to enhance the effect of clearing liver and gallbladder and expelling stones.

2. Treatment of stone shower and heat shower can also be used alone or in conjunction with sea gold sand, chicken inner gold, stone Wei, etc., in order to enhance the function of clearing away dampness and heat, and removing stone; if stone shower has syndrome of kidney deficiency, it can be used in combination with mulberry parasite and walnut kernel for tonifying kidney.

3. It is used for sore carbuncle, breast carbuncle, fire Dan, venomous snake bite and fall injury. Artemisia mandshurica has the function of detoxifying and dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain. it can be taken orally or externally applied with fresh herbs. it can also be used to strengthen the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification with wild chrysanthemum, dandelion and evergreen.

4. Artemisia angustifolia is used for edema, distension, internal and external application has the function of diuresis and detumescence, for lung heat and cough, children with high fever, is to take its heat-clearing and detoxification effect.

Contraindications of Artemisia angustifolia

"Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine" mentioned: "where Yin gangrene all poisons, spleen deficiency diarrhea, avoid tamping juice raw service." The meaning of this passage is that those who suffer from deficiency of qi and blood and stagnation of cold and phlegm, hot wind and poison of the five internal organs, attack on muscles, gangrene caused by invagination of muscles and bones, or spleen deficiency leading to diarrhea can not eat money grass.

The suitable population of Artemisia angustifolia is jaundice, edema, bladder stone, malaria, lung carbuncle, cough, hematemesis, turbid, subzone, rheumatic arthralgia, infantile eczema, eclampsia, carbuncle, ringworm, eczema.

Side effects of Artemisia angustifolia

Money grass has great benefits to the human body, but not everyone can take it, especially for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, diabetes patients, need to follow the doctor's advice, should not be taken indiscriminately.

It is one-third of the poison, and no medicine can be taken for a long time. Chimonanthus is a medicine for diuresis, which is cool. It does not have the function of removing stone itself, but it only uses the function of diuresis to remove stone. Long-term use will damage the spleen and stomach. If the spleen and stomach is already weak, it will also damage the vital qi. Not only can not expel the stone, but affect the elimination of stone and continue to produce stone. Long-term medication can not expel stone because long-term illness will be deficiency and blood stasis.

The edible method of Artemisia angustifolia

1. You can make money into soup and take it three times a day.

2, money grass can also be applied externally, first take the right amount of money grass, and then put it in a container, mash it into juice and apply it externally.

3. Money grass can also be fried with chrysanthemum, dandelion and evergreen.

4. Mash the money grass into juice, then warm the right amount of yellow rice wine, and rinse the pounded money grass juice with wine.

5. You can also dry the money grass, grind it into foam, and then cook it with dried pig.

The practice of money grass tea

Materials: Artemisia angustifolia, sea gold sand.

Practice: wash the prepared two kinds of materials, then put them into the pot and add water for boiling, and finally leave the liquid.

Usage: drink the obtained liquid instead of tea, and one dose a day is enough.

Efficacy: the main effect of this tea drink is to relieve the surface and dispel cold, but also has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness. In addition, if the body has edema caused by glomerulonephritis or urinary tract infection and gallstones, taking this tea can also bring the body back to health.

The practice of money grass porridge

Materials: 30 grams of Patrinia officinalis, 30 grams of fresh root. Excipients: 15 grams of wax gourd kernel, 25 grams of money grass. 60 grams of white rice.


1. Get the materials ready.

2. Wash Patrinia and fresh rash root, wax gourd kernel and money grass, and place them for use.

3. Fry 1000 milliliters of water and the four materials in step 2, leaving about 500ml of juice.

4. Then remove the dregs and cook porridge with white rice once or twice a day.