
What does the banyan of money look like? What kind of environment is suitable for growth? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Money banyan, belonging to the genus Ficus of Moraceae, is commonly known as round-leaf rubber tree or Indian rubber tree, evergreen tree. So, what does money banyan look like? What kind of environment is suitable for growth? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? What does the banyan of money look like? Money banyan plant

Golden banyan, belonging to the genus Ficus of Moraceae, is commonly known as "round-leaf rubber tree" or "Indian rubber tree", evergreen big tree. So, what does money banyan look like? What kind of environment is suitable for growth? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

What does the banyan of money look like?

The banyan plant is 50-80 cm tall and much branched. Leaf wide Obovate, wide round head, 1.5 cm long, leathery; leaf surface dark green, leaf back yellowish; leaf margin with dark glands. Cryptocephalic inflorescences globose to Pyriform, solitary, yellow or reddish after maturity. It generally grows in mountain sparse forests at altitudes of 400m-2500 m and 600m-900m, as well as in hilly lands and villages.

Second, what environment is suitable for growth?

Qian Rongxi warm and humid environment, need plenty of sunshine, more cold-resistant, but also shade-resistant, fertile soil, good drainage. The winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Because money banyan grows faster, it needs to change pots, increase fertile soil, and trim and reshape every spring. The high temperature in summer should be watered, and the leaf surface should be sprayed frequently. Fertilize once a month during the growing period to avoid strong light exposure.

Third, what are the methods of banyan culture and matters needing attention?

1. Lighting: money banyan belongs to subtropical plants. It likes sunny, well-ventilated, warm and humid environment. Sexual tolerance to drought, tolerance to semi-overcast. Generally should be placed in the ventilation and light transmission place, there should be a certain space humidity, the sun is not sufficient, ventilation is not smooth, there is no certain space humidity, can make the plant yellow, dry, leading to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, until death.

2. Watering: the banyan should be watered according to its dry and wet soil to maintain soil moisture until water seeps out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, but not half of the water. After watering once, wait until the soil is white and the topsoil is dry, you should water again. You must not wait for the basin soil to be completely dry before watering. In hot seasons, you should often spray water to the leaf surface or the surrounding environment to cool down and increase air humidity. The frequency of watering should be less in winter and spring and more in summer and autumn.

3, fertilization: banyan fertilization can be combined with watering, such as cake fertilizer (sesame sauce residue), organic fertilizer and other soaking solution in summer. In summer, if you leave the banyan outside, you can accept rain and dew, and you don't have to care about the acidity and basicity of the water. Should pay attention to some in winter, because tap water is weakly alkaline, generally every 2 or 4 tap water watering with orange peel soaking diluent is better.

Matters needing attention of Golden Banyan

1. Money Rongxi warm and humid environment, air unobstructed environment, need sufficient sunshine, more cold-resistant, but also shade-resistant, soil requires fertile, good drainage, winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃.

2. The banyan tree grows fast, so it needs to change the basin, increase the fertile soil, trim and shape every spring, the high temperature in summer should be watered more, and the leaf surface should be sprayed frequently. Fertilize once every semimonthly during the growing period.

3. Jinqianbong can be moved to a ventilated room near the north when it exceeds 30 ℃ in summer.

4. The banyan tree will lose its leaves in some places in autumn and winter, which is normal, and it will sprout and grow new leaves in the coming spring.