
How many onion seeds do you usually need per acre? What is the yield per mu? What are the field cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Onion is also called ball onion, Dutch onion, onion, widely distributed in China, cultivated all over the north and south, is one of the main vegetables in China. So how many onion seeds do you need per acre? What is the yield per mu? What are the field cultivation techniques?

Onion, also known as ball onion, onion, jade onion, onion, Dutch onion, onion, widely distributed in China, is cultivated in all parts of the country and is one of the main vegetables in China. So how many onion seeds do you need for an acre? What is the yield per mu? What are the field cultivation techniques? According to onion grower Liu Xiangsheng, onions usually grow seedlings first, and then transfer plants to the field, using about 3 jin of seeds per mu.

What is the yield of onions per mu?

Onion yield per mu is 6000-10000 jin, the key is good management, mainly to protect seedlings after planting, to ensure consistent seedling growth, and delicate fertilizer and water management in the later stage.

Cases of high yield of onions:

1. Every mid-June, onions in Laizhou, Yantai begin to enter the harvest period, and the yield of more than 10000 jin per mu makes farmers full of expectations for sales.

2. The average yield of 1050 mu of onions in Daying Town reached 6000 kg per mu after harvest, and the average net income per mu reached 8000 yuan.

What are the field cultivation techniques of onion?

Onion has the characteristics of high yield, good quality, wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, storage and transportation resistance, long supply period and so on. Onion contains a variety of nutrients, with sterilization, disinfection, anti-aging, anti-cancer and other effects, more and more favored by consumers, the market demand is large.

Now is the critical period for field preparation and transplanting of onions. The specific technical points are as follows:

First, scientific soil preparation and rational fertilization. After rice harvest, ploughing and drying in time, fine soil blocks, sufficient base fertilizer, biogas residue 3000-3500kg or high quality farm manure 4000kg, urea 8kg, 20-25kg, potassium sulfate 10-20kg or plant ash 50-60kg were applied per mu.

Second, standardize the management of soil moisture and smooth the surface of soil moisture. The soil moisture is opened according to the specification of 2m, and the width of soil moisture is 1.8m.

Third, cover the film reasonably and weed in time. Chemical weeding was carried out before planting with plastic film, 100g "Pocaojing" or 150ml "herbicide" was sprayed on the soil moisture surface with 100g per mu, then covered with 2m wide plastic film, compacted with soil around the plastic film, and planted after 1 day, so the weeding effect was better.

Fourth, reasonable close planting. The high quality onion seedlings with developed root system, strong growth and uniform size were selected and planted directly by breaking the membrane with fingers according to the row spacing of 13cmx18cm and 14cmx16cm from the end of October to the beginning of November. 2.2-24000 seedlings per mu and the planting depth of 2-3cm was suitable.

V. strengthening field management

1. Timely watering. After onion planting, slow seedling water should be watered once to promote root growth, slow seedling quickly, and return to green water when onion seedlings turn green. With the gradual increase of air temperature, plants should be watered every 7 minutes and 8 days when they enter the vigorous growth period of leaves, so that the soil can often be kept moist.

2. Squatting seedlings. After the seedlings grow to a certain height, when the bulbs begin to expand, squatting seedlings should be carried out. After squatting seedlings, onions enter the bulb expansion stage, plant nutrients are transported to the base of leaves, the demand for water is increasing day by day, the temperature is also gradually increasing, and the watering times are gradually increased, generally every 6 days. The soil should be kept moist and the irrigation time should be in the morning. When the bulb is approaching maturity, the physiological function of leaves and roots decreases and irrigation stops.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at the right time

(1) give priority to prevention and comprehensive prevention. Priority should be given to agricultural, physical and biological control measures, seed treatment with plastic film mulching, seed soaking in warm soup, seed soaking with chemical, flood-drought rotation or 2-3 years interval between non-lily vegetables and other measures to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, reduce the field dosage and application times of pesticides.

(2) onions are susceptible to downy mildew, purple spot and rust. Downy mildew and purple spot can be controlled by spraying 75% chlorothalonil 600 times or 25% metalaxyl 800 times per mu each time. Rust can be sprayed with 12.5% Wo Guo Li 20 grams plus 40 kg water per mu, once every 15 days, and sprayed 2 Mel 3 times in a row.

(3) Prevention and control of onion pests the main pests on onion are onion thrips, onion aphids and seed flies. Silver-gray plastic film was used to cover aphids, and yellow viscose cardboard was hung in the field to trap thrips and onion aphids. The medicament can be sprayed with 0.3% azadirachtin EC 800x, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times, 10% Lingbaike EC 1200-1500 times, or spray control with pyrethrin and biogas liquid. The species fly is also called root maggot, and the agricultural control method is to apply fully mature organic fertilizer and 15 cm deep. The drug control of seed flies is to control the larvae in time, and 40% phoxim and 40% chlorpyrifos can be used to irrigate the roots.

VI. Timely harvest

Onions can be harvested when the color of onion leaves changes from green to yellow, the outer skin of the bulb is dry and cracked, and the base of the pseudostem becomes soft and lodging. When harvesting, you should choose a sunny day, pull up the roots, and harvest, package and sell in batches.