
Can you eat smooth, hairless peas when they sprout? What are the planting methods? When do you plant it? Attached pest control techniques

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peas are also called green beans, wheat peas, cold beans, wheat beans, snow beans, biscuit beans, Ma tired and so on. Annual climbing herbs, 0.5-2 m tall. The florescence is from June to July and the fruiting period is from July to September. Can you still eat that pea when it sprouts? What are the planting methods? When do you plant it? Pest control techniques

Peas are also called green beans, wheat peas, cold beans, wheat beans, snow beans, Bi beans, hemp tired and so on. Annual climbing herbs, 0.5-2 m tall. Flowering from June to July, fruiting from July to September. Can the peas still be eaten after they sprout? What are the planting methods? What time? What are pest control techniques? I learned from Uncle Hu, a pea grower, that sprouted peas can also be eaten. Peas sprout without poison, pea seedlings are also called "asparagus","longxu bean seedlings","butterfly vegetables" and so on, belonging to seedling vegetables, that is, small plant vegetables. It is mainly the young stems and leaves produced by edible peas and tender shoots. Pea seedlings whether meat fry, stir-fry, do soup, rinse hot pot, are regarded as high-quality goods.

What are the ways to grow peas?


1. Seed selection and germination: select seeds with 40% saline before sowing, and remove seeds that are not full or infested. The seeds are germinated before sowing, and when the seeds sprout, the seeds are treated at a low temperature of 0 to 2 DEG C for 15 days before sowing.

2. Rhizobia seed dressing: pea seed dressing with Rhizobia is an effective measure for increasing yield. After seed dressing with Rhizobia, nodules increased, stem and leaf grew vigorously, pod more, high yield. The seed dressing method is to use 10~19 grams of rhizobia per mu, add a little water and mix well with seeds before sowing.

3. Timely sowing: before sowing in the field, apply fully decayed manure, compost and a certain amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, especially phosphorus fertilizer, which has obvious yield increasing effect. Pea is planted on demand, row spacing is 10~20 cm, plant spacing in row is 5 cm, 2~6 seeds are sown in each hole, and the soil is covered with 5~6 cm when the soil is wet. When the soil is dry, the cover is slightly thicker. 10 - 15 kg seeds per mu.


1. Cultivation system: Pea is forbidden to continue cropping. After continuous cropping, it can cause toxic effects on subsequent peas and aggravate the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, so peas usually rotate with other crops. White flower varieties are more taboo than purple flower varieties, and their rotation years need to be longer. Peas can also be mixed and intercropped with other crops.

2, land selection: drip irrigation cultivation of soil requirements are low, conducive to seedling survival and crop growth, so the soil layer is deep, soil salinity is light, fertility of the land can be planted.

3, loose soil fertilization: after sowing to shallow loose soil several times, in order to improve the ground temperature to promote root growth, seedlings strong, autumn cultivation, a cultivation before winter, winter insulation freeze, timely loose soil weeding after spring, improve the ground temperature. Before pea flowering, irrigate small water to catch up with available nitrogen fertilizer, accelerate plant growth, promote technology separation, and then loosen soil to preserve moisture. When the stem begins to sit pod, water a little more, and chase phosphorus, potassium fertilizer. The soil should always be kept moist during the peak pod bearing period. Water required for fruit pod development. At the later stage of pod setting, bean seedlings were closed and watered less. When the vine planting plant height is 30 cm, start to support. Peas are harvested in batches and fertilized once every harvest.

4. Supplement and topdressing: check seedlings in time after emergence, cultivate and weed 1~2 times. Heavy topdressing at seedling stage, especially for fields without or with little base fertilizer, generally topdressing 5~7.5 kg compound fertilizer or 5 kg urea or 1000 kg decomposed human manure per mu. When the temperature rises in spring and the plant begins to elongate, the tall culm varieties insert small bamboo with tips or branches (without leaves) between rows so that the bean plants can climb and grow. Peas are not resistant to water stains, and attention should be paid to cleaning ditches and drainage in spring. When flowering and pod-bearing, it needs more nutrients. 7.5 kg urea and 5 kg ternary compound fertilizer are applied per mu. Spraying 1% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice during grain filling stage.

5. Pest control: Pea diseases mainly include root rot, brown spot, powdery mildew, brown stripe disease, etc., and pests mainly include black miner, leaf miner, etc. The small editor has already explained in detail in the article "Pea pest control technology." Please read it step by step.

6. Timely harvest: determine the harvest time according to the eating method. Generally, pea seeds are harvested 15~18 days after flowering when the seeds are full, dry peas are harvested when 70%~80% of pods are withered, vegetable peas are harvested 12~14 days after flowering when the tender pods are not present, pea seedlings are harvested 30 days after sowing when the seedling height is 18 cm, and those used as feed are harvested at full flowering, and those used as green manure are timely turned after pod harvest.

When do peas grow?

1. Overwintering planting is generally sown from late October to mid-November, overwintering in the open field, and harvesting in April to May of the following year.

2. Spring planting: sowing in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from late February to early March and harvesting before high temperature; spring sowing and summer harvest in Northeast China, generally sowing in April to May.

3. Autumn planting: Early maturity varieties should be selected for autumn planting, sown in early September, and harvested before the cold wave comes in late November.

Attachment: Pea pest control technology

I. Diseases

(i) Stem rot

1. Disease characteristics: harm pea stem base and stem vine. The damaged stem initially showed elliptic brown spots, which expanded around the stem, and finally caused stem necrosis, grayish brown to grayish white, and its upper stipules and leaflets gradually withered. In the later stage, small black grains were scattered on the surface of the dead stem segment.

2. Control method: spray 40% Fuzheng No.1 600 times solution or 70% mancozeb 800 times solution every 10~15 days, spray alternately, focus on spraying the base of stem.

(ii) Mosaic disease

1. Disease characteristics: whole plant disease, short diseased plant, smaller leaves, shrinkage, uneven leaf color, mosaic, few or no pods.

2. Pathogenesis: Pathogen is virus. Infected by sap, can also be infected by aphids, generally conducive to aphids breeding activities of the weather or ecological environment conducive to disease.

3. Prevention and control methods

(1) Early detection and timely removal of diseased plants;

(2) timely and comprehensive spraying to kill aphids. spray with 2000 times solution of 50% pirimicarb emulsifiable concentrate and 1500 time solution of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder once every 8~10 days for 2~3 times continuously.

(3) Using large-area joint defense, the effect is better.

(3) Fusarium wilt and root rot: spray 25% propiconazole emulsifiable concentrate 700-1500 times or 70% mefendazole wettable powder 2000-3000 times solution on the root soil until it is wet during seedling stage and flowering and pod setting stage.

(4) Powdery mildew: spray with 20% myclobutanil microemulsion 2000 - 3000 times solution, 20% difenoconazole 4000 - 6000 times solution or 43% tebuconazole 3000 times solution;

II. Pests

(1) Liriomyza variegata: spray 0.5% green card microemulsion 1500~3000 times or pesticide emulsifiable concentrate 1000 ~2000 times;

(2) Pieris rapae, Plutella xylostella and other pests are controlled by spraying biological pesticides such as 0.5% emamectin 1500~3000 times solution and 2% abamectin 3000~5000 times solution.