
Policy suggestions on implementing the Strategy of Agricultural industrialization

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Changing the mode of agricultural development and realizing sustainable grain production are the key points of China's agricultural and rural work in 2015. Fundamentally speaking, the key issue to promote the transformation of China's agricultural development mode is how to ensure sustainable grain production and agricultural sustainable development.

Transforming agricultural development mode and realizing sustainable food production are the key points of China's agricultural and rural work in 2015. Fundamentally speaking, the key issue to promote the transformation of China's agricultural development mode is how to increase farmers 'income under the premise of ensuring sustainable food production and sustainable agricultural development, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural development and agricultural modernization, industrialization, informatization and urbanization. The fundamental way to solve this problem is to implement the strategy of agricultural industrialization, which is a new way to promote the transformation of agricultural development mode and economic development, and an important way to coordinate food security, economic development and farmers 'income.

Connotation of Agricultural Industrialization

The so-called agricultural industrialization means to focus on and guide agricultural development, food security and farmers 'prosperity, to take green, circular and sustainable development as the keynote, to take the intensive processing of agricultural products and their by-products as the core, including a series of contents such as technologies, processes, machinery, equipment and facilities for the production of agricultural means of production, agricultural production and intensive processing of agricultural products and their by-products, as well as various production, management and service organization forms and their related mechanisms, systems and systems. And through the modernization of agricultural production materials production, agricultural production and intensive processing of agricultural products and their by-products to drive the development of related industries and technologies, and thus promote the comprehensive economic strength and technological level of an industrialization model.

Agricultural industrialization originates from agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization, agricultural modernization, and concepts such as "industry around agriculture, promoting agriculture through industry" and "developing agriculture with industrial ideas", but it is higher than them. Or say, afore-mentioned concept and formulation are an aspect of agricultural industrialization only, they all contain in agricultural industrialization. Conceptually, agricultural industrialization is an industrialization concept under the strategic thinking of "great industrialization", which brings agriculture into the category of industrialization, while the other concepts are only agricultural itself, belonging to the industrial management mode or industrialization and modernization transformation of agriculture, which is still a conventional thinking mode that distinguishes agriculture from industry. From the point of view of purpose, agricultural industrialization is based on agriculture, but not only on agriculture itself, but also on the modernization of agricultural production means, agricultural production and intensive processing of agricultural products and their by-products to drive the development of related industries and technologies, thus promoting the overall economic and technological level. In addition, from the perspective of accuracy, the concept of agricultural industrialization is not accurate enough in the strict sense. Agriculture itself is an industry, and industrialization of the industry is only a reciprocating of the same meaning. For agricultural industrialization, even if it can be endowed with richer connotation, but this formulation is also easy to cause ambiguity that it is only the industrialization of agricultural production. Agricultural industrialization is defined more clearly, which is an industrialization strategy and economic development model centering on traditional agriculture, which is proposed relative to the previous catching-up heavy industrialization or non-agricultural industrialization in China.

Background of agricultural industrialization

To solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and promote agricultural development, the fundamental way out lies in industrialization. However, what kind of industrialization model or path is chosen is very critical. We believe that the following four factors should be considered: first, whether comparative advantage can be reflected; second, whether considerable economic benefits can be obtained; third, whether there is a realistic basis for implementation; fourth, whether the concept is accurate, comprehensive and clear.

First, consider comparative advantage. From the perspective of the national industrial division system, the outstanding characteristics and advantages of large agricultural provinces are agricultural resources. However, most of China's major agricultural provinces are "big but not strong, potential but not excellent", and the advantages of agricultural resources have not been fully developed. To explore such a new "independent" industrialization road can avoid industrial duplication and form the unique economic characteristics of large agricultural provinces, which is more promising and hopeful than "accepting foreign and eliminating backward industries".

Second, from the economic benefits of the investigation. There are many links in the agricultural industry chain, among which grain production is only one link; from breeding, irrigation, fertilizer production to machinery and equipment manufacturing, agricultural products deep processing and other links, there are no lack of high-tech fields, but also can obtain high returns, more can lead the whole country and even the world. The key lies in how to make use of the advantages of agricultural resources and choose what path or mode to develop traditional agriculture and related industries to ensure profitability.

Again, look at it on a realistic basis. Generally speaking, our country already has all kinds of realistic conditions for implementing agricultural industrialization strategy. It not only has the internal power to develop agricultural industry and the agricultural resource foundation for implementing the agricultural industrialization strategy, but also has the industrial foundation for implementing the agricultural industrialization strategy. At present, China has established a complete industrial system in the traditional sense, which has laid a solid technical and equipment support for agricultural industrialization.

In addition, consider the concept itself. Compared with agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization and agricultural modernization, agricultural industrialization is more accurate, comprehensive and clear.

