
What does the perennial herb vervain look like? Where did you grow up? What month is the florescence? Can it predict the weather?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Verbena, also known as verbena, iron verbena, purple sprouts, etc., perennial herbs, 30cm high. So, what does vervain look like? Where did you grow up? What month is the florescence? Can it predict the weather? What does vervain look like? Stem square, node

Verbena, also known as verbena, iron verbena, purple sprouts, etc., perennial herbs, 30cm high. So, what does vervain look like? Where did you grow up? What month is the florescence? Can it predict the weather?

What does vervain look like?

Stems square, nodes and ribs hirsute. Leaves opposite, subsessile, leaf blade ovoid to Obovate or oblong-lanceolate, basal leaves often coarsely serrate and notched, cauline leaves mostly 3-parted, margin of lobes inconspicuously coarsely serrate, both sides hirsute, especially on lower veins. Spikes slender, terminal or axillary; 1 ovate-subulate bract under each flower; calyx tubular, membranous, 5-toothed; Corolla tubular, lilac to blue, 5-lobed, sub2-lipped; stamens 4, inserted in middle of Corolla tube, 2 strong, filaments short; ovary superior, 4-loculed. Capsule oblong, exocarp thin, 4-valved at maturity.

Where does vervain grow? What month is the florescence?

Vervain can be found in fields and hillsides in Hubei, Jiangsu, Guangxi and many other places. It is understood that the florescence of verbena is from June to August and the fruit period is from July to November.

Can it predict the weather?

Vervain can predict the weather. Vervain is sensitive to humidity and indicates rain if its roots outside the soil are moldy and white.

Note: verbena has low toxicity, no hemolysis and parasympathetic effect. This species is a poisonous plant included in the Chinese plant atlas database. Its toxicity is that the whole grass has small poison, and the preparation can treat malaria, diphtheria, influenza and so on. Some people have reactions such as nausea, dizziness, headache, vomiting and abdominal pain. No clothes for pregnant women.