
When does the herb orchid flower? How much does the seed cost? How to grow? Can I put it in the bedroom?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Malan generally refers to Iris, also known as Malan, Malan, dry Pu, Li Shi, Li Cao, Ju Cao, Shi Shou, San Jian, Ma Jie, perennial dense herbs When does the orchid flower? How much does the seed cost? How to grow? can put

Malan flower generally refers to Ma Lin, also known as Malan, dry cattail, Lishi, litchi grass, drama grass, Shou, Sanjian, horse leek, perennial dense clump herbs. When do Malan flowers usually blossom? How much is the seed price per jin? How do you plant it? Can I put it in the bedroom? It is learned from Jiangsu flower planting base that the price of Malan seed is about 20-30 yuan / jin, and the sowing amount per mu is 4-5 jin.

When do Malan flowers usually bloom?

The florescence of Malan is generally between April and June. It can bloom for about 50 days in the north and twice in the south. The flower width is 2.5-6cm, the plant height is 35-85cm, and the florescence is 85-120 days.

How to grow Malan flowers?

I. selection of nursery sites

The quality of the soil directly determines the growth of flowers, if the soil is particularly good, the growth environment is particularly good, so staff management will be much easier. Malan flower is not strict on soil, it can be sandy soil, yellow soil, clay, but the sprouting of soil with large amount of sand is common. Malan flower is resistant to cold, drought and waterlogging, and the planting terrain should be flat to facilitate drainage. Rain Water becomes more and more in the summer, and Rain Water should be able to discharge immediately, otherwise the seedlings will die partially. The key to the nursery must be good for drainage, the soil is ordinary, and the exposure time is sufficient.

II. Land preparation

1. Deep ploughing: Malan flowers are very sensitive to fertility, the soil fertility is sufficient, the flowers are big and bright, and the plants are strong. But the soil of more garden sites is basically a nursery with ordinary fertility. because of this, if you want to have bright flowers, you still need to apply a sufficient amount of green manure before planting, spread it with 5-7,000 kilograms of cow dung and chicken manure per mu, and plough the land again after fertilization. rake the land again, only in this way the soil and nutrients are fully evenly mixed together, there are no large soil eggs, so that planting can improve the germination rate.

2. Making beds: in order to facilitate the maintenance and management of Malan seedlings during the growing period of the year, such as watering, clearing weeds, spreading fertilizer and so on, Changjing Garden recommends that people make the land into a standard 1.6m wide border with a total length of 15m to 20m. The actual situation depends on the terrain.

Third, sowing seeds

The seeds of Malan flower are average in size and have strong seedling emergence ability, so it is recommended to plant them shallowly, and the thickness of the cover soil does not exceed 5cm. Most of them choose the seed sowing method and the quiet wind condition, and mix the Malan seeds in the wet sand. After sowing to the ground, they can choose to cover the soil manually or mechanically, and irrigate it once after covering the soil. The germination rate can be increased in about 5-12 days.

IV. Management at seedling stage

Malan flower into a long-term maintenance of less things, he has no insect pests, the growth trend is strong. Most of the key work is during flowering. Before flowering, 35 kg of quick-acting fertilizer is applied per mu. Fertilization before flowering is for longer flowering time, larger flowering quantity and more beautiful color. Do not fertilize in full bloom, when Malan flowers bloom, you should have more water. At this time, you should choose a machine to water according to the weather conditions.

Can I put Malan flowers in the bedroom?

Malan flowers can be cultivated indoors and are harmless to human health. Usually used as an outdoor ground cover plant. It has developed roots, rich leaves, strong adaptability to the environment, exuberant growth and extensive management. it is an excellent ornamental ground cover plant for water saving, drought resistance, saline-alkali tolerance, weed resistance, disease resistance, insect and rodent damage. In the north, the green period of Ma Lianhua can reach more than 280 days, the leaves are green and soft, the blue-purple flowers are elegant and beautiful, the nectar is fragrant, and the florescence is as long as 50 days, which can form a beautiful landscape.