
Investigation on the purchase of summer grain: the price of grain is low and steady, and the selling of farmers is reduced.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grain prices are low and steady, corporate acquisitions are more rational, and farmers' selling or sparing sales are also decreasing close to noon. At the Zhongyu order high-quality wheat purchase site in Binzhou City, Shandong Province, 45-year-old Hu Fuhua sat on a tricycle, waiting to sell grain. The towel was draped around his neck, wiping his face from time to time

Grain prices are low and steady, corporate acquisitions are more rational, and farmers' selling or sparing sales are also decreasing.

Near noon, at the purchase point of Zhongyu order quality wheat in Binzhou City, Shandong Province, 45-year-old Hu Fuhua sat on a tricycle, waiting to sell grain.

The towel was draped around his neck, wiping the sweat from his face from time to time: "10,000 jin have been brought in this time, and this year's wheat is basically sold out." Hu Fuhua lives in Dayinghu Village, Sanhehu Town, Bincheng District, and has transferred more than 40 mu of arable land. The weather is favorable this year, and the output per mu is about 1200 jin.

"the price of wheat this year is about the same as last year, and it's the same price all the time." The price of Hu Fuhua is 1.33 yuan per jin, which is about 10 cents higher than the market price of ordinary wheat. He signed an order acquisition agreement with Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd. as early as four years ago. The company uniformly provides high-quality wheat seeds and promises to buy them at 10% higher than the market price after the measured yield reaches the standard.

Feng Yusheng, from Chujia Village, Sanhehu Town, also sold all the remaining wheat at the same price. "the output per mu this year is more than 1100 jin, a little less than last year. Now that the price is right, I think the price will go up again. It's tough! " Feng Yusheng said.

"this year, the opening price of ordinary wheat is about 1.20 yuan per jin, rushing to 1.23 yuan halfway, and then walking at 1.19, 1.22 yuan per jin, showing a low and steady trend." Liu Shuxiang, vice president of Shandong Agricultural Development Bank.

The stable relationship between grain supply and demand determines the trend of grain prices. Liu Shuxiang analyzed that on the supply side, the sown area of summer grain in Shandong Province this year was 57.02 million mu, an increase of 900000 mu over the same period last year, and the total output was 46.94 billion jin, an increase of 1.66 billion jin over the same period last year. There will be a bumper harvest of summer grain and an ample supply of wheat. And high-quality wheat seeds have been promoted in many areas, and the quality has also been improved.

On the demand side, the main body of acquisition in the market is becoming more and more diverse, and the behavior is more and more rational. In May, the Shandong Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank completed the qualification of purchasing loans for grain enterprises, identifying a total of 293 enterprises, an increase of 4 over last year, including 119 reserve enterprises, 73 purchasing and selling enterprises, and 101 leading processing enterprises. The acquisition of nearly 1000 outlets, basically covering all districts and counties in the province.

"in particular, leading acquisitions and processing enterprises have played a certain role in stabilizing grain prices." Chen Luning, president of the Binzhou Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank, said that after the gradual formation of large-scale acquisition subjects, they can make quantitative acquisitions year-round and planned according to production needs, ensuring the stability of supply and demand.

"there is also a new situation. For most rural families, selling grain is no longer the only income." Chen Luning said that the diversification of income sources has given farmers greater strength to participate in the acquisition market game, and the behaviors such as short-term selling or long-term wait-and-see selling caused by price panic have been reduced.

Summer grain purchase into the future, grain prices can still rise? Liu Shuxiang said that every time he goes to the purchase point, he will persuade the common people to take advantage of good grain prices. "try not to bet on the aftermarket, because it is unlikely that grain prices will rise in the aftermarket. At present, domestic and international grain prices are seriously 'upside down'. International grain prices are about 0.85 yuan per jin, and many enterprises choose imported grain, greatly squeezing the room for domestic grain prices to rise. "

Order acquisition solves the problem of "selling grain". If you plant it, you will know that you can sell it and sell it at a high price.

In recent years, during the summer grain purchasing season, some areas have "difficulties in selling grain" for a variety of reasons. Some of the weather causes the grain quality to fall short of the purchase standard; some brokers who wander around the head of the field do not like the grain of small households; and some purchase outlets are far away, and farmers dislike the high cost of transportation.

In Binzhou, it is a different scene for farmers to sell grain. There are many farmers like Hu Fuhua and Feng Yusheng who have signed order purchase agreements with Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd. Zhongyu has developed a local high-quality wheat planting base of 1.05 million mu and implemented order planting, basically covering all villages and towns in Binzhou.

Feng Yusheng began to sign an order acquisition agreement with Zhongyu last year. "now grain is not only easy to sell, the price is good, but more importantly, when you plant it, you know it can be sold."

