
How to peel Asteraceae lettuce quickly? Hot or cool? What can't you eat with? What's the price? Pollution-free cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lettuce, also known as green shoots, stems with lettuce, spring and autumn or overwintering cultivation, mainly in spring and summer harvest. How do you peel the lettuce quickly? Hot or cool? What can't you eat with?

Lettuce, also known as green shoots, stems with lettuce, spring and autumn or overwintering cultivation, mainly in spring and summer harvest. How do you peel the lettuce quickly? Hot or cool? What can't you eat with? What's the price? What are the pollution-free cultivation techniques?

How to peel lettuce quickly?

1. Remove the leaves from the surface of the lettuce and remove the stale parts of the roots.

2. Cut the lettuce into several sections and cut it according to the length you want.

3. Put the lettuce vertically on the chopping board and cut down to remove the skin of the lettuce.

4. Be careful not to cut the lettuce too thick when cutting. One hand presses the lettuce, the other is responsible for peeling the lettuce down, and then cut it in a different place.

Is lettuce hot or cool?

1. Lettuce tastes sweet and cool. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to cool food. It has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis and clearing stomach heat. It is more suitable for people with hot physique to eat.

2. Lettuce is rich in potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and other mineral elements. when they enter the human stomach, its products are alkaline. From a nutritional point of view, lettuce is an alkaline food.

What can't you eat lettuce with?

1. Lettuce + honey: the combination of lettuce and honey is not conducive to gastrointestinal peristalsis. In severe cases, it may cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, such as diarrhea and other symptoms.

2. Lettuce + Asarum: Asarum temperature, divergent solution. The functional taste of the two is not suitable to eat together, so people who treat diseases with Asarum should not eat lettuce together, otherwise it will reduce the efficacy.

3. Lettuce + cheese: cheese is oily food, while lettuce is cold. Eating both of them can easily lead to indigestion and diarrhea. At the same time, when lettuce is eaten raw, it will be contaminated by parasites such as hookworm and Ascaris lumbricoides, which is not conducive to human health.

What's the price of lettuce?

Suzhou Nanhuanqiao Market Development Co., Ltd.-lettuce Price: 1.20 yuan / kg

Qingdao Huanghe Road Market Management Service Co., Ltd.-lettuce Price: 2.50 yuan / kg

Tianhui supermarket-lettuce price: 3.40 yuan / kg

Shandong Laixi Dongzhuangtou vegetable Wholesale Market-lettuce Price: 1.40 yuan / kg

Wuxi Chaoyang Co., Ltd. Agricultural products wholesale market-lettuce price: 1.71 yuan / kg

Shandong Kuangshan Agricultural products Comprehensive Trading Market Management Co., Ltd.-lettuce Price: 2.00 yuan / kg

Chaoyang Flower-lettuce Price: 3.40 yuan / kg

The average price of lettuce on April 17, 2018 is as follows: 1.71 yuan / kg (up 0.6%)

Pollution-free cultivation techniques of lettuce

I. requirements for environmental conditions

1. Temperature: the temperature of seed germination is 15-20 ℃, it can germinate in 3-4 days, the germination below 4 ℃ is very slow, and the germination above 30 ℃ is blocked. The seedlings can tolerate the low temperature of minus 2-3 ℃, the cold tolerance of adult plants is weak, the suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 11-18 ℃, the daily average temperature is more than 24 ℃, and the daily average temperature is more than 24 ℃. It is easy to be frozen, so it belongs to semi-cold-tolerant vegetables.

2. Sunshine: lettuce is a long-day crop, long-day sunshine can promote bolting and flowering, especially high temperature and long sunshine is more favorable for bolting and flowering, among the variety types, early-maturing varieties are the most sensitive, middle-maturing varieties are the second, and late-maturing varieties are dull.

3. Moisture: lettuce has different requirements for water in different growth stages, keep it moist in the seedling stage, not too dry to avoid seedling aging, properly control water in the rosette stage, and do not lack water in the tender stem fat stage, otherwise the stem is small, hard and bitter; close to the mature stage, water should not be too much to avoid tender stem cracking or soft rot and guilt root.

4. Nutrients; lettuce root distribution is shallow, requiring loose, fertile, organic matter-rich loam, like slightly acidic soil. The absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 2:1:4.

2. Key points of cultivation techniques

The main results are as follows: 1. The cultivation season; lettuce has a wide adaptability, and different varieties can be selected to arrange sowing and annual supply, mainly in spring and autumn. Generally, spring lettuce is sown from September to October and harvested from February to April; summer lettuce is sown from March to July and harvested from June to October; autumn and winter lettuce is sown from August to September and harvested from November to February of the following year.

2. Variety selection: lettuce harvested in spring should choose varieties with strong cold tolerance and early maturity, such as purple leaf, hanging silk red, two white skin; lettuce harvested in summer and autumn, strong heat tolerance should be selected, while varieties with late bolting should be selected. such as bitter leaves, Thai asparagus, Wannianzhuang; winter harvest lettuce, pointed leaves, round leaves and so on.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings: lettuce can be directly seeded, or seedlings can be raised and transplanted, and direct seeding is mostly used in off-season cultivation. The seedbed should be carefully arranged before raising seedlings, so that the soil is fine and fat, and the soil moisture is flat. Generally, the sowing rate is about 2 grams per square meter. After sowing, the soil is shallowly covered with fine soil to keep the soil moist. After full seedling and time seedling, the seedling age is 30-45 days and can be planted when there are 5-6 leaves.

4. planting density: the plant spacing of early-maturing varieties is 25-28 years, and that of middle and late-maturing varieties is 30-33 years. It can be slightly sparse in the main season and dense in the opposite season. Direct seeding is more expensive, but there is no slow seedling stage, management is more labor-intensive, attention should be paid to weeding, loosening the soil and fixing seedlings.

5. Fertilizer and water management: lettuce water and fertilizer management is strict, slightly negligent, easy to form slender plants, early bolting, affecting yield and quality, so thin land management should be fertilized, waterlogged land should be drained and irrigated. Generally, 2000-3000 kg of rotten barnyard manure is used as base manure per mu, topdressing 3-4 times, light topdressing 1-2 times in seedling stage, heavy topdressing in rosette stage and 1 time in tender stem hypertrophy stage.

6. pest control: the main pests of lettuce are aphids, thrips, ground tigers, grubs, etc., which can be controlled by imidacloprid, acetamiprid, avermectin, chlorpyrifos and other pesticides, and the diseases are mainly downy mildew and soft rot. It can be controlled with pesticides such as Klu, ethylphosphine aluminum, Pulek, dimethylisone, agricultural streptomycin and so on.

7. The harvest standard: the tip of the tender stem of lettuce was flat with the tip of the highest leaf, or the harvest period was before budding. At this time, the stem has been fully enlarged and the quality is crisp and tender. When the harvest is too late, the flower stem elongates, the fiber increases, the stem skin thickens, the meat becomes hard, and even hollow, guilt root, reduce the quality.