
How much is the price of high-quality and high-yield early garden bamboo? How many plants are there in a clump? What is the planting density? What are the cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zaoyuan bamboo, also known as sand bamboo, cinnamon bamboo, early bamboo, thunder bamboo, Yan bamboo, is a kind of bamboo with high quality and high yield. And it has the advantages of low cost and good benefit. How much is the price of bamboo in the early garden? How many plants are there in a clump? What is the planting density? What are the cultivation techniques?

Zaoyuan bamboo, also known as sand bamboo, cinnamon bamboo, early bamboo, thunder bamboo, Yan bamboo, is a kind of bamboo with high quality and high yield. And it has the advantages of low cost and good benefit. How much is the price of bamboo in the early garden? How many plants are there in a clump? What is the planting density? What are the cultivation techniques? It is learned from Jiangsu Garden Base that the price of rice diameter 2CM height 350CM early garden bamboo is about 2 yuan per tree.

How many bamboos are there in the morning garden?

Zaoyuan bamboo is scattered bamboo, there is no concept of a clump, and in some cases, several stalks are dug together to calculate a mud ball with several stalks. Tufted bamboos only have the concept of a clump, but even tufted bamboos have different culms per clump. For example, Xiaoshun bamboo can range from a few to a few hundred culms.

What is the planting density of bamboo in the morning garden?

The planting density of bamboo in early garden is generally 2.5m × 3m or 3m × 3m, with 70-90 trees per mu.

What are the cultivation techniques of bamboo in early garden?

The main results are as follows: 1. Garden site selection: the soil is required to be loose, breathable and fertile, and it is better to use Wusha soil and sandy loam with deep soil layer, air permeability and good water retention. Common red soil and yellow soil are also suitable for cultivation. Saline-alkali soil and calcareous soil are not suitable for cultivation. Soil depth requires more than 50cm, PH value is about 4.5-7.0. it is suitable to be slightly acidic or neutral, and the groundwater level should be above 1m. The slope is less than 20 °and the elevation is less than 250m. Zaoyuan bamboo likes to be wet and afraid of stagnant water, light and wind, so it should be planted on the southeast and south slopes with sufficient light and leeward.

2. Mother bamboo selection: it is better for mother bamboo to be 1-2 years old, because the bamboo whip of this mother bamboo has strong whip vitality, full lateral buds, well-developed root system, and it is easy to take root after planting. We should also pay attention to the selection of mother bamboo with strong growth, symmetrical internodes, low branches, no diseases and insect pests and no flowering branches. Mother bamboo should not be too thick or too thin, the general DBH should be about 8cm, 1 plant per pier, a few 2 plants, 8-10 kg of lodging soil. When digging, pay attention to keep a good whip, to whip 10cm, to whip 15cm. Keep the branches in 5-7 gear and cut off the excess branches to reduce water evaporation.

2. Bamboo afforestation in the early garden can be planted except for summer day, freezing day and bamboo shoot growing period, but it is better for plum season from late May to June and sweet-scented osmanthus season in September. The planting density is generally 2.5m × 3m or 3m × 3m, with 70-90 plants per mu. Forest land with slope, plant or build terraces according to the contours, dig 80cm × 50cm × 40cm planting hole, the bottom of the hole should be flat, the topsoil should be put aside, put about 10 kg of rotten barnyard manure or 1 kg of vegetable cake in the hole, cover the fertilizer with 10 cm fine mud, and then plant bamboo seedlings, cover the topsoil first, and then restore the core soil; you can also temporarily not apply bottom fertilizer, plant bamboo first, and then apply fertilizer after the mother bamboo survives the following year. Do not apply more urea, compound fertilizer and thick animal fertilizer in the hole, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage to mother bamboo and affect the survival rate of afforestation. Planting bamboo should be shallow rather than deep, but slightly deeper than the original. Generally, it is better to use bamboo whip 20-24cm in the soil. After planting, mother bamboo should be properly watered in case of insufficient precipitation, so as not to make bamboo leaves lose water as far as possible.

Disease prevention and cure

1. Aphids

Commonly known as greasy insects, oil insects, the harm in spring and summer is the most serious. 1. Maintain the reasonable density of bamboo forest and enhance the ventilation and light transmission in the forest. 2. In early spring, spray 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times or 80% dichlorvos 800-1000 times. 3. Pay attention to protecting ladybugs, lacewings and other natural enemies.

2. Bamboo borer

Commonly known as leaf rollers, the damage usually occurs from May to July, and the peak is in the middle of June. From January to July, use black light to trap and kill adults (moths). In February and June, spray with 20% permethrin 1000 times or 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times. 3. In autumn and winter (October-December), forest land is reclaimed and larvae or soil cocoons are killed.

3. Bamboo wasp

Commonly known as firecracker insects, the damaged branchlets are enlarged at the internodes, and the period from May to September is a dangerous period. 1. Strengthen tending and management, loosen the soil and fertilize in time. In the first and middle of May, adults were sprayed with 1000-1500 times of 80% dichlorvos or 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion. 3. In the early stage of larvae (mid-May to June), 40% omethoate was injected into the bamboo cavity 10 times with water, and each plant was injected with about 2 ml.

4. Golden needle worm

Commonly known as iron filariasis, it is the main underground pest that harms bamboo shoots in the early orchard. The pest activity occurs when the soil temperature reaches about 15 ℃, and the peak period is from March to April. The main results are as follows: 1. When digging and retreating bamboo shoots, the pests will be killed directly. 2. Seriously harmful bamboo forests should be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon 400-500 times liquid or 5% phoxim granules into the soil layer of about 15 cm at a rate of 2-2.5 kg per mu after the shooting period (late April).

5. Bamboo clump disease

Commonly known as bamboo broom disease, Nestle disease, diseased branches continue to grow side branches shaped like brooms or birds' nests. 1. Strengthen tending and management, loosen the soil and apply fertilizer in time to improve disease resistance. 2. Clear the woodland and cut down the seriously sick bamboo. Before March or April, cut off all the branches in the forest and burn them.

6. Bamboo stalk rust

It often occurs in the middle and lower part of bamboo culm or at the base of bamboo culm, and yellow bacteria are produced in the diseased part in summer and winter. 1. Strengthen the tending and management and maintain a reasonable amount of standing bamboo. 2. In winter, remove seriously diseased bamboos in the forest. 3. Before the end of March, scrape off the yellow bacteria and some of the bamboo leaves around them manually, and be careful not to jump the knife or leave behind.