Zhongyu Company is the local leading processing enterprise, the industrial chain covers breeding, planting, acquisition, processing, catering, non-staple food and waste resources utilization. It has an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons of baked food production line, quick-frozen food production line, edible alcohol, protein feed and other processing projects and more than 30 medium and high-grade fast food chains, which need large-scale high-quality food sources. In the first five months of 2015, Zhongyu achieved sales revenue of 750 million yuan and a net profit of 69 million yuan.

Zhang Zhiqiang, executive deputy general manager of Zhongyu Company, said that there are mainly two models of order agriculture with farmers: one is "three exemptions and one plus". The company provides seed, sowing and harvesting services free of charge, and buys them at a price 10% higher than the market price after harvest. The second is the "five unification", that is, unified seed supply, fertilization, drug use, technical guidance and harvesting. At present, Zhongyu Company has arranged more than 150 acquisition outlets, covering various districts and counties, which has greatly facilitated the sale of grain by farmers.

"compared with ordinary wheat, the high-quality wheat we promoted increased by nearly 60 jin per mu and increased income by 76.2 yuan." Zhang Zhiqiang said that Binzhou's summer grain output this year is about 1.5 million tons, commercial grain can account for about 80%, Zhongyu company is expected to receive 800000 tons. Up to now, the company has purchased 250000 tons of high-quality wheat, with an average price of 2600 yuan per ton.

"at the end of last year, the purchase price of high-quality wheat reached 1.6 yuan per jin, and many flour mills in Hebei and Tianjin rushed to buy high-quality grain sources, indicating that there is a great potential demand for high-quality wheat in the market." Zhang Zhiqiang said. In order to ensure that the wheat produced by the order meets the standards, the company uniformly provides high-quality varieties such as "Shizhu 02mur1" to provide professional and technical guidance for farmers in the whole production process.

There are both policy-oriented and market-oriented acquisitions, and there is an adequate supply of credit funds.

This year, Shandong Province, with the exception of Zaozhuang, Heze, Jining and Linyi, did not start the lowest acquisition price plan, mainly market-oriented acquisition. According to the reporter's understanding, the reason why the above four places launched the plan is that they are located close to Henan and Anhui, the climate is close to that of neighboring provinces, and due to the influence of the climate of the two places this year, the quality of wheat is poor; in addition, these areas are also in the transition zone from neighboring provinces to Shandong purchase market, and wheat prices have also been pulled down. According to the price of supporting the market released by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, the lowest purchase price of wheat this year is 1.18 yuan per jin. As of August 10, the Shandong Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank had issued a total of 1.52 billion yuan in loans for the lowest purchase price of wheat, supporting the acquisition of 1.06 billion jin of wheat in the market.

Liu Shuxiang said that the supply of funds for the grain, cotton and oil industry is the duty of the Agricultural Development Bank. For the purchase of central and local grain reserves and the purchase of protective prices, the Agricultural Development Bank will make every effort to supply funds. However, in the market-oriented acquisition of summer grain, the Agricultural Development Bank will choose large-scale private acquisition enterprises as strategic customers. "this adjustment is based on the consideration of the transformation of the main body of grain buyers and the transformation of the mode of agricultural development." He said that in terms of market-oriented acquisitions, with the emergence of leading processing enterprises and purchasing and marketing enterprises, the profit margins of those small-scale acquisition companies that used to buy wheat as a single business are getting smaller and smaller, and the number will gradually decrease. Large-scale grain purchasing, marketing and processing enterprises have stronger anti-risk ability, whether in the face of agricultural production risk or acquisition market risk.

Sun Junjie, a senior business manager for customers of the Agricultural Development Bank of Shandong Province, said that in view of the increasing diversity of market-oriented acquisition subjects, the Agricultural Development Bank has developed new businesses such as order purchase and purchase and marketing joint venture, and used live loan varieties to meet the capital needs of enterprises for purchasing and selling trade and grain intensive processing.

"the direction of credit adjustment is also in line with the direction of agricultural transformation." Liu Shuxiang said, "large-scale acquisition subjects are the need to meet the challenges of the international market." Only by taking the road of high-quality and large-scale agricultural development, can we reduce the impact of the international market on China's grain prices to the greatest extent. "

According to reports, in order to ensure that the acquisition funds are in place in time and in full, the Shandong Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank has been making preparations since April. As of 18 August, the bank had issued a total of 9.52 billion yuan in loans for the purchase of various kinds of summer grain, an increase of 200 million yuan over the same period last year. Support enterprises to collect and store 10.46 billion jin of wheat, an increase of 300 million jin over the same period last year.