
Summer (6, 7, August) what fruit to eat better? What fruits are the fastest to lose weight?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Summer (June, July, August) is the second season of the year and one of the four seasons. Summer is the peak season for fruits, and all kinds of fresh fruits can be seen everywhere. Eat fruit in addition to delicious this requirement, more important is the nutritional value, then what fruit to eat in summer is better

Summer (June, July and August) is the second season of the year and one of the four seasons. Summer is the peak season for fruits, and all kinds of fresh fruits can be seen everywhere. Eat fruit in addition to delicious this requirement, the more important is the nutritional value, which fruit to eat in summer is better? What fruit do you eat to lose weight the fastest?

Summer is the season when a large number of fruits are on the market, but like people's physique, fruits are also divided into cold, hot and flat, so it is best to choose according to the physique and should not be eaten blindly.

1. Cold fruit

The common cold fruits are watermelon, banana, pear, kiwifruit, dragon fruit, loquat, sugar cane, persimmon, mulberry, orange, water chestnut, kiwifruit, grapefruit and so on. Cold fruit generally has the effect of clearing heat, purging fire or detoxification, and can be used to treat heat syndrome (fear of heat, dry mouth, constipation, acne). Some people usually have deficiency of spleen and stomach and lack of yang qi. Often cold limbs, cold like warm, sore waist and knees, food a little cold will be stomach discomfort, abdominal distension and even diarrhea, it is best to eat less or not to eat cold fruit. Cold physique, easy to have diarrhea, should not eat too much watermelon, easy to cause diarrhea. If you eat watermelon too late, you will urinate frequently and be harmful to sleep.

2. Warm fruit

Common warm fruits are litchi, longan, durian, bayberry, peach, orange, cherry, apricot, longan and so on. Lukewarm fruit has the function of warming, dispelling cold and helping yang, and can be used to treat cold syndrome (fear of cold, diarrhea, pallor). Some people are often plagued by symptoms such as dry mouth, thirst, constipation and sore throat, so it's best to eat less warm fruit. Litchi and longan can tonify the blood, but people with hot physique should eat less, otherwise it is easy to get angry, making it difficult to fall asleep, irritable and irritable.

3. Plain fruit

The common plain fruits in summer are pineapple, papaya, apple, grape and so on. Plain fruit, neither cold nor hot, is suitable for people with any physique. Pineapple has high acidity and is not suitable for eating on an empty stomach, and patients with gastrointestinal ulcers are not suitable to eat more before they recover.

What fruit is better to eat in summer?

1. Watermelon

It has the functions of clearing heat and relieving heat, relieving thirst, relieving urination, detoxifying alcohol, etc., and is used to treat fever, summer heat, thirst, adverse urination, sore throat, oral inflammation and drunkenness.

Summer is the most suitable to eat watermelons, not only can solve summer heat, sweating more, but also can replenish water, known as the king of summer melons and fruits. 94% of the flesh of watermelon is water, as well as sugars, vitamins, a variety of amino acids and a small amount of inorganic salts, which can most effectively supplement the water and nutrients needed by the human body at high temperatures; secondly, the intake of water and inorganic salts can be metabolized into urination and can also take away excess calories to clear heat and replenish qi.

2. Mango

Mango is one of the famous tropical fruits. Because of its delicate pulp, unique flavor and rich nutrition, mango is known as "king of tropical fruit". Can make fruit juice, jam, canned, pickled, sour and spicy pickles and mango milk powder, candied fruit and so on.

The nutritional value of mango fruit is very high, and the content of vitamin An is as high as 3.8%. The content of vitamin C also exceeds that of oranges and strawberries. Mango contains sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which are necessary for the human body. Edible mango has the effect of clearing intestines and stomach and has a certain antiemetic effect on carsickness and seasickness. In addition, mango contains a lot of vitamin A, so it has anti-cancer, anti-cancer effect.

3. Virgin fruit

Virgin fruit, scientific name cherry tomato, is a very good health and nutritional food, high sugar content, about 7-8 degrees, sweet and delicious taste, unique flavor, it is both a vegetable and a fruit, in addition to containing all the nutrients of tomatoes, its vitamin content is 1.8 times that of ordinary tomatoes. By the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization as a priority to promote one of the "four major fruits".

