
Let the "returning founder" come back and stay.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, under the upsurge of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, many college graduates, migrant workers, rural educated youth and other groups of creators have returned home to start a business. These returning founders have innovative consciousness and entrepreneurial enthusiasm, but they also encounter in the process of starting a business.

Recently, under the upsurge of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", many "creators" composed of university graduates, migrant workers and rural educated youth have returned home to start their own businesses. These "returning founders" have innovative consciousness and entrepreneurial enthusiasm, but they have also encountered difficulties in the process of starting a business, such as difficulties in financing and incomplete supporting facilities. How to make them come back and stay? to make them really become an important force in promoting the development of modern agriculture and the construction of a new countryside is a problem worthy of our consideration and solution.

The first problem troubling the "returning founders" is the difficulty of financing. Although these founders have some start-up capital, they all have a large funding gap if they want the enterprise to grow, and the process of applying for a loan from a bank is complicated and often requires a pledge or a guarantor with a fixed income. The relevant departments should promptly coordinate the bank and financial departments to issue relevant policies to solve the financing difficulties and expensive financing problems of rural innovative enterprises, combine rural innovative industries with market capital, and increase the supply of rural venture capital through various channels. improve the survival rate of "returning entrepreneurs".

The second problem faced by "returning founders" is the problem of weak rural infrastructure. At present, the lack of infrastructure such as roads, water, electricity and communications in many rural areas has affected the success rate of entrepreneurs returning to their hometown. With the arrival of the "Internet +" era, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the construction of infrastructure, earnestly improve the level of road traffic and network communications in rural areas, so that agricultural products can get on the express train of "Internet +", and by promoting e-commerce to the countryside and the launch of agricultural products, take e-commerce as a starting point to promote the transformation of rural development mode, and build a broader stage for "founders".

There are also some "returning founders" who have the problems of small scale, single structure, low scientific and technological content of products, lack of management experience and external support. For them, the initial entrepreneurial effect and entrepreneurial confidence are not good, later in the expansion of reproduction will face more problems. Once a business fails, their situation may not be as good as that when they work, and the relevant departments should also strengthen entrepreneurial policy support and training guidance in this regard.

Generally speaking, the relevant incentive systems for "returning entrepreneurs" in some places are not perfect, so we should further refine the relevant policies, improve financial support and entrepreneurial services, and create a relaxed and superior entrepreneurial environment, so that these "returning entrepreneurs" can stay even when they return.