
What are the remedial measures for kiwifruit orchards after the rainstorm and flood?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After the rainstorm, the kiwifruit plant is a fleshy root, Rain Water is too much, resulting in soil water saturation, insufficient supply, poor air permeability, weakening root respiration, root system will gradually rot. Rain Water stays on the soil surface for 2 hours during the rain, and the leaves will

After the rainstorm, the kiwifruit plant is a fleshy root, Rain Water is too much, resulting in soil water saturation, insufficient supply, poor air permeability, weakening root respiration, root system will gradually rot. In the process of rain, Rain Water stayed on the soil surface for 2 hours, the leaves slightly yellowed and curled, stayed for 3-4 hours, and began to rot slightly, the leaves yellowed and curled more than 5 hours, the roots rotted seriously, and the edges of the aboveground leaves scorched and fell off. 40% of the plants died in 4 days and basically died in 8 days. In order to restore the growth of the affected orchards as soon as possible and reduce the losses caused by waterlogging, it is suggested that the affected orchards should take the following remedial measures to learn more:

1. Clean up the orchard quickly

After heavy rain and flood, growers should quickly organize personnel to clean up and tidy up the orchard. The first is to straighten the fruit trees and piles, and the exposed fruit trees should be cultivated with new soil in time; the second is to remove the silt and stones in the box face and trench of the garden and dredge the ditches inside and outside the orchard to strengthen the drainage in the garden to ensure that there is no stagnant water in the trench so that the garden is dry after the rain; the third is to repair the damaged shelves and sort out the branches and vines so that the damaged plants can be put back on the shelf. The fourth is to cut off or damage the branches and leaves, and the plants that have been soaked by Rain Water for more than 48 hours should remove part of the fruit, cut off the young shoots and strong and long branches, retract the weak branches properly and reduce the tree load; fifth, the bagged fruits submerged by the flood should be released in time.

two。 Disinfect the whole garden and apply more foliar fertilizer

Be sure to seize the opportunity that the weather turns fine after the rainstorm and carefully spray highly effective fungicides and foliar fertilizer on the whole garden for 2 or 3 times.

The use of fungicides and foliar fertilizer: 1000 times 45% Dysenamine + 1000 times 2% aminooligosaccharides + 400 times amino acid liquid fertilizer, or 1000 times 20% sodium dichloroisocyanurate + 1000 times fruit vaccine + 1000 times super phosphorus potassium, the two methods can be used alternately. Mainly prevent and control canker and early defoliation disease, improve plant resistance and fruit quality.

Plant maintenance: plants that have been soaked by Rain Water for more than 48 hours should peel off the soil at the root neck to dry the roots. Ploughing and weeding in the tree plate, loosening the soil and removing moisture. When the soil is dry, the roots are irrigated with 2500 times of beneficial soil application + 500x of 70% methyl topiramate or 2000 times of Aijie + 500x of 70% methyl topiramate, with a dosage of about 5 kg per plant to promote the recovery of new roots and trees.

Note: heavy rain will cause a large number of kiwifruit leaves, fruits and trunk fouling, conditional areas, should use high-pressure sprayer to spray fungicides and foliar fertilizer, the use of water pressure to wash the tree clean. In the parks with high incidence of major diseases such as kiwifruit canker, blight rot and root rot, spraying must be meticulous and thoughtful, and should be sprayed throughout the garden (including ground, tree trunk, etc.).

1. Open trenches to drain water. Timely drainage in the process of rain, after retreating, there is still stagnant water in the low-lying parts of the garden, it is necessary to open ditches and drain in time to restore the normal breathing of the trees.

two。 Loosen the soil and fertilize the whole garden. After flooding, the garden ground hardened, resulting in hypoxia of the root system. When the foot steps on the topsoil is not sticky, carry on the shallow ploughing to loosen the soil to promote the new root. After loosening the soil, according to the tree potential, tree age, yield and other timely fertilization, 2500 kg to 3500 kg organic fertilizer per mu, combined with 80 to 100kg special fertilizer for fruit trees or 150kg compound fertilizer, depending on the size of the tree.

3. Trim moderately. For trees with fallen leaves after the disaster, prune the dead branches in time. The whole tree cut off withered branches, disease and insect branches, cross branches, dense branches and weak branches, so that the tree body is ventilated and light, and the metabolism is balanced.

4. The trunk is painted white. It is easy to lose leaves after waterlogging, but the trunk can be painted white. The formula of whitening agent is as follows: 10 parts of water, 2 parts of quicklime, 0.5 parts of salt, 1 part of solid stone-sulfur mixture or 25 grams of sulfur powder.

5. Spraying foliar fertilizer to strengthen the nutrition of the tree and speed up the recovery of tree potential. 0.2% urea + 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used, foliar spraying, once every other week, 2-3 times in a row.

6. Disease prevention. Diseases are easy to occur after stagnant water. Foliar spray of carbendazim or 1000-fold methyl topiramate can control the growth of bacteria and avoid further harm to the health of fruit trees.

7. After flooding, active oxygen scavengers were sprayed as soon as possible under weather conditions to alleviate waterlogging, and 1000ppm sodium benzoate or ascorbic acid (active oxygen scavengers) could be used to spray leaves.