
At present, how much is the price of lilac seedlings? How do you grow it? In what season does it bloom? Main ornamental places are attached

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lilac flower (deciduous shrub of Oleaceae) generally refers to the genus Syringa, also known as Syringa, which is a deciduous shrub or small tree; most of it is used as an ornamental. How much is the lilac seedling? How do you grow it? In what season does it bloom? Main ornamental

Lilac flower (deciduous shrub of Oleaceae) generally refers to the genus Syringa, also known as Syringa, which is a deciduous shrub or small tree; most of it is used as an ornamental. How much is the lilac seedling? How do you grow it? In what season does it bloom? What are the main viewing places? According to the data of Oleaceae, the genus Syringa has rich diversity: the flower colors are purple, purple, blue-purple, yellow, red and white, and the flowering period lasts for two seasons from early flowering in April to late flowering in July.

How much is the price of lilac seedlings?

The following is the finishing price, for reference only.

Name of seedling


Ground diameter

Price (yuan)

Clove tree

two hundred



Clove tree

two hundred



Clove tree

two hundred



Clove tree

two hundred and thirty


130 million 160

Clove tree

two hundred and thirty


180 million 220

Clove tree

two hundred and fifty


300 million 380

How to grow lilacs?


1. There are two common methods for raising cloves, one is sowing, the other is grafting. Some of the Changjing gardens in Shuyang, Jiangsu Province are grafted and seeded. Click to learn about clove seeds. Tall lilac, the rootstock is Ligustrum lucidum, choose the best branch grafting before spring germination, or branch grafting in late August, 90% survival rate. In summer, softwood cuttings can also be used to propagate, which needs spray to cool down, and the survival rate is 90%. The best medium is yellow sand.

2. Sowing and propagation in the north is in the middle of March, and the outdoor temperature is between 7 and 15. The seeds need to be stored in sand for February. Please start storing clove seeds in advance. Our nursery is sown in trenches, with a row spacing of 10 to 35 cm, a dosage of 8 to 10 jin per mu, and a special seedling and planting amount of 30 jin.

3. Cloves are fertilizer-tolerant green seedlings, which can be spread with compound fertilizer during the growing period, 2-3 times in spring and summer, stop fertilization at high temperature in summer, fertilize and water each time to promote nutrition absorption and growth. Fertilize once in summer and autumn, stop fertilization after September and stop watering after November. Spread with agricultural fertilizer in winter, you can use chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure and so on.


1. The cultivation of lilac flowers in the family is very simple compared with other flowers and trees. If you want to raise lilacs in the balcony courtyard at home, you can use ramets, cuttings and strips.

2. Generally speaking, ramet culture is a common method for the general public. The so-called ramet culture is to dig out the small seedlings of the original lilac rhizosphere with mud and plant them in flowerpots. Artificial planting is usually carried out in autumn. Fake planting is that after transplanting, the location of the plant is still uncertain, so that the lilac will not die, it will be temporarily planted for a period of time to facilitate retransplantation. In fact, the clove seedlings bought from the birch market are generally already in the state of pseudo-planting, as long as they are bought back to choose a good place to plant, they can continue to grow.

3. The second is cuttage culture. Clove cutting culture for ordinary consumers may be a little slow, one to a month and a half on the line, so to wait patiently. Take a strong lilac branch for one or two years, insert it into the soil or sand, wait for the new branch to take root, and then you can replant it, so a new lilac plant is gorgeously born.

4. Lilacs can also be cultured in strips. The so-called strip culture is to bury the branches of lilacs in the wet soil. Note that the branches are not separated from the original mother at this time. Wait for the branch to take root before it is separated from the mother plant. This method not only takes a lot of time to wait (it takes two or three months), but also has a little technical content. Before pressing, you have to do a small operation to peel the flower branches in a ring, and then apply auxin to promote the root growth.

Attached: the main ornamental places for lilac flowers

By region:

1. Southwest region: it mainly includes Xizang, Yunnan and other provinces, which is the most important distribution area of cloves. There are 13 kinds of cloves here, accounting for about 50% of the total. In addition, this area is also the place with the most endemic species.

2. Northwest: including Shaanxi Province, Qinghai Province, Gansu Province and other provinces. There are twelve kinds of cloves in this area, accounting for 44% of all species, and Chinese cloves belong here alone.

3. North China and Northeast China: the species in these two regions account for about 30% of the total species. Among them, red lilac is only distributed in North China, but there is no endemic species in Northeast China.

Specific location description:

1. Jietai Temple Park

There are more than 1000 cloves in the temple, all of which are more than 200 years old, the most famous being more than 20 trees given by Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. Every year from April to May, the lilac Cultural Festival is held here as scheduled. At that time, tourists will come in droves and bustle to watch the lilacs. Breeze blowing, bees flying butterflies, do not have a flavor.

2. Fayuan Temple

There are countless lilacs in this temple, and the front and rear courtyards are full of cloves. In addition, varieties are also very rare, even exotic varieties. When it comes to flowering, it is so beautiful that it cannot be described in words. You can choose to watch it from the end of April to the middle of May.

3. Lilac Garden of Beijing Botanical Garden

Here is a very complete area of ornamental plants, planting cloves in groups or groups, a group of up to more than 20 plants. Because it is planted in groups, it looks very uniform. There are more than 20 kinds of planting species, including common varieties and rare varieties. Because of the wide variety, the viewing period is also long.

4. Temple of Heaven Park

Located in the west of the cypress forest in the Hall of Prayer for New year, it is the largest ornamental area of cloves in Beijing, and the trees are all over 50 years old. After the middle of April, the trees are full of lilacs, chatting pleasing to people's eyes and ears.

5. Badaling National Forest Park

More than 20,000 cloves are unimaginably spectacular! But it blossoms late, in mid-June. The scenic spot will also hold some special activities regularly, such as environmental protection activities, cultural activities and so on.