
When do hot pot must-have chili peppers usually blossom? What kind of fertilizer is the best? What should be paid attention to in the management of flowering and fruit period?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pepper, alias: horned pepper, long pepper, vegetable pepper, lantern pepper, annual or limited perennial herbs. Mature into red, orange or purplish red, spicy taste. Seeds flat-reniform, yellowish. So when do chili peppers usually bloom? What kind of fertilizer is the best?

Pepper, alias: horned pepper, long pepper, vegetable pepper, lantern pepper, annual or limited perennial herbs. Mature into red, orange or purplish red, spicy taste. Seeds flat-reniform, yellowish. So when do chili peppers usually bloom? What kind of fertilizer is the best? What should be paid attention to in the management of flowering and fruit period?

When do chili peppers usually bloom?

It takes about 60 to 70 days from sowing to the first flower!

The growth cycle of pepper planting includes four stages: germination stage, seedling stage, flowering and fruiting stage.

The main results are as follows: 1. the germination period is about 10 days from the seed germination to the appearance of the first true leaf. The nutrients in the germination stage are mainly supplied by seeds, and the absorption capacity of young roots is very weak.

2. In the seedling stage, the emergence of the first true leaf to the first bud is the seedling stage. It takes 50 to 60 days. The seedling stage can be divided into two stages: 2-3 true leaves are the basic vegetative growth stage, and after 4 true leaves, vegetative growth and reproductive growth take place at the same time.

3. The flowering and fruit setting period, from the budding of the first flower to the fruit setting of the first flower, is usually 10 to 15 days. In this period, the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth is particularly prominent, mainly through water and fertilizer and other measures to regulate the relationship between growth and development, vegetative growth and reproductive growth, aboveground and underground growth, to achieve balanced growth and development.

4. The fruiting period belongs to the fruiting period from the first fruit setting to the end of harvest, which takes a long time, usually about 50-120 days. The fruit period is mainly reproductive growth, and continues to carry out vegetative growth, which requires a large amount of water and fertilizer. In this period, it is necessary to strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, create good cultivation conditions, promote the prosperity of seedlings and fruits, and bear fruit continuously, so as to achieve the purpose of bumper harvest.

What is the best fertilizer for chili?

It is best to apply organic fertilizer, potash fertilizer and calcium fertilizer at the same time.

The main results are as follows: 1. Pepper is not strict on soil, and all kinds of soil can be planted, and its growth period is long, but its root system is not developed, shallow root system, less root quantity, not drought and waterlogging tolerance, large fertilizer requirement and strong fertilizer tolerance, so it belongs to high nitrogen, medium phosphorus and high potassium vegetables. In addition, the type and quantity of fertilizer required by different varieties were also different, and the varieties of small fruit type needed more nitrogen. The results showed that for every 1000 kg pepper production, it was necessary to absorb nitrogen (N) 4.91kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1.19kg and potassium (K2O) 6.02kg from soil.

2. Pepper mainly collects tender fruits, and attention should be paid to the use of potash fertilizer, which is very important to improve fruit quality. In addition, we should also pay attention to the application of trace elements, especially calcium fertilizer, once lack, the fruit is prone to navel rot.

What should be paid attention to in the management of pepper flowering and fruiting period?

The flowering and fruit stage is the period with the largest growth in pepper's life, which is hot, rainy and prone to drought, while pepper likes warmth, high temperature, sunshine, sun exposure and continuous cloudy days, and likes moisture, rain and drought. Crops that are fertile and afraid of too much nitrogen fertilizer and poor soil fertility. Therefore, the management of flowering and fruiting stage is particularly important to obtain pepper with high yield and high quality.

1. Watering. Flowering and fruit stage is the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth of hot pepper, there is no shortage of water, especially in case of summer drought, it must be watered in time. It should be drained immediately after heavy rain, and well water should be watered to cool down and exchange air to protect the root system from premature senescence. After the Beginning of Autumn, to keep the land dry, it should be watered 1-3 times.

2. Fertilization. Pepper needs more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased, and appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be used. This period is the period when you need the most fertilizer and water. You should apply 10-15 kg of urea per mu, or 40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, and then stop topdressing. After each harvest, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaves and a small amount of urea can be added to prevent fattening and premature senility in the later stage.

3. Prevent chili peppers from falling. "three falls", that is, falling leaves, flowers and fruits is one of the important reasons affecting high yield. The "three falls" in full bloom are mainly due to high temperature and drought, high temperature and many Rain Water waterlogging or diseases and insect pests, especially the occurrence and prevalence of virus diseases. To prevent the "three falls" in the management to promote root, protect root, hairy root, strong root as the center, improve plant resistance, timely watering and drainage, reasonable fertilization in the rainy season.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Diseases and insect pests such as pepper blight, virus disease, anthracnose and leaf moth should be controlled in time.