To sum up, agricultural industrialization is more in line with the above four basic elements, and is an accurate, clear and comprehensive concept.

Policy Suggestions for Implementing Agricultural Industrialization Strategy

The implementation of agricultural industrialization is helpful to break through the traditional misunderstanding of agriculture, to better ensure national food security, to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of agriculture, to promote the coordinated development of the four modernizations, and to meet the needs of the current reform and development trend and to seek new economic growth points. In order to better promote the strategy of agricultural industrialization and promote the transformation of agricultural development mode and economic development, the following policy suggestions are put forward in combination with the connotation of agricultural industrialization and the actual situation of our country:

(1) to set up a comprehensive demonstration and experimental zone for agricultural industrialization. It is suggested that the central government should set up a comprehensive demonstration experimental area of agricultural industrialization (hereinafter referred to as the comprehensive demonstration experimental area) in major agricultural provinces with mature conditions, and try it first to explore and accumulate experience. The comprehensive demonstration experimental area is defined as "eight functional areas", that is, the comprehensive experimental area of modern agricultural industry, and the leading area of overall reform to promote the coordinated development of agricultural modernization, new industrialization, informationization and urbanization. an important demonstration area for the development of agricultural industrial circular economy in China Modern agricultural breeding bases, modern agricultural production and equipment technology R & D and extension bases, and agglomeration areas of modern agricultural science and technology enterprises, which are important in the country and even have great influence in the world; highly competitive agricultural means of production and equipment technology R & D and extension base, modern agricultural means of production and equipment science and technology enterprise gathering area Well-known agricultural products intensive processing and equipment technology research and promotion base, modern agricultural products intensive processing and equipment science and technology enterprise agglomeration area; domestic and even international leading agricultural products and agricultural industrial equipment distribution trading area, agricultural industrial science and technology personnel gathering area; international important international cooperation area for modern agricultural production and processing technology.

(2) to establish an agricultural industrial technology and equipment industry. The relevant technology and equipment industries involved in various stages of agricultural production will be merged and uniformly formed into an agricultural industrial technology and equipment industry, with emphasis on promotion. The machinery and equipment related to agricultural production, such as sowing, irrigation, harvesting, agricultural product testing, and agricultural production materials such as seeds, livestock breeds, poultry breeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. (except gasoline, diesel oil, etc.), unified to form an agricultural production technology and equipment industry. Grain and oil, meat, aquatic products, agricultural by-products and other processing machinery, as well as other agricultural products processing machinery, are uniformly established into an intensive and deep processing technology and equipment industry for agricultural products.

(3) to carry out the overall reform of the innovation and application of agricultural science and technology and the innovation of agricultural production organization. Like the traditional industry, agricultural scientific and technological innovation also has the problem of organic combination of industry, university and research. At present, the major agricultural provinces across the country are generally faced with the contradiction between the popularization and application of agricultural science and technology and the current situation of agricultural production organization, such as decentralized land management and weak agricultural cooperative organizations, which is not conducive to the innovation and development of agricultural science and technology in our country. It is suggested that pilot projects should be carried out in the comprehensive demonstration experimental area to actively explore the innovation and application of agricultural science and technology and the overall reform of agricultural production organization, so as to solve the difficult problems in the development of agricultural production modernization.

(4) strengthen scientific and technological support for agricultural production. Increase the number of agriculture-related national engineering laboratories, state key laboratories, national engineering technology research centers and scientific and technological resources sharing platforms in the experimental area; support the construction of an "international agricultural genetic technology research and development center" that integrates scientific research, education and leisure We will support the construction of the "National Modern crop seed Industry and Animal Husbandry breeding Center" in the comprehensive demonstration experimental area in the aspects of policy support, capital investment, planning and layout, system innovation, information service, etc.

(5) to speed up the training and attraction of high-level agricultural scientific and technological personnel. Support the establishment of China's international agricultural scientific and technological talent market; appropriately tilt some funds for major national talent projects in the field of agriculture to comprehensive demonstration experimental areas; strengthen international cooperation, study and exchanges in agricultural science and technology; support the establishment of institutions and staffing in comprehensive demonstration experimental areas.

(6) to construct the service system of agricultural industrialization. The service system of agricultural industrialization refers to the general name of providing various necessary organizational forms of production, operation and services and their related mechanisms, systems and systems for agricultural industrialization. Specifically, it includes the development of various forms of agricultural production and operation organization, the construction of a complete agricultural social service system, the promotion of agricultural industrial technological innovation strategic alliance, the development of agricultural industrial producer services, the construction of agricultural industrial financial service system, the construction of relatively complete marketing and circulation networks of agricultural products and deeply processed products and other agricultural industrial products, and the cultivation of agricultural industrial enterprise brands. Explore various forms of strategic alliances of agricultural industrial enterprises and other new organizational forms.