4. Peaches

Peach, rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and fruit acid, its iron content ranks first in fruit. Iron is the main raw material of human hematopoiesis, which is very beneficial to health. Peach is hot and tastes sweet and sour, which has the effects of tonifying, tonifying the heart, promoting fluid, relieving thirst, eliminating accumulation, moistening the intestines and relieving fatigue and fever. it is the "fruit of the lung". It is suitable for people with hypoglycemia, lung disease, fatigue and wheezing cough as an auxiliary dietotherapy.

5. Grapes

The taste is sweet and sour. Raw food can nourish liver and kidney yin fluid and strengthen muscles and bones. Where long-term illness liver and kidney yin deficiency, palpitation night sweating, dry cough consumption cough, waist and leg pain, can be nourishing food. Often eating fresh grapes has the effect of tonifying qi and blood and relieving urination. it is suitable for spleen deficiency, weak qi, shortness of breath, swelling of limbs, adverse urination and so on. Fried soup and wine can cure rheumatism and pain. Take juice and sugar to treat dysentery.

6. Muskmelon

Cantaloupe, also known as "melon", "white peck melon". The flesh is green, white, red or orange, crisp or soft, fragrant and sweet. Originated in the tropics and widely cultivated in various parts of China, there are many varieties. The sweet taste of North China and Northwest China is strong, and the moisture produced in humid areas is light, so it is an excellent fruit in summer. The famous Xinjiang Hami melon is one of the varieties of cantaloupe.

Nutritional value: cantaloupe contains a lot of carbohydrates and citric acid, and plenty of water, which can relieve heat and heat, quench thirst and annoyance; the invertase in cantaloupe can transform insoluble protein into soluble protein, which can help kidney patients to absorb nutrients; raw cantaloupe, thirst and dryness can be eliminated. Cantaloupe contains malic acid, glucose, amino acids, beet eggplant, vitamin C and other rich nutrients, which has a good effect on infectious high fever, thirst and so on.

7. Litchi

Litchi, together with bananas, pineapples and longan, is known as the "four major fruits in the south". It is rich in sugar with symptoms such as energy supplement and fatigue; litchi meat is rich in vitamin C and protein; litchi is rich in vitamins. It can promote the blood circulation of microvessels, prevent the occurrence of freckles and make the skin smoother.

8. Fire dragon fruit

Fire dragon fruit is a seasonal fruit in May and June. the fruit is large, succulent and succulent, because there are fewer diseases and insects in the cultivation process, and it can grow naturally without using any pesticides. In theory, it is a kind of non-toxic and pollution-free green food. It's a gift in the heat of summer. However, in fact, what is more valuable is the inner nature of dragon fruit. Detoxification, detoxification and anti-aging, nourishing beauty, tonifying blood and lowering blood lipids are born in season, which can help us to prevent and solve many problems caused by damp and heat.

9. Red bayberry

In the hot summer, friends with symptoms such as dry mouth caused by lack of vital energy can quench thirst by eating bayberry. In addition, eating more bayberry in summer can also prevent heatstroke. Bayberry contains a variety of organic acids, as well as a lot of vitamin C, we all know that eating sour food can increase appetite and help digestion, so if you have a bad appetite, it is recommended that you eat a few bayberry to increase appetite and help digestion.

10. Mangosteen

Mangosteen is called "fruit queen". It has the effect of relieving dryness, cooling and relieving fever. healthy people can eat mangosteen, but three a day is enough. Mangosteen is rich in cellulose and will absorb water and expand in the intestines and stomach. Eating too much will cause constipation. Mangosteen contains more sugar, so obese people should eat less, people with diabetes should not eat. Mangosteen contains high potassium, so people with kidney disease and heart disease should eat less.

11. Lotus Flower

Summer is the mature season of lotus fog. The nutritional ingredients of lotus flower are protein, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamin B, C, etc., with a special flavor, is a natural antipyretic. When children have indigestion, eat with lotus fog with salt, which can help digestion, and adults can eat very well, which has the effect of invigorating body mass and relieving thirst. In addition, Lianwu also has appetizer, refreshing, diuretic, heat-clearing and sedative and other dietotherapy functions.

12. Plums

Plums are ripe in early summer. The ancients believed that plums had the effect of beauty and beauty. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that plums have the effects of promoting fluid, nourishing the liver, clearing heat and diuresis. Sun Simeng said, "liver disease should be eaten." Plums are rich in sugar, which has the effect of relieving diarrhea and can be used to treat constipation. The minerals contained in it have the effect of purifying blood and hematopoiesis, can strengthen the function of liver and kidney, and can treat hypertension and physiological disorders.

13. Hami melon

Cantaloupe has the laudatory name of "king of melons". It is a good choice for people to relieve summer heat. It tastes as sweet as honey and smells wonderful. According to traditional Chinese medicine, melons are cold in nature and have the effects of curing hunger, promoting defecation, tonifying qi, clearing lung heat and relieving cough. it is suitable for patients with kidney disease, stomach disease, cough, phlegm asthma, anemia and constipation. Cantaloupe or sunscreen fruit! It is rich in antioxidants, can reduce the formation of skin melanin, but also can effectively prevent coronary heart disease. Cantaloupe is on the cool side, and it is best not to eat cantaloupe with deficiency and cold physique, especially after delivery and illness.

What fruit do you eat to lose weight the fastest?

If you eat the right fruit, it can not only maintain health and beauty, but also lose weight. The editor will take an inventory of the 8 kinds of weight loss fruits that can reduce fat for you, so that you can easily eat and lose weight.

1. Apple

Apple is rich in pectin, cellulose and vitamin C, has a good lipid-lowering effect, can accelerate metabolism and reduce fat; it is not as rich in calcium as other fruits, and can reduce the salt that causes edema.

The unique fruit acid in apples can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol and prevent fat accumulation.

Apples are the best weight-loss fruit for people who lose weight. Although apples are as high in sugar as all fruits, they are rich in vitamins and minerals, are high in fiber and will not deform their bodies by absorbing too much sugar.

2. Lemon

What should I do if I eat fried food with high calories? At this time, lemon is your best diet food. When eating without adding sugar, it can eliminate impurities in the body and play the role of detoxification; at the same time, it helps to consume the fat accumulated in the body and achieve the effect of losing weight.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple contains almost all the vitamins needed by the human body, 16 natural minerals and proteolysins. It has a good function of decomposing fish and meat protein. It is best to eat some pineapple after a big meal. In particular, there are a lot of entertainment during the Spring Festival. If you buy a Hainan four seasons pineapple to relieve grease and reduce fat, you will not be afraid of getting fat if you eat a big meal.

4. Papaya

Papaya has a unique proteolytic protein, which can remove fat accumulated by eating meat. Moreover, the pectin contained in papaya is an excellent intestinal lavage, which can promote the excretion of waste and treat constipation.

5. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a good weight loss food, very low in calories, eating more will not affect weight loss. And grapefruit contains rich potassium, but also helps to reduce the lower body fat and water accumulation, to achieve the goal of thin legs.

6. Kiwi fruit

In addition to the vitamin C content unmatched by other fruits, kiwifruit is also rich in fiber, which can increase the speed of fat decomposition and avoid excessive fat accumulation in the legs. It is the only choice for you to lose weight and have long legs.

7. Peaches

It is recorded in ancient medical books that peaches can give birth to fluid and moisten the intestines, activate blood circulation and eliminate accumulation. Picking son can improve constipation, help to reduce fat and lose weight, especially peach blossom, the role of diuresis, urination and accumulation is more obvious.

8. Banana

Bananas are very sweet and are considered by many people to be high-calorie food. In fact, a banana of about 100 grams has only 87 calories. Compared with a bowl of rice with 150 grams and 220 calories, the heat is less than half that of rice. Moreover, banana fat content is also very low, rich in potassium, full belly can reduce fat accumulation.