
Can small Arbor pomegranate trees be planted at home? What's the use? How much is the seedling price? How to manage it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pomegranate tree generally refers to pomegranate, also known as an pomegranate, Shanli leaf, Dan Ruo, Ruo pomegranate wood, Jinlu, Jinpang, Tulin, Tianju. It blossoms in April and May every year, and the fruit ripening period is August and September. Can the pomegranate tree be planted at home? What's the use? How much is the seedling price? Such as

Pomegranate tree generally refers to pomegranate, also known as an pomegranate, Shanli leaf, Dan Ruo, Ruo pomegranate wood, Jinlu, Jinpang, Tulin, Tianju. It blossoms in April and May every year, and the fruit ripening period is August and September. Can the pomegranate tree be planted at home? What's the use? How much is the seedling price? How to manage it?

Can pomegranate trees be planted at home?

Pomegranate trees can be planted at home, potted or in the courtyard.

1. Planting pomegranate trees in the courtyard can not only beautify the environment, but also eat delicious fruit and edify people's sentiment. Good management can make the pomegranate tree grow strong, the fruit is big, delicious and colorful.

2. Pomegranate originally has the meaning of many children and many blessings, and it can be planted in pots and pots. It not only beautifies the environment, but also can eat delicious fruit, killing two birds with one stone.

What is the use of pomegranate trees?

1. Medicinal use

Pomegranate leaves: astringent and antidiarrheal; horn poison insecticidal. Main diarrhea; acne wind sores; scabies; injury caused by falls.

Pomegranate peel: astringent intestinal diarrhea; hemostasis; deworming; dysentery; intestinal wind blood; metrorrhagia; infestation; pests. Main epistaxis; otitis media; traumatic bleeding; irregular menstruation; red avalanche leucorrhea; toothache; hematemesis; chronic diarrhea; chronic dysentery; hematochezia; prolapse of anus; synovial semen; metrorrhagia; subzona; infestation abdominal pain; scabies.

Pomegranate flower: treat epistaxis, otitis media, traumatic bleeding.

Pomegranate root: insecticidal, astringent intestines, stop band. Cure Ascaris, tapeworm, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, red and white belt.

2. Dietotherapy

Pomegranate warm, sweet and sour astringent, into the lung, kidney, large intestine meridian

It has the effect of invigorating body and relieving thirst, astringent astringency, relieving diarrhea and stopping bleeding.

The main treatment is dry mouth, thirst, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and other diseases.

3. Nutrition

Pomegranate fruits, such as red gems, sour, sweet, delicious and juicy, high nutritional value, rich in fruit sugars, high-quality protein, easy to absorb fat, etc., can supplement human energy and calories, but do not increase the burden on the body. The fruit contains vitamin C and B vitamins, organic acids, sugars, proteins, fats and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium, which can supplement the missing trace elements and nutrients in the human body. It is also rich in various acids, including organic acid and folic acid, which have health effects on the human body. Pomegranate is not only rich in nutrients, but also valuable in leaves and kernels.

Pomegranate contains a variety of nutrients: 17% carbohydrate, 79% moisture, 13-17% sugar, in which the content of vitamin C is 1-2 times higher than that of apples, while the content of fat and protein is less, and the fruit is mainly fresh.

4. Watch

The trees are graceful, the branches and leaves are beautiful, the tender leaves are green and graceful in early spring, the flowers are beautiful and colorful in midsummer, and the accumulated fruits are hung in autumn, or planted alone or in clusters in the courtyard, in the corner of the garden, at the provenance of the doorway, along the trail, beside the stream, on the slopes and beside the buildings, it is also appropriate to make various pile scenes and vase flowers to watch. [9]

5. Quick hydration for cosmetology

Because pomegranate is rich in minerals, anthocyanins, red pomegranate polyphenols two major antioxidant ingredients, but also contains vitamin C, linoleic acid and folic acid, can fully supplement skin moisture.

6. Protect your eyes

Anthocyanin is a substance that can be extracted from food so far to protect eye skin. Because pomegranate contains anthocyanin, eating more pomegranate can protect eyes. But it contains high organic salt, so you must brush your teeth in time after eating, otherwise it will corrode the enamel of your teeth.

How much is the price of a pomegranate tree?

Name of seedling

Ground diameter (cm)

Unit price (yuan)

Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree


130 to 150

Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree



Pomegranate tree


550 million 700

How to manage pomegranate trees?

I. Water and fertilizer management

Pomegranate needs a lot of water and fertilizer. If there is a phenomenon of losing weight, it will lead to a reduction in production. Therefore, timely and appropriate fertilization should be carried out to supplement tree nutrition in time so as to promote fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation. Fertilization can be applied with all-element chemical fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements, and it is better to combine with organic fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer application accounts for 2/3 of the whole year, and the right amount of water should be watered in time after fertilization. At the same time, foliar fertilizer spraying, spraying 1% urea solution, or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, or 500 times Yongye life element solution, the effect will be better.

II. Control of diseases and insect pests

1. Aphids. Spray 10% imidacloprid 1500 times, or 5% acetamiprid 1500 times, or 50% aldicarb 1500 times.

2. Red spider. It can be sprayed 1500 times or 1.8% avermectin 3000-4000 times.

3. Green bug bug. Spray 48% chlorpyrifos 1200 times, or 4.5% cypermethrin 1500 times, or 24% methomyl 1000 times.

3. Pruning

1. Root out tillers. The pomegranate tree is a multi-trunk tree, and it is easy to breed root tillers, which will compete with the parent for nutrients, resulting in a decline in the nutrition level of the tree, which is not conducive to the normal growth of the pomegranate tree. It is necessary to remove the root tillers from the base in time, do not leave stubble, otherwise, there will be more root tillers.

2. Pull branches, opening angle. Pull and fall the branches of the growing shoots, pull the main branches with small opening angles and the upright branches of the growing ones, and pull or stroke them into horizontal or drooping shape by hand, so as to ease the vegetative growth and promote the formation of flower buds.

3. Thinning branches and improving light. Erect branches, crossed branches and overlapping branches are removed from the base to change the ventilation and light transmission conditions. For the main branches that are too prosperous, we can take the lead and let the weak branches take the lead to balance the tree